Sofus Albert Høgsbro Rose so-rose
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so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#26

Re-engineer "presets" to use StrEnum with mapping @propertys

2024-05-04 17:51:30 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#25

Proper SocketDef aggregation

2024-05-04 17:49:40 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#24

Node: Space-Time Modulation

2024-05-04 17:47:37 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#23

Nodes: Medium Non-Linearities

2024-05-04 17:46:33 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#22

Mediums: Spatial Variations

2024-05-04 17:45:04 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#21

Modal Solver

2024-05-04 17:44:28 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#20

Simulation Experiment: Tracker

2024-05-04 17:42:20 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#19

Problems with workflow in viewer connection operator

2024-05-04 17:35:12 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#18

Rethink Tidy3D Startup Authentication

2024-05-04 17:19:21 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#17

Node: Scene Node

2024-05-04 17:16:57 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#16

Delayed persistant write for use of persist=True CachedBLProperty in write-restricted hot-paths

2024-05-04 17:01:24 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#15

Regularized method of dynamically altering properties (esp. min/max) after initial definition

2024-05-04 16:54:07 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#14

Parse __doc__ to retrieve bpy.types.Property description attributes when using BLField

2024-05-04 16:52:14 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#13

Persisting _enum_cb_cache and _str_cb_cache in BLField

2024-05-04 16:49:15 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#12

Test on Windows

2024-05-04 16:45:56 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#11

Idea Tracker

2024-05-04 16:25:15 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#10

Scaling of the imaginary part of a complex phasor during unit conversion of the electric field

2024-05-04 16:21:35 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#9

Rename LazyValueFunc to LazyValue for clarity

2024-05-04 16:16:24 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#8

Pass a static type checker (mypy)

2024-05-04 16:14:09 +02:00

so-rose opened issue so-rose/blender_maxwell#7

Line/Plane/Volume based spatial size and spatial subdivisions in monitors

2024-05-04 16:11:36 +02:00