
16 KiB



  • [-] Exists but doesn't quite work good enough.
  • Done to working degree (the standard is "good enough for the demo").
    • See check marks underneath
  • [?] Unsure whether we should do this.


[x] Wave Constant

  • Implement export of frequency / wavelength array/range. [-] Unit System
  • Implement presets, including "Tidy3D" and "Blender", shown in the label row.

[ ] Constants / Scientific Constant [x] Constants / Number Constant [ ] Constants / Physical Constant

  • Pol: Elliptical plot viz
  • Pol: Poincare sphere viz Constants / Blender Constant

[x] Web / Tidy3D Web Importer

[ ] File Import / JSON File Import

  • Dropdown to choose various supported JSON-sourced objects incl. File Import / Tidy3D File Import
  • Implement HDF-based import of Tidy3D-exported object (which includes ex. mesh data and such) File Import / Array File Import
  • Standardize 1D and 2D array loading/saving on numpy's savetxt with gzip enabled.
  • Implement datatype dropdown to guide format from disk, prefilled to detected.
  • Implement unit system input to guide conversion from numpy data type.
  • Implement a LazyValue to provide a data path that avoids having to load massive arrays every time always.


[x] Viewer

  • BIG ONE: Remove image preview when disabling plots.
  • Either enforce singleton, or find a way to have several viewers at the same time.
  • A setting that live-previews just a value.
  • Pop-up multiline string print as alternative to console print.
  • Toggleable auto-plot, auto-3D-preview, auto-value-view, (?)auto-text-view.

[x] Web Export / Tidy3D Web Exporter

  • We need better ways of doing checks before uploading, like for monitor data size. Maybe a SimInfo node?
  • We need to be able to "delete and re-upload" (or maybe just delete from the interface).
  • Implement estimation of monitor storage
  • Implement cost estimation
  • [?] Merge with the Tidy3D File Import (since both are working with HDFs; the web one only really does downloading too).

[x] File Export / JSON File Export [ ] File Import / Tidy3D File Export

  • Implement HDF-based export of Tidy3D-exported object (which includes ex. mesh data and such) File Export / Array File Export
  • Implement datatype dropdown to guide format on disk.
  • Implement unit system input to guide conversion to numpy data type.
  • Standardize 1D and 2D array loading/saving on numpy's savetxt with gzip enabled.


[x] Monitor Data Viz


[x] Temporal Shapes / Gaussian Pulse Temporal Shape [x] Temporal Shapes / Continuous Wave Temporal Shape [ ] Temporal Shapes / Symbolic Temporal Shape

  • Specify a Sympy function to generate appropriate array based on Temporal Shapes / Array Temporal Shape

[x] Point Dipole Source

  • Consider a "real" mesh - the empty kind of gets stuck inside of the sim domain. [-] Plane Wave Source
  • IMPORTANT: Fix the math so that an actually valid construction emerges!!
  • Implement an oriented vector input with 3D preview. Uniform Current Source TFSF Source

[ ] Gaussian Beam Source [ ] Astigmatic Gaussian Beam Source

[ ] Mode Source

[ ] Array Source / EH Array Source [ ] Array Source / EH Equivilance Array Source


[x] Library Medium

  • Implement frequency range output PEC Medium Isotropic Medium Anisotropic Medium

[ ] Sellmeier Medium [ ] Drude Medium [ ] Drude-Lorentz Medium [ ] Debye Medium [ ] Pole-Residue Medium

[ ] Non-Linearity / chi_3 Susceptibility Non-Linearity [ ] Non-Linearity / Two-Photon Absorption Non-Linearity [ ] Non-Linearity / Kerr Non-Linearity

[ ] Space/Time epsilon/mu Modulation


[ ] BLObject Structure [x] GeoNodes Structure

  • Rewrite the bl_socket_map.py
  • Use the modifier itself as memory, via the ManagedObj
  • [?] When GeoNodes themselves declare panels, implement a grid-like tab system to select which sockets should be exposed in the node at a given point in time.

[ ] Primitive Structures / Plane Structure [x] Primitive Structures / Box Structure [x] Primitive Structures / Sphere Structure [ ] Primitive Structures / Cylinder Structure [ ] Primitive Structures / Ring Structure [ ] Primitive Structures / Capsule Structure [ ] Primitive Structures / Cone Structure


  • ALL: "Steady-State" / "Time Domain" (only if relevant).

[x] E/H Field Monitor

  • Monitor Domain as dropdown with Frequency or Time
  • Axis-aligned planar 2D (pixel) and coord-aligned box 3D (voxel). Field Power Flux Monitor
  • Monitor Domain as dropdown with Frequency or Time
  • Axis-aligned planar 2D (pixel) and coord-aligned box 3D (voxel). \epsilon Tensor Monitor
  • Axis-aligned planar 2D (pixel) and coord-aligned box 3D (voxel). Diffraction Monitor
  • Axis-aligned planar 2D (pixel)

[ ] Projected E/H Field Monitor / Cartesian Projected E/H Field Monitor

  • Use to implement the metalens: https://docs.flexcompute.com/projects/tidy3d/en/latest/notebooks/Metalens.html Projected E/H Field Monitor / Angle Projected E/H Field Monitor Projected E/H Field Monitor / K-Space Projected E/H Field Monitor

  • TODO: "Modal" solver monitoring (seems to be some kind of spatial+frequency feature, which an EM field can be decomposed into using a specially configured solver, which can be used to look for very particular kinds of effects by constraining investigations of a solver result to filter out everything that isn't these particular modes aka. features. Kind of a fourier-based redimensionalization, almost).


[-] FDTDSim

[x] Sim Domain

  • By-Medium batching of Structures when building the td.Simulation object, which can have significant performance implications.

[x] Boundary Conds

  • Rename from Bounds / BoundBox Boundary Cond / PML Bound Face
  • Implement dropdown for "Normal" and "Stable" Boundary Cond / PEC Bound Face Boundary Cond / PMC Bound Face Boundary Cond / Bloch Bound Face Boundary Cond / Periodic Bound Face Boundary Cond / Absorbing Bound Face

[ ] Sim Grid [ ] Sim Grid Axes / Auto Sim Grid Axis [ ] Sim Grid Axes / Manual Sim Grid Axis [ ] Sim Grid Axes / Uniform Sim Grid Axis [ ] Sim Grid Axes / Array Sim Grid Axis


[ ] Math

  • Implement common operations w/secondary choice of socket type based on a custom internal data structure
  • Implement angfreq/frequency/vacwl conversion. Separate Combine
  • Implement concatenation of sim-critical socket types into their multi-type


[ ] Tests / Monkey (suzanne deserves to be simulated, she may need manifolding up though :)) [ ] Tests / Wood Pile

[ ] Primitives / Plane [ ] Primitives / Box [ ] Primitives / Sphere [ ] Primitives / Cylinder [ ] Primitives / Ring [ ] Primitives / Capsule [ ] Primitives / Cone

[ ] Array / Square Array NOTE: Ring and cylinder [ ] Array / Hex Array NOTE: Ring and cylinder [ ] Hole Array / Square Hole Array: Takes a primitive hole shape. [ ] Hole Array / Hex Hole Array: Takes a primitive hole shape. [ ] Cavity Array / Hex Array w/ L-Cavity [ ] Cavity Array / Hex Array w/ H-Cavity

[ ] Crystal Sphere Lattice / Sphere FCC Array [ ] Crystal Sphere Lattice / Sphere BCC Array

Benchmark / Example Sims

[ ] Research-Grade Experiment



[x] Any [x] Bool [x] String

  • Rename from "Text" File Path Color


[x] Integer [x] Rational

  • Implement constrained SympyExpr check for Rational. Real
  • Implement min/max for ex. 0..1 factor support.
  • Implement constrained SympyExpr check for Rational. Complex


[x] Object

  • Implement default SocketDef object name Collection
  • Implement default SocketDef collection name

[x] Image

  • Implement default SocketDef image name

[x] GeoNodes

  • Implement default SocketDef geonodes name Text
  • Implement default SocketDef object name


[x] Bound Conds [ ] Bound Cond

[x] Medium [ ] Medium Non-Linearity

[x] Source [ ] Temporal Shape

  • Sane-default pulses for easy access.

[ ] Structure [ ] Monitor

[ ] FDTD Sim [ ] Sim Domain

  • [?] Toggleable option to sync the simulation time duration to the scene end time (how to handle FPS vs time-step? Should we adjust the FPS such that there is one time step per frame, while keeping the definition of "second" aligned to a unit system?) Sim Grid Sim Grid Axis

[ ] Simulation Data


[x] Cloud Task

  • Implement switcher for API-key-having config filconfig file vs. direct entry of API key. It should be auto-filled with the config file when such a thing exists.


[x] Unit System

[x] Time

[x] Angle [ ] Solid Angle (steradian)

[x] Frequency (hertz) [ ] Angular Frequency (rad*hertz)


[x] Length [x] Area [x] Volume

[ ] Point 1D [ ] Point 2D [x] Point 3D

[ ] Size 2D [x] Size 3D

[ ] Rotation 3D

  • Implement Euler methods
  • Implement Quaternion methods


[ ] Mass

[x] Speed [ ] Velocity 3D [x] Acceleration Scalar [ ] Acceleration 3D [x] Force Scalar [ ] Force 3D [ ] Pressure


[ ] Energy (joule) [ ] Power (watt) [ ] Temperature


[ ] Current (ampere) [ ] Current Density 3D

[ ] Charge (coulomb) [ ] Voltage (volts) [ ] Capacitance (farad) [ ] Resistance (ohm) [ ] Electric Conductance (siemens)

[ ] Magnetic Flux (weber) [ ] Magnetic Flux Density (tesla) [ ] Inductance (henry)

[ ] Electric Field 3D (volt*meter) [ ] Magnetic Field 3D (tesla)


[ ] Luminous Intensity (candela) [ ] Luminous Flux (lumen) [ ] Illuminance (lux)


[ ] Jones Polarization [ ] Polarization (Stokes)


[ ] Rethink the meaning of color and shapes in node sockets, including whether dynamic functionality is needed when it comes to socket shape (ex. it might be nice to know whether a socket is array-like or uses units). [ ] Rethink the meaning of color and shapes in node sockets, including whether dynamic functionality is needed when it comes to socket shape.


Registration and Contracts

[x] Finish the contract code converting from Blender sockets to our sockets based on dimensionality and the property description. [ ] Refactor the node category code; it's ugly. [?] Would be nice with some kind of indicator somewhere to help set good socket descriptions when using geonodes and wanting units.

Managed Objects

[x] Implement modifier support on the managed BL object, with special attention paid to the needs of the GeoNodes socket.

  • Implement preview toggling too, ex. using the relevant node tree collections
  • Remember, the managed object is "dumb". It's the node's responsibility to react to any relevant on_value_change, and forward all state needed by the modifier to the managed obj. It's only the managed obj's responsibility to not update any modifier value that wouldn't change anything. Implement loading the xarray-defined voxels into OpenVDB, saving it, and loading it as a managed BL object with the volume setting. Implement basic jax-driven volume voxel processing, especially cube based slicing. Implement jax-driven linear interpolation of volume voxels to an image texture, whose pixels are sized according to the dimensions of another managed plane object (perhaps a uniquely described Managed BL object itself).

Utils or Services

[ ] Dedicated module for managing the interaction with the tidy3d cloud, to help nuke all the random caches out of existance.

Node Base Class

[ ] Dedicated draw_preview-type draw functions for plot customizations.

  • For now, previewing isn't something I think should be part of the node Custom @cache/@lru_cache/@cached_property which caches by instance ID (possibly based on beartype or pydantic). When presets are used, if a preset is selected and the user alters a preset setting, then dynamically switch the preset indicator back to "Custom" to indicate that there is no active preset It seems that node.inputs and node.outputs allows the use of a move method, which may allow reordering sockets dynamically, which we should expose to the user as user-configurable ordering rules (maybe resolved with a constraint solver). [?] Mechanism for dynamic names (ex. "Library Medium" becoming "Au Medium") [-] Mechanism for selecting a blender object managed by a particular node. Mechanism for ex. specially coloring a node that is currently participating in the preview. Custom callbacks when deleting a node (in free()), to ex. delete all previews with the viewer node.

Socket Base Class

[ ] A feature use_array which allows a socket to declare that it can be both a single value and array-like (possibly constrained to a given shape). This should also allow the SocketDef to request that the input socket be initialised as a multi-input socket, once Blender updates to support those.

  • Implement a shape-selector, with a dropdown for dimensionality and an appropriate IntegerVectorProperty for each kind of shape (supporting also straight-up inf), which is declared to the node that supports array-likeness so it can decide how exactly to expose properties in the array-like context of things. Make to_sockets no-consent to new links from from_sockets of differing type (we'll see if this controls the typing story enough for now, and how much we'll need capabilities in the long run)
  • [?] Alternatively, reject non matching link types, and red-mark non matching capabilities?

Many Nodes

[ ] Implement LazyValue stuff, including LazyParamValue on a new class of constant-like input nodes that really just emit ex. sympy variables. [?] Require a Unit System for nodes that construct Tidy3D objects [ ] Medium Features

  • Accept spatial field. Else, spatial uniformity.
  • Accept non-linearity. Else, linear.
  • Accept space-time modulation. Else, static. Modal Features
  • ModeSpec, for use by ModeSource, ModeMonitor, ModeSolverMonitor. Data includes ModeSolverData, ModeData, ScalarModeFieldDataArray, ModeAmpsDataArray, ModeIndexDataArray, ModeSolver.

Development Tooling

[ ] Implement rye support [ ] Setup neovim to be an ideal editor

Version Churn

[ ] Implement real StrEnum sockets, since they appear in py3.11 [ ] Think about implementing new panels where appropriate (https://developer.blender.org/docs/release_notes/4.1/python_api/) [ ] Think about using the new bl4.1 file handler API to enable drag and drop creation of appropriate nodes (for importing files without hassle). [ ] Keep an eye on our manual __annotations__ hacking; python 3.13 is apparently fucking with it. [ ] Plan for multi-input sockets https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/commit/14106150797a6ce35e006ffde18e78ea7ae67598 (for now, just use the "Combine" node and have seperate socket types for both). [ ] Keep an eye out for volume geonodes in 4.2 (July 16, 2024), which will better allow for more complicated volume processing (we might still want/need the jax based stuff after, but let's keep it minimal just in case)


[ ] Allow specifying custom dir for keeping pip dependencies, so we can unify prod and dev (currently we hard-code a dev dependency path). [ ] Refactor top-level __init__.py to check dependencies first. If not everything is available, it should only register a minimal addon; specifically, a message telling the user that the addon requires additional dependencies (list which), and the button to install them. When the installation is done, re-check deps and register the rest of the addon. [ ] Use a Modal and multiline-text-like construction to print pip install as we install dependencies, so that the user has an idea that something is happening. [ ] Test on Windows

Node Tree Cache Semantics


  • Directly running SimulationTask.get() is bugged - it doesn't return some fields, including created_at. Listing tasks by folder is not broken.