
126 lines
3.2 KiB

import typing as typ
import bpy
import sympy as sp
import pydantic as pyd
from .....utils.pydantic_sympy import SympyExpr
from .. import base
from ... import contracts as ct
# - Blender Socket
class ComplexNumberBLSocket(base.MaxwellSimSocket):
socket_type = ct.SocketType.ComplexNumber
bl_label = "Complex Number"
# - Properties
raw_value: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(
name="Complex Number",
description="Represents a complex number (real, imaginary)",
default=(0.0, 0.0),
update=(lambda self, context: self.sync_prop("raw_value", context)),
coord_sys: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name="Coordinate System",
description="Choose between cartesian and polar form",
("CARTESIAN", "Cartesian", "Use Cartesian Coordinates", "EMPTY_AXIS", 0),
("POLAR", "Polar", "Use Polar Coordinates", "DRIVER_ROTATIONAL_DIFFERENCE", 1),
update=lambda self, context: self._sync_coord_sys(context),
# - Socket UI
def draw_value(self, col: bpy.types.UILayout) -> None:
"""Draw the value of the complex number, including a toggle for
specifying the active coordinate system.
col_row = col.row()
col_row.prop(self, "raw_value", text="")
col.prop(self, "coord_sys", text="")
# - Computation of Default Value
def value(self) -> SympyExpr:
"""Return the complex number as a sympy expression, of a form
determined by the coordinate system.
- Cartesian: a,b -> a + ib
- Polar: r,t -> re^(it)
The sympy expression representing the complex number.
v1, v2 = self.raw_value
return {
"CARTESIAN": v1 + sp.I*v2,
"POLAR": v1 * sp.exp(sp.I*v2),
def value(self, value: SympyExpr) -> None:
"""Set the complex number from a sympy expression, using an internal
representation determined by the coordinate system.
- Cartesian: a,b -> a + ib
- Polar: r,t -> re^(it)
self.raw_value = {
"CARTESIAN": (sp.re(value), sp.im(value)),
"POLAR": (sp.Abs(value), sp.arg(value)),
# - Internal Update Methods
def _sync_coord_sys(self, context: bpy.types.Context):
if self.coord_sys == "CARTESIAN":
r, theta_rad = self.raw_value
self.raw_value = (
r * sp.cos(theta_rad),
r * sp.sin(theta_rad),
elif self.coord_sys == "POLAR":
x, y = self.raw_value
cart_value = x + sp.I*y
self.raw_value = (
sp.arg(cart_value) if y != 0 else 0,
self.sync_prop("coord_sys", context)
# - Socket Configuration
class ComplexNumberSocketDef(pyd.BaseModel):
socket_type: ct.SocketType = ct.SocketType.ComplexNumber
default_value: SympyExpr = sp.S(0 + 0j)
coord_sys: typ.Literal["CARTESIAN", "POLAR"] = "CARTESIAN"
def init(self, bl_socket: ComplexNumberBLSocket) -> None:
bl_socket.value = self.default_value
bl_socket.coord_sys = self.coord_sys
# - Blender Registration