import typing as typ import bpy import sympy as sp import sympy.physics.units as spu from .. import contracts class BLSocket(bpy.types.NodeSocket): """A base type for nodes that greatly simplifies the implementation of reliable, powerful nodes. Should be used together with `contracts.BLSocketProtocol`. """ def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: typ.Any): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) ## Yucky superclass setup. # Set bl_idname cls.bl_idname = cls.socket_type.value cls.socket_color = contracts.SocketType_to_color[ cls.socket_type.value ] # Configure Use of Units if ( hasattr(cls, "use_units") and cls.socket_type in contracts.SocketType_to_units ): # Set Unit Properties cls.__annotations__["raw_unit"] = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Unit", description="Choose a unit", items=[ (unit_name, str(unit_value), str(unit_value)) for unit_name, unit_value in contracts.SocketType_to_units[ cls.socket_type ]["values"].items() ], default=contracts.SocketType_to_units[ cls.socket_type ]["default"], update=lambda self, context: self._update_unit(), ) cls.__annotations__["raw_unit_previous"] = bpy.props.StringProperty( default=contracts.SocketType_to_units[ cls.socket_type ]["default"] ) # Declare Node Property: 'preset' EnumProperty if hasattr(cls, "draw_preview"): cls.__annotations__["preview_active"] = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Preview", description="Preview the socket value", default=False, ) #################### # - Internal Methods #################### @property def units(self) -> dict[str, sp.Expr]: return contracts.SocketType_to_units[ self.socket_type ]["values"] @property def unit(self) -> sp.Expr: return contracts.SocketType_to_units[ self.socket_type ]["values"][self.raw_unit] @unit.setter def unit(self, value) -> sp.Expr: raw_unit_name = [ raw_unit_name for raw_unit_name, unit_value in contracts.SocketType_to_units[ self.socket_type ]["values"].items() if value == unit_value ][0] self.raw_unit = raw_unit_name @property def _unit_previous(self) -> sp.Expr: return contracts.SocketType_to_units[ self.socket_type ]["values"][self.raw_unit_previous] @_unit_previous.setter def _unit_previous(self, value) -> sp.Expr: raw_unit_name = [ raw_unit_name for raw_unit_name, unit_value in contracts.SocketType_to_units[ self.socket_type ]["values"].items() if value == unit_value ][0] self.raw_unit_previous = raw_unit_name def value_as_unit(self, value) -> typ.Any: """Return the given value expresse as the current internal unit, without the unit. """ if hasattr(self, "raw_value") and hasattr(self, "unit"): # (Guard) Value Compatibility if not self.is_compatible(value): msg = f"Tried setting socket ({self}) to incompatible value ({value}) of type {type(value)}" raise ValueError(msg) # Return Converted Unit return spu.convert_to( value, self.unit ) / self.unit else: raise ValueError("Tried to get 'raw_value_as_unit', but class has no 'raw_value'") def _update_unit(self) -> None: """Convert (if needed) the `raw_value` property, to use the unit set in the `unit` property. If the `raw_value` property isn't set, this only sets "unit_previous". Run right after setting the `unit` property, in order to synchronize the value with the new unit. """ if hasattr(self, "raw_value") and hasattr(self, "unit"): self.raw_value = spu.convert_to( self.raw_value * self._unit_previous, self.unit, ) / self.unit self._unit_previous = self.unit #################### # - Methods #################### def is_compatible(self, value: typ.Any) -> bool: if not hasattr(self, "compatible_types"): return True for compatible_type, checks in self.compatible_types.items(): if ( compatible_type is typ.Any or isinstance(value, compatible_type) ): return all(check(self, value) for check in checks) return False #################### # - UI #################### @classmethod def draw_color_simple(cls) -> contracts.BlenderColorRGB: return cls.socket_color def draw( self, context: bpy.types.Context, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, node: bpy.types.Node, text: str, ) -> None: if self.is_output: self.draw_output(context, layout, node, text) else: self.draw_input(context, layout, node, text) def draw_input( self, context: bpy.types.Context, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, node: bpy.types.Node, text: str, ) -> None: if self.is_linked: layout.label(text=text) return # Column col = layout.column(align=True) # Row: Label & Preview Toggle label_col_row = col.row(align=True) if hasattr(self, "draw_label_row"): self.draw_label_row(label_col_row, text) else: label_col_row.label(text=text) if hasattr(self, "draw_preview"): label_col_row.prop( self, "preview_active", toggle=True, text="", icon="SEQ_PREVIEW", ) # Row: Preview (in Box) if hasattr(self, "draw_preview"): if self.preview_active: col_box = self.draw_preview(col_box) # Row(s): Value if hasattr(self, "draw_value"): self.draw_value(col) def draw_output( self, context: bpy.types.Context, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, node: bpy.types.Node, text: str, ) -> None: layout.label(text=text)