import typing_extensions as typx import math import tidy3d as td import sympy as sp import sympy.physics.units as spu import bpy from .....utils import analyze_geonodes from ... import managed_objs from ... import contracts as ct from ... import sockets from .. import base GEONODES_PLANE_WAVE = "source_plane_wave" def convert_vector_to_spherical( v: sp.MatrixBase, ) -> tuple[str, str, sp.Expr, sp.Expr]: """Converts a vector (maybe normalized) to spherical coordinates from an arbitrary choice of injection axis. Injection axis is chosen to minimize `theta` """ x, y, z = v injection_axis = max( ('x', abs(x)), ('y', abs(y)), ('z', abs(z)), key=lambda item: item[1] )[0] ## Select injection axis that minimizes 'theta' if injection_axis == "x": direction = "+" if x >= 0 else "-" theta = sp.acos(x / sp.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)) phi = sp.atan2(z, y) elif injection_axis == "y": direction = "+" if y >= 0 else "-" theta = sp.acos(y / sp.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)) phi = sp.atan2(x, z) else: direction = "+" if z >= 0 else "-" theta = sp.acos(z / sp.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)) phi = sp.atan2(y, x) return injection_axis, direction, theta, phi class PlaneWaveSourceNode(base.MaxwellSimNode): node_type = ct.NodeType.PlaneWaveSource bl_label = "Plane Wave Source" #################### # - Sockets #################### input_sockets = { "Temporal Shape": sockets.MaxwellTemporalShapeSocketDef(), "Center": sockets.PhysicalPoint3DSocketDef(), "Direction": sockets.Real3DVectorSocketDef( default_value=sp.Matrix([0, 0, -1]) ), "Pol Angle": sockets.PhysicalAngleSocketDef(), } output_sockets = { "Source": sockets.MaxwellSourceSocketDef(), } managed_obj_defs = { "plane_wave_source": ct.schemas.ManagedObjDef( mk=lambda name: managed_objs.ManagedBLObject(name), name_prefix="", ) } #################### # - Output Socket Computation #################### @base.computes_output_socket( "Source", input_sockets={"Temporal Shape", "Center", "Direction", "Pol Angle"}, ) def compute_source(self, input_sockets: dict): temporal_shape = input_sockets["Temporal Shape"] _center = input_sockets["Center"] direction = input_sockets["Direction"] pol_angle = input_sockets["Pol Angle"] injection_axis, dir_sgn, theta, phi = convert_vector_to_spherical(direction) size = { "x": (0, math.inf, math.inf), "y": (math.inf, 0, math.inf), "z": (math.inf, math.inf, 0), }[injection_axis] center = tuple(spu.convert_to(_center, / # Display the results return td.PlaneWave( center=center, source_time=temporal_shape, size=size, direction=dir_sgn, angle_theta=theta, angle_phi=phi, pol_angle=pol_angle, ) #################### # - Preview #################### @base.on_value_changed( socket_name={"Center", "Direction"}, input_sockets={"Center", "Direction"}, managed_objs={"plane_wave_source"}, ) def on_value_changed__center_direction( self, input_sockets: dict, managed_objs: dict[str, ct.schemas.ManagedObj], ): _center = input_sockets["Center"] center = tuple([ float(el) for el in spu.convert_to(_center, / ]) _direction = input_sockets["Direction"] direction = tuple([ float(el) for el in _direction ]) ## TODO: Preview unit system?? Presume um for now # Retrieve Hard-Coded GeoNodes and Analyze Input geo_nodes =[GEONODES_PLANE_WAVE] geonodes_interface = analyze_geonodes.interface( geo_nodes, direc="INPUT" ) # Sync Modifier Inputs managed_objs["plane_wave_source"].sync_geonodes_modifier( geonodes_node_group=geo_nodes, geonodes_identifier_to_value={ geonodes_interface["Direction"].identifier: direction, ## TODO: Use 'bl_socket_map.value_to_bl`! ## - This accounts for auto-conversion, unit systems, etc. . ## - We could keep it in the node base class... ## - ...But it needs aligning with Blender, too. Hmm. } ) # Sync Object Position managed_objs["plane_wave_source"].bl_object("MESH").location = center @base.on_show_preview( managed_objs={"plane_wave_source"}, ) def on_show_preview( self, managed_objs: dict[str, ct.schemas.ManagedObj], ): managed_objs["plane_wave_source"].show_preview("MESH") self.on_value_changed__center_direction() #################### # - Blender Registration #################### BL_REGISTER = [ PlaneWaveSourceNode, ] BL_NODES = { ct.NodeType.PlaneWaveSource: ( ct.NodeCategory.MAXWELLSIM_SOURCES ) }