import tomllib from pathlib import Path import bpy #################### # - Addon Info #################### PATH_ADDON_ROOT = Path(__file__).resolve().parent # Addon Information ## bl_info is filled with PROJ_SPEC when packing the .zip. with (PATH_ADDON_ROOT / 'pyproject.toml').open('rb') as f: PROJ_SPEC = tomllib.load(f) ADDON_NAME = PROJ_SPEC['project']['name'] ADDON_VERSION = PROJ_SPEC['project']['version'] # PyDeps Path Info ## requirements.lock is written when packing the .zip. ## By default, the addon pydeps are kept in the addon dir. PATH_REQS = PATH_ADDON_ROOT / 'requirements.lock' DEFAULT_PATH_DEPS = PATH_ADDON_ROOT / '.addon_dependencies' # Logging Info ## By default, the addon file log writes to the addon dir. ## The initial .log_level contents are written when packing the .zip. ## Subsequent changes are managed by DEFAULT_LOG_PATH = PATH_ADDON_ROOT / 'addon.log' DEFAULT_LOG_PATH.touch(exist_ok=True) PATH_BOOTSTRAP_LOG_LEVEL = PATH_ADDON_ROOT / '.bootstrap_log_level' with'r') as f: BOOTSTRAP_LOG_LEVEL = int( #################### # - Addon Getters #################### def addon_prefs() -> bpy.types.AddonPreferences | None: if (addon := bpy.context.preferences.addons.get(ADDON_NAME)) is None: return None return addon.preferences