import math import tidy3d as td import sympy as sp import sympy.physics.units as spu import bpy from ... import contracts as ct from ... import sockets from .. import base class PlaneWaveSourceNode(base.MaxwellSimNode): node_type = ct.NodeType.PlaneWaveSource bl_label = "Plane Wave Source" #################### # - Sockets #################### input_sockets = { "Temporal Shape": sockets.MaxwellTemporalShapeSocketDef(), "Center": sockets.PhysicalPoint3DSocketDef(), "Direction": sockets.BoolSocketDef( default_value=True, ), "Pol": sockets.PhysicalPolSocketDef(), } output_sockets = { "Source": sockets.MaxwellSourceSocketDef(), } #################### # - Properties #################### inj_axis: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Injection Axis", description="Axis to inject plane wave along", items=[ ("X", "X", "X-Axis"), ("Y", "Y", "Y-Axis"), ("Z", "Z", "Z-Axis"), ], default="Y", update=(lambda self, context: self.sync_prop("inj_axis")), ) #################### # - Output Socket Computation #################### @base.computes_output_socket( "Source", input_sockets={"Temporal Shape", "Center", "Direction", "Pol"}, props={"inj_axis"}, ) def compute_source(self, input_sockets: dict, props: dict): temporal_shape = input_sockets["Temporal Shape"] _center = input_sockets["Center"] _direction = input_sockets["Direction"] _inj_axis = props["inj_axis"] pol = input_sockets["Pol"] direction = { False: "-", True: "+", }[_direction] center = tuple(spu.convert_to(_center, / size = { "X": (0, math.inf, math.inf), "Y": (math.inf, 0, math.inf), "Z": (math.inf, math.inf, 0), }[_inj_axis] S0, S1, S2, S3 = tuple(pol) chi = 0.5 * sp.atan2(S2, S1) psi = 0.5 * sp.asin(S3/S0) ## chi: Pol angle ## psi: Ellipticity ## TODO: Something's wonky. #angle_theta = chi #angle_phi = psi pol_angle = sp.pi/2 - chi # Display the results return td.PlaneWave( center=tuple(_center), size=size, source_time=temporal_shape, direction="+" if _direction else "-", #angle_theta=angle_theta, #angle_phi=angle_phi, #pol_angle=pol_angle, ) #################### # - Blender Registration #################### BL_REGISTER = [ PlaneWaveSourceNode, ] BL_NODES = { ct.NodeType.PlaneWaveSource: ( ct.NodeCategory.MAXWELLSIM_SOURCES ) }