import uuid import typing as typ import typing_extensions as typx import json import inspect import bpy import pydantic as pyd from .. import contracts as ct from .. import sockets CACHE: dict[str, typ.Any] = {} ## By Instance UUID ## NOTE: CACHE does not persist between file loads. _DEFAULT_LOOSE_SOCKET_SER = json.dumps({ "socket_names": [], "socket_def_names": [], "models": [], }) class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node): # Fundamentals node_type: ct.NodeType bl_idname: str use_sim_node_name: bool = False bl_label: str #draw_label(self) -> str: pass # Style bl_description: str = "" #bl_width_default: float = 0.0 #bl_width_min: float = 0.0 #bl_width_max: float = 0.0 # Sockets _output_socket_methods: dict input_sockets: dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef] = {} output_sockets: dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef] = {} input_socket_sets: dict[str, dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]] = {} output_socket_sets: dict[str, dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]] = {} # Presets presets = {} # Managed Objects managed_obj_defs: dict[ct.ManagedObjName, ct.schemas.ManagedObjDef] = {} #################### # - Initialization #################### def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: typ.Any): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # Setup Blender ID for Node if not hasattr(cls, "node_type"): msg = f"Node class {cls} does not define 'node_type', or it is does not have the type {ct.NodeType}" raise ValueError(msg) cls.bl_idname = str(cls.node_type.value) # Setup Instance ID for Node cls.__annotations__["instance_id"] = bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Instance ID", description="The instance ID of a particular MaxwellSimNode instance, used to index caches", default="", ) # Setup Name Property for Node cls.__annotations__["sim_node_name"] = bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Sim Node Name", description="The name of a particular MaxwellSimNode node, which can be used to help identify data managed by the node", default="", update=(lambda self, context: self.sync_sim_node_name(context)) ) # Setup Locked Property for Node cls.__annotations__["locked"] = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Locked State", description="The lock-state of a particular MaxwellSimNode instance, which determines the node's user editability", default=False, ) # Setup Blender Label for Node if not hasattr(cls, "bl_label"): msg = f"Node class {cls} does not define 'bl_label'" raise ValueError(msg) # Setup Callback Methods cls._output_socket_methods = { method._index_by: method for attr_name in dir(cls) if hasattr( method := getattr(cls, attr_name), "_callback_type" ) and method._callback_type == "computes_output_socket" } cls._on_value_changed_methods = { method for attr_name in dir(cls) if hasattr( method := getattr(cls, attr_name), "_callback_type" ) and method._callback_type == "on_value_changed" } cls._on_show_preview = { method for attr_name in dir(cls) if hasattr( method := getattr(cls, attr_name), "_callback_type" ) and method._callback_type == "on_show_preview" } cls._on_show_plot = { method for attr_name in dir(cls) if hasattr( method := getattr(cls, attr_name), "_callback_type" ) and method._callback_type == "on_show_plot" } cls._on_init = { method for attr_name in dir(cls) if hasattr( method := getattr(cls, attr_name), "_callback_type" ) and method._callback_type == "on_init" } # Setup Socket Set Dropdown if not len(cls.input_socket_sets) + len(cls.output_socket_sets) > 0: cls.active_socket_set = None else: ## Add Active Socket Set Enum socket_set_names = ( (_input_socket_set_names := list(cls.input_socket_sets.keys())) + [ output_socket_set_name for output_socket_set_name in cls.output_socket_sets.keys() if output_socket_set_name not in _input_socket_set_names ] ) socket_set_ids = [ socket_set_name.replace(" ", "_").upper() for socket_set_name in socket_set_names ] ## TODO: Better deriv. of sock.set. ID, ex. ( is currently invalid. ## Add Active Socket Set Enum cls.__annotations__["active_socket_set"] = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Active Socket Set", description="The active socket set", items=[ ( socket_set_name, socket_set_name, socket_set_name, ) for socket_set_id, socket_set_name in zip( socket_set_ids, socket_set_names, ) ], default=socket_set_names[0], update=lambda self, context: self.sync_active_socket_set(context), ) # Setup Preset Dropdown if not cls.presets: cls.active_preset = None else: ## TODO: Check that presets are represented in a socket that is guaranteed to be always available, specifically either a static socket or ALL static socket sets. cls.__annotations__["active_preset"] = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Active Preset", description="The active preset", items=[ ( preset_name, preset_def.label, preset_def.description, ) for preset_name, preset_def in cls.presets.items() ], default=list(cls.presets.keys())[0], update=lambda self, context: ( self.sync_active_preset()() ), ) #################### # - Generic Properties #################### def sync_active_socket_set(self, context): self.sync_sockets() self.sync_prop("active_socket_set", context) def sync_sim_node_name(self, context): if (mobjs := CACHE[self.instance_id].get("managed_objs")) is None: return for mobj_id, mobj in mobjs.items(): # Retrieve Managed Obj Definition mobj_def = self.managed_obj_defs[mobj_id] # Set Managed Obj Name = mobj_def.name_prefix + self.sim_node_name ## ManagedObj is allowed to alter the name when setting it. ## - This will happen whenever the name is taken. ## - If altered, set the 'sim_node_name' to the altered name. ## - This will cause recursion, but only once. #################### # - Managed Object Properties #################### @property def managed_objs(self): global CACHE if not CACHE.get(self.instance_id): CACHE[self.instance_id] = {} # If No Managed Objects in CACHE: Initialize Managed Objects ## - This happens on every ex. file load, init(), etc. . ## - ManagedObjects MUST the same object by name. ## - We sync our 'sim_node_name' with all managed objects. ## - (There is also a class-defined 'name_prefix' to differentiate) ## - See the 'sim_node_name' w/its sync function. if CACHE[self.instance_id].get("managed_objs") is None: # Initialize the Managed Object Instance Cache CACHE[self.instance_id]["managed_objs"] = {} # Fill w/Managed Objects by Name Socket for mobj_id, mobj_def in self.managed_obj_defs.items(): name = mobj_def.name_prefix + self.sim_node_name CACHE[self.instance_id]["managed_objs"][mobj_id] = ( ) return CACHE[self.instance_id]["managed_objs"] return CACHE[self.instance_id]["managed_objs"] #################### # - Socket Properties #################### def active_bl_sockets(self, direc: typx.Literal["input", "output"]): return self.inputs if direc == "input" else self.outputs def active_socket_set_sockets( self, direc: typx.Literal["input", "output"], ) -> dict: # No Active Socket Set: Return Nothing if not self.active_socket_set: return {} # Retrieve Active Socket Set Sockets socket_sets = ( self.input_socket_sets if direc == "input" else self.output_socket_sets ) active_socket_set_sockets = socket_sets.get( self.active_socket_set ) # Return Active Socket Set Sockets (if any) if not active_socket_set_sockets: return {} return active_socket_set_sockets def active_sockets(self, direc: typx.Literal["input", "output"]): static_sockets = ( self.input_sockets if direc == "input" else self.output_sockets ) socket_sets = ( self.input_socket_sets if direc == "input" else self.output_socket_sets ) loose_sockets = ( self.loose_input_sockets if direc == "input" else self.loose_output_sockets ) return ( static_sockets | self.active_socket_set_sockets(direc=direc) | loose_sockets ) #################### # - Loose Sockets #################### # Loose Sockets ## Only Blender props persist as instance data ser_loose_input_sockets: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Serialized Loose Input Sockets", description="JSON-serialized representation of loose input sockets.", default=_DEFAULT_LOOSE_SOCKET_SER, ) ser_loose_output_sockets: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Serialized Loose Input Sockets", description="JSON-serialized representation of loose input sockets.", default=_DEFAULT_LOOSE_SOCKET_SER, ) ## Internal Serialization/Deserialization Methods (yuck) def _ser_loose_sockets(self, deser: dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]) -> str: if not all(isinstance(model, pyd.BaseModel) for model in deser.values()): msg = "Trying to deserialize loose sockets with invalid SocketDefs (they must be `pydantic` BaseModels)." raise ValueError(msg) return json.dumps({ "socket_names": list(deser.keys()), "socket_def_names": [ model.__class__.__name__ for model in deser.values() ], "models": [ model.model_dump() for model in deser.values() if isinstance(model, pyd.BaseModel) ], }) ## Big reliance on order-preservation of dicts here.) def _deser_loose_sockets(self, ser: str) -> dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]: semi_deser = json.loads(ser) return { socket_name: getattr(sockets, socket_def_name)(**model_kwargs) for socket_name, socket_def_name, model_kwargs in zip( semi_deser["socket_names"], semi_deser["socket_def_names"], semi_deser["models"], ) if hasattr(sockets, socket_def_name) } @property def loose_input_sockets(self) -> dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]: return self._deser_loose_sockets(self.ser_loose_input_sockets) @property def loose_output_sockets(self) -> dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]: return self._deser_loose_sockets(self.ser_loose_output_sockets) ## TODO: Some caching may play a role if this is all too slow. @loose_input_sockets.setter def loose_input_sockets( self, value: dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef], ) -> None: if not value: self.ser_loose_input_sockets = _DEFAULT_LOOSE_SOCKET_SER else: self.ser_loose_input_sockets = self._ser_loose_sockets(value) # Synchronize Sockets self.sync_sockets() ## TODO: Perhaps re-init() all loose sockets anyway? @loose_output_sockets.setter def loose_output_sockets( self, value: dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef], ) -> None: if not value: self.ser_loose_output_sockets = _DEFAULT_LOOSE_SOCKET_SER else: self.ser_loose_output_sockets = self._ser_loose_sockets(value) # Synchronize Sockets self.sync_sockets() ## TODO: Perhaps re-init() all loose sockets anyway? #################### # - Socket Management #################### def _prune_inactive_sockets(self): """Remove all inactive sockets from the node. **NOTE**: Socket names must be unique within direction, active socket set, and loose socket set. """ for direc in ["input", "output"]: sockets = self.active_sockets(direc) bl_sockets = self.active_bl_sockets(direc) # Determine Sockets to Remove bl_sockets_to_remove = [ bl_socket for socket_name, bl_socket in bl_sockets.items() if socket_name not in sockets ] # Remove Sockets for bl_socket in bl_sockets_to_remove: bl_sockets.remove(bl_socket) def _add_new_active_sockets(self): """Add and initialize all non-existing active sockets to the node. Existing sockets within the given direction are not re-created. """ for direc in ["input", "output"]: sockets = self.active_sockets(direc) bl_sockets = self.active_bl_sockets(direc) # Define BL Sockets created_sockets = {} for socket_name, socket_def in sockets.items(): # Skip Existing Sockets if socket_name in bl_sockets: continue # Create BL Socket from Socket bl_socket = str(socket_def.socket_type.value), socket_name, ) bl_socket.display_shape = bl_socket.socket_shape ## `display_shape` needs to be dynamically set # Record Created Socket created_sockets[socket_name] = socket_def # Initialize Just-Created BL Sockets for socket_name, socket_def in created_sockets.items(): socket_def.init(bl_sockets[socket_name]) def sync_sockets(self) -> None: """Synchronize the node's sockets with the active sockets. - Any non-existing active socket will be added and initialized. - Any existing active socket will not be changed. - Any existing inactive socket will be removed. Must be called after any change to socket definitions, including loose sockets. """ self._prune_inactive_sockets() self._add_new_active_sockets() #################### # - Preset Management #################### def sync_active_preset(self) -> None: """Applies the active preset by overwriting the value of preset-defined input sockets. """ if not (preset_def := self.presets.get(self.active_preset)): msg = f"Tried to apply active preset, but the active preset ({self.active_preset}) is not in presets ({self.presets})" raise RuntimeError(msg) for socket_name, socket_value in preset_def.values.items(): if not (bl_socket := self.inputs.get(socket_name)): msg = f"Tried to set preset socket/value pair ({socket_name}={socket_value}), but socket is not in active input sockets ({self.inputs})" raise ValueError(msg) bl_socket.value = socket_value ## TODO: Lazy-valued presets? #################### # - UI Methods #################### def draw_buttons( self, context: bpy.types.Context, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, ) -> None: if self.locked: layout.enabled = False if self.active_preset: layout.prop(self, "active_preset", text="") if self.active_socket_set: layout.prop(self, "active_socket_set", text="") # Draw Name col = layout.column(align=False) if self.use_sim_node_name: row = col.row(align=True) row.label(text="", icon="FILE_TEXT") row.prop(self, "sim_node_name", text="") # Draw Name self.draw_props(context, col) self.draw_operators(context, col) self.draw_info(context, col) ## TODO: Managed Operators instead of this shit def draw_props(self, context, layout): pass def draw_operators(self, context, layout): pass def draw_info(self, context, layout): pass def draw_buttons_ext(self, context, layout): pass ## TODO: Side panel buttons for fanciness. def draw_plot_settings(self, context, layout): if self.locked: layout.enabled = False #################### # - Data Flow #################### def _compute_input( self, input_socket_name: ct.SocketName, kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value, ) -> typ.Any | None: """Computes the data of an input socket, by socket name and data flow kind, by asking the socket nicely via `bl_socket.compute_data`. Args: input_socket_name: The name of the input socket, as defined in `self.input_sockets`. kind: The data flow kind to compute retrieve. """ if not (bl_socket := self.inputs.get(input_socket_name)): return None #msg = f"Input socket name {input_socket_name} is not an active input sockets." #raise ValueError(msg) return bl_socket.compute_data(kind=kind) def compute_output( self, output_socket_name: ct.SocketName, kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value, ) -> typ.Any: """Computes the value of an output socket name, from its socket name. Searches methods decorated with `@computes_output_socket(output_socket_name, kind=..., ...)`, for a perfect match to the pair `socket_name..kind`. This method is run to produce the value. Args: output_socket_name: The name declaring the output socket, for which this method computes the output. Returns: The value of the output socket, as computed by the dedicated method registered using the `@computes_output_socket` decorator. """ if not ( output_socket_method := self._output_socket_methods.get( (output_socket_name, kind) ) ): msg = f"No output method for ({output_socket_name}, {str(kind.value)}" raise ValueError(msg) return output_socket_method(self) #################### # - Action Chain #################### def sync_prop(self, prop_name: str, context: bpy.types.Context): """Called when a property has been updated. """ if not hasattr(self, prop_name): msg = f"Property {prop_name} not defined on socket {self}" raise RuntimeError(msg) self.trigger_action("value_changed", prop_name=prop_name) def trigger_action( self, action: typx.Literal["enable_lock", "disable_lock", "value_changed", "show_preview", "show_plot"], socket_name: ct.SocketName | None = None, prop_name: ct.SocketName | None = None, ) -> None: """Reports that the input socket is changed. Invalidates (recursively) the cache of any managed object or output socket method that implicitly depends on this input socket. """ # Forwards Chains if action == "value_changed": # Run User Callbacks ## Careful with these, they run BEFORE propagation... ## ...because later-chain methods may rely on the results of this. for method in self._on_value_changed_methods: if ( socket_name and socket_name in method._extra_data.get("changed_sockets") ) or ( prop_name and prop_name in method._extra_data.get("changed_props") ) or ( socket_name and method._extra_data["changed_loose_input"] and socket_name in self.loose_input_sockets ): method(self) # Propagate via Output Sockets for bl_socket in self.active_bl_sockets("output"): bl_socket.trigger_action(action) # Backwards Chains elif action == "enable_lock": self.locked = True ## Propagate via Input Sockets for bl_socket in self.active_bl_sockets("input"): bl_socket.trigger_action(action) elif action == "disable_lock": self.locked = False ## Propagate via Input Sockets for bl_socket in self.active_bl_sockets("input"): bl_socket.trigger_action(action) elif action == "show_preview": # Run User Callbacks for method in self._on_show_preview: method(self) ## Propagate via Input Sockets for bl_socket in self.active_bl_sockets("input"): bl_socket.trigger_action(action) elif action == "show_plot": # Run User Callbacks ## These shouldn't change any data, BUT... ## ...because they can stop propagation, they should go first. for method in self._on_show_plot: method(self) if method._extra_data["stop_propagation"]: return ## Propagate via Input Sockets for bl_socket in self.active_bl_sockets("input"): bl_socket.trigger_action(action) #################### # - Blender Node Methods #################### @classmethod def poll(cls, node_tree: bpy.types.NodeTree) -> bool: """Run (by Blender) to determine instantiability. Restricted to the MaxwellSimTreeType. """ return node_tree.bl_idname == ct.TreeType.MaxwellSim.value def init(self, context: bpy.types.Context): """Run (by Blender) on node creation. """ global CACHE # Initialize Cache and Instance ID self.instance_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) CACHE[self.instance_id] = {} # Initialize Name self.sim_node_name = ## Only shown in draw_buttons if 'self.use_sim_node_name' # Initialize Sockets self.sync_sockets() # Apply Default Preset if self.active_preset: self.sync_active_preset() # Callbacks for method in self._on_init: method(self) def update(self) -> None: pass def free(self) -> None: """Run (by Blender) when deleting the node. """ global CACHE if not CACHE.get(self.instance_id): CACHE[self.instance_id] = {} node_tree = self.id_data # Unlock ## This is one approach to the "deleted locked nodes" problem. ## Essentially, deleting a locked node will unlock along input chain. ## It also counts if any of the input sockets are linked and locked. ## Thus, we prevent "dangling locks". ## TODO: Don't even allow deleting a locked node. if self.locked or any( bl_socket.is_linked and bl_socket.locked for bl_socket in self.inputs.values() ): self.trigger_action("disable_lock") # Free Managed Objects for managed_obj in self.managed_objs.values(): # Update NodeTree Caches ## The NodeTree keeps caches to for optimized event triggering. ## However, ex. deleted nodes also deletes links, without cache update. ## By reporting that we're deleting the node, the cache stays happy. node_tree.sync_node_removed(self) # Finally: Free Instance Cache if self.instance_id in CACHE: del CACHE[self.instance_id] def chain_event_decorator( callback_type: typ.Literal[ "computes_output_socket", "on_value_changed", "on_show_preview", "on_show_plot", "on_init", ], index_by: typ.Any | None = None, extra_data: dict[str, typ.Any] | None = None, kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value, input_sockets: set[str] = set(), ## For now, presume output_sockets: set[str] = set(), ## For now, presume loose_input_sockets: bool = False, loose_output_sockets: bool = False, props: set[str] = set(), managed_objs: set[str] = set(), req_params: set[str] = set() ): def decorator(method: typ.Callable) -> typ.Callable: # Check Function Signature Validity func_sig = set(inspect.signature(method).parameters.keys()) ## Too Little if func_sig != req_params and func_sig.issubset(req_params): msg = f"Decorated method {method.__name__} is missing arguments {req_params - func_sig}" ## Too Much if func_sig != req_params and func_sig.issuperset(req_params): msg = f"Decorated method {method.__name__} has superfluous arguments {func_sig - req_params}" raise ValueError(msg) ## Just Right :) # TODO: Check Function Annotation Validity # - w/pydantic and/or socket capabilities def decorated(node: MaxwellSimNode): # Assemble Keyword Arguments method_kw_args = {} ## Add Input Sockets if input_sockets: _input_sockets = { input_socket_name: node._compute_input(input_socket_name, kind) for input_socket_name in input_sockets } method_kw_args |= dict(input_sockets=_input_sockets) ## Add Output Sockets if output_sockets: _output_sockets = { output_socket_name: node.compute_output(output_socket_name, kind) for output_socket_name in output_sockets } method_kw_args |= dict(output_sockets=_output_sockets) ## Add Loose Sockets if loose_input_sockets: _loose_input_sockets = { input_socket_name: node._compute_input(input_socket_name, kind) for input_socket_name in node.loose_input_sockets } method_kw_args |= dict( loose_input_sockets=_loose_input_sockets ) if loose_output_sockets: _loose_output_sockets = { output_socket_name: node.compute_output(output_socket_name, kind) for output_socket_name in node.loose_output_sockets } method_kw_args |= dict( loose_output_sockets=_loose_output_sockets ) ## Add Props if props: _props = { prop_name: getattr(node, prop_name) for prop_name in props } method_kw_args |= dict(props=_props) ## Add Managed Object if managed_objs: _managed_objs = { managed_obj_name: node.managed_objs[managed_obj_name] for managed_obj_name in managed_objs } method_kw_args |= dict(managed_objs=_managed_objs) # Call Method return method( node, **method_kw_args, ) # Set Attributes for Discovery decorated._callback_type = callback_type if index_by: decorated._index_by = index_by if extra_data: decorated._extra_data = extra_data return decorated return decorator #################### # - Decorator: Output Socket #################### def computes_output_socket( output_socket_name: ct.SocketName, kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value, input_sockets: set[str] = set(), props: set[str] = set(), managed_objs: set[str] = set(), cacheable: bool = True, ): """Given a socket name, defines a function-that-makes-a-function (aka. decorator) which has the name of the socket attached. Must be used as a decorator, ex. `@compute_output_socket("name")`. Args: output_socket_name: The name of the output socket to attach the decorated method to. input_sockets: The values of these input sockets will be computed using `_compute_input`, then passed to the decorated function as `input_sockets: list[Any]`. If the input socket doesn't exist (ex. is contained in an inactive loose socket or socket set), then None is returned. managed_objs: These managed objects will be passed to the function as `managed_objs: list[Any]`. kind: Requests for this `output_socket_name, DataFlowKind` pair will be returned by the decorated function. cacheable: The output of th be returned by the decorated function. Returns: The decorator, which takes the output-socket-computing method and returns a new output-socket-computing method, now annotated and discoverable by the `MaxwellSimTreeNode`. """ req_params = {"self"} | ( {"input_sockets"} if input_sockets else set() ) | ( {"props"} if props else set() ) | ( {"managed_objs"} if managed_objs else set() ) return chain_event_decorator( callback_type="computes_output_socket", index_by=(output_socket_name, kind), kind=kind, input_sockets=input_sockets, props=props, managed_objs=managed_objs, req_params=req_params, ) #################### # - Decorator: On Show Preview #################### def on_value_changed( socket_name: set[ct.SocketName] | ct.SocketName | None = None, prop_name: set[str] | str | None = None, any_loose_input_socket: bool = False, kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value, input_sockets: set[str] = set(), props: set[str] = set(), managed_objs: set[str] = set(), ): if sum([ int(socket_name is not None), int(prop_name is not None), int(any_loose_input_socket), ]) > 1: msg = "Define only one of socket_name, prop_name or any_loose_input_socket" raise ValueError(msg) req_params = {"self"} | ( {"input_sockets"} if input_sockets else set() ) | ( {"loose_input_sockets"} if any_loose_input_socket else set() ) | ( {"props"} if props else set() ) | ( {"managed_objs"} if managed_objs else set() ) return chain_event_decorator( callback_type="on_value_changed", extra_data={ "changed_sockets": ( socket_name if isinstance(socket_name, set) else {socket_name} ), "changed_props": ( prop_name if isinstance(prop_name, set) else {prop_name} ), "changed_loose_input": any_loose_input_socket, }, kind=kind, input_sockets=input_sockets, loose_input_sockets=any_loose_input_socket, props=props, managed_objs=managed_objs, req_params=req_params, ) def on_show_preview( kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value, input_sockets: set[str] = set(), ## For now, presume only same kind output_sockets: set[str] = set(), ## For now, presume only same kind props: set[str] = set(), managed_objs: set[str] = set(), ): req_params = {"self"} | ( {"input_sockets"} if input_sockets else set() ) | ( {"output_sockets"} if output_sockets else set() ) | ( {"props"} if props else set() ) | ( {"managed_objs"} if managed_objs else set() ) return chain_event_decorator( callback_type="on_show_preview", kind=kind, input_sockets=input_sockets, output_sockets=output_sockets, props=props, managed_objs=managed_objs, req_params=req_params, ) def on_show_plot( kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value, input_sockets: set[str] = set(), output_sockets: set[str] = set(), props: set[str] = set(), managed_objs: set[str] = set(), stop_propagation: bool = False, ): req_params = {"self"} | ( {"input_sockets"} if input_sockets else set() ) | ( {"output_sockets"} if output_sockets else set() ) | ( {"props"} if props else set() ) | ( {"managed_objs"} if managed_objs else set() ) return chain_event_decorator( callback_type="on_show_plot", extra_data={ "stop_propagation": stop_propagation, }, kind=kind, input_sockets=input_sockets, output_sockets=output_sockets, props=props, managed_objs=managed_objs, req_params=req_params, ) def on_init( kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value, input_sockets: set[str] = set(), output_sockets: set[str] = set(), props: set[str] = set(), managed_objs: set[str] = set(), ): req_params = {"self"} | ( {"input_sockets"} if input_sockets else set() ) | ( {"output_sockets"} if output_sockets else set() ) | ( {"props"} if props else set() ) | ( {"managed_objs"} if managed_objs else set() ) return chain_event_decorator( callback_type="on_init", kind=kind, input_sockets=input_sockets, output_sockets=output_sockets, props=props, managed_objs=managed_objs, req_params=req_params, )