import tidy3d as td import numpy as np import sympy as sp import sympy.physics.units as spu import bpy from bpy_types import bpy_types import bmesh from ... import contracts from ... import sockets from .. import base GEONODES_MODIFIER_NAME = "BLMaxwell_GeoNodes" # Monkey-Patch Sympy Types ## TODO: This needs to be a more generic thing, this isn't the only place we're setting blender interface values. def parse_scalar(scalar): if isinstance(scalar, sp.Integer): return int(scalar) elif isinstance(scalar, sp.Float): return float(scalar) elif isinstance(scalar, sp.Rational): return float(scalar) elif isinstance(scalar, sp.Expr): return float(scalar.n()) return scalar def parse_bl_to_sp(scalar): if isinstance(scalar, bpy_types.bpy_prop_array): return sp.Matrix(tuple(scalar)) return scalar class GeoNodesStructureNode(base.MaxwellSimTreeNode): node_type = contracts.NodeType.GeoNodesStructure bl_label = "GeoNodes Structure" #bl_icon = ... #################### # - Sockets #################### input_sockets = { "preview_target": sockets.BlenderPreviewTargetSocketDef( label="Preview Target", ), "blender_unit_system": sockets.PhysicalUnitSystemSocketDef( label="Blender Units", ), "medium": sockets.MaxwellMediumSocketDef( label="Medium", ), "geo_nodes": sockets.BlenderGeoNodesSocketDef( label="GeoNodes", ), } output_sockets = { "structure": sockets.MaxwellStructureSocketDef( label="Structure", ), } #################### # - Output Socket Computation #################### @base.computes_output_socket("structure") def compute_simulation(self: contracts.NodeTypeProtocol) -> td.TriangleMesh: # Extract the Blender Object bl_object = self.compute_input("object") # Ensure Updated Geometry bpy.context.view_layer.update() # Triangulate Object Mesh bmesh_mesh = bmesh_mesh.from_object( bl_object, bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get(), ) bmesh.ops.triangulate(bmesh_mesh, faces=bmesh_mesh.faces) mesh ="TriangulatedMesh") bmesh_mesh.to_mesh(mesh) # Extract Vertices and Faces vertices = np.array([ for vert in mesh.vertices]) faces = np.array([ [vert for vert in poly.vertices] for poly in mesh.polygons ]) # Remove Temporary Mesh return td.Structure( geometry=td.TriangleMesh.from_vertices_faces(vertices, faces), medium=self.compute_input("medium") ) #################### # - Update Function #################### def free(self) -> None: bl_socket = self.g_input_bl_socket("preview_target") def update_cb(self) -> None: bl_object = self.compute_input("preview_target") if bl_object is None: return geo_nodes = self.compute_input("geo_nodes") if geo_nodes is None: return bl_modifier = bl_object.modifiers.get(GEONODES_MODIFIER_NAME) if bl_modifier is None: return # Set GeoNodes Modifier Attributes for idx, interface_item in enumerate( geo_nodes.interface.items_tree.values() ): if idx == 0: continue ## Always-on "Geometry" Input (from Object) # Retrieve Input Socket bl_socket = self.inputs[ ] # Retrieve Linked/Unlinked Input Socket Value if bl_socket.is_linked: linked_bl_socket = bl_socket.links[0].from_socket linked_bl_node = bl_socket.links[0].from_node val = linked_bl_node.compute_output( linked_bl_node.g_output_socket_name( ) ) ## What a bunch of spaghetti else: val = bl_socket.default_value # Retrieve Unit-System Corrected Modifier Value bl_unit_system = self.compute_input("blender_unit_system") socket_type = contracts.SocketType[ bl_socket.bl_idname.removesuffix("SocketType") ] if socket_type in bl_unit_system: unitless_val = spu.convert_to( val, bl_unit_system[socket_type], ) / bl_unit_system[socket_type] else: unitless_val = val if isinstance(unitless_val, sp.matrices.MatrixBase): unitless_val = tuple( parse_scalar(scalar) for scalar in unitless_val ) else: unitless_val = parse_scalar(unitless_val) # Conservatively Set Differing Values if bl_modifier[interface_item.identifier] != unitless_val: bl_modifier[interface_item.identifier] = unitless_val # Update DepGraph def update_sockets_from_geonodes(self) -> None: # Remove All "Loose" Sockets socket_labels = { socket_def.label for socket_def in self.input_sockets.values() } | { socket_def.label for socket_set_name, socket_set in self.input_socket_sets.items() for socket_name, socket_def in socket_set.items() } bl_sockets_to_remove = { bl_socket for bl_socket_name, bl_socket in self.inputs.items() if bl_socket_name not in socket_labels } for bl_socket in bl_sockets_to_remove: self.inputs.remove(bl_socket) # Query for Blender Object / Geo Nodes bl_object = self.compute_input("preview_target") if bl_object is None: return # Remove Existing GeoNodes Modifier if GEONODES_MODIFIER_NAME in bl_object.modifiers: modifier_to_remove = bl_object.modifiers[GEONODES_MODIFIER_NAME] bl_object.modifiers.remove(modifier_to_remove) # Retrieve GeoNodes Tree geo_nodes = self.compute_input("geo_nodes") if geo_nodes is None: return # Add Non-Static Sockets from GeoNodes for bl_socket_name, bl_socket in geo_nodes.interface.items_tree.items(): # For now, don't allow Geometry inputs. if bl_socket.socket_type == "NodeSocketGeometry": continue # Establish Dimensions of GeoNodes Input Sockets if ( bl_socket.description.startswith("2D") ): dimensions = 2 elif ( bl_socket.socket_type.startswith("NodeSocketVector") or bl_socket.socket_type.startswith("NodeSocketColor") or bl_socket.socket_type.startswith("NodeSocketRotation") ): dimensions = 3 else: dimensions = 1 # Choose Socket via. Description Hint (if exists) if ( ":" in bl_socket.description and "(" in (desc_hint := bl_socket.description.split(":")[0]) and ")" in desc_hint ): for tag in contracts.BLNodeSocket_to_SocketType_by_desc[ dimensions ]: if desc_hint.startswith(tag): contracts.BLNodeSocket_to_SocketType_by_desc[ dimensions ][tag], bl_socket_name, ) if len([ (unit := _unit) for _unit in contracts.SocketType_to_units[ contracts.SocketType[ self.inputs[bl_socket_name].bl_idname.removesuffix("SocketType") ] ]["values"].values() if desc_hint[ desc_hint.find("(")+1 : desc_hint.find(")") ] == str(_unit) ]) > 0: self.inputs[bl_socket_name].unit = unit elif bl_socket.socket_type in contracts.BLNodeSocket_to_SocketType[ dimensions ]: contracts.BLNodeSocket_to_SocketType[ dimensions ][bl_socket.socket_type], bl_socket_name, ) # Create New GeoNodes Modifier if GEONODES_MODIFIER_NAME not in bl_object.modifiers: modifier = name=GEONODES_MODIFIER_NAME, type="NODES", ) modifier.node_group = geo_nodes # Set Default Values for interface_item in geo_nodes.interface.items_tree.values(): if ( in self.inputs and hasattr(interface_item, "default_value") ): bl_socket = self.inputs[ ] if hasattr(bl_socket, "use_units"): bl_unit_system = self.compute_input("blender_unit_system") socket_type = contracts.SocketType[ bl_socket.bl_idname.removesuffix("SocketType") ] bl_socket.default_value = ( parse_bl_to_sp(interface_item.default_value) * bl_unit_system[socket_type] ) else: bl_socket.default_value = parse_bl_to_sp(interface_item.default_value) #################### # - Blender Registration #################### BL_REGISTER = [ GeoNodesStructureNode, ] BL_NODES = { contracts.NodeType.GeoNodesStructure: ( contracts.NodeCategory.MAXWELLSIM_STRUCTURES ) }