import json import tempfile import functools import typing as typ import json from pathlib import Path import bpy import sympy as sp import pydantic as pyd import tidy3d as td import tidy3d.web as _td_web from ......utils.auth_td_web import g_td_web, is_td_web_authed from .... import contracts as ct from .... import sockets from ... import base #################### # - Task Getters #################### ## TODO: We should probably refactor this setup. @functools.cache def estimated_task_cost(task_id: str): return _td_web.api.webapi.estimate_cost(task_id) @functools.cache def billed_task_cost(task_id: str): return _td_web.api.webapi.real_cost(task_id) @functools.cache def task_status(task_id: str): task = _td_web.api.webapi.get_info(task_id) return task.status #################### # - Progress Timer #################### ## TODO: We should probably refactor this too. class Tidy3DTaskStatusModalOperator(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "blender_maxwell.tidy_3d_task_status_modal_operator" bl_label = "Tidy3D Task Status Modal Operator" _timer = None _task_id = None _node = None _status = None _reported_done = False def modal(self, context, event): # Retrieve New Status task_status.cache_clear() new_status = task_status(self._task_id) if new_status != self._status: task_status.cache_clear() self._status = new_status # Check Done Status if self._status in {"success", "error"}: # Report Done if not self._reported_done: self._node.trigger_action("value_changed") self._reported_done = True # Finish when Billing is Known if not billed_task_cost(self._task_id): billed_task_cost.cache_clear() else: return {'FINISHED'} return {'PASS_THROUGH'} def execute(self, context): node = context.node wm = context.window_manager self._timer = wm.event_timer_add(0.25, window=context.window) self._task_id = node.uploaded_task_id self._node = node self._status = task_status(self._task_id) wm.modal_handler_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} #################### # - Web Uploader / Loader / Runner / Releaser #################### ## TODO: We should probably refactor this too. class Tidy3DWebUploadOperator(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "blender_maxwell.tidy_3d_web_upload_operator" bl_label = "Tidy3D Web Upload Operator" bl_description = "Upload the attached (locked) simulation, such that it is ready to run on the Tidy3D cloud" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): space = context.space_data return ( space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and space.node_tree is not None and space.node_tree.bl_idname == "MaxwellSimTreeType" and is_td_web_authed() and hasattr(context, "node") and context.node.lock_tree ) def execute(self, context): node = context.node node.web_upload() return {'FINISHED'} class Tidy3DLoadUploadedOperator(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "blender_maxwell.tidy_3d_load_uploaded_operator" bl_label = "Tidy3D Load Uploaded Operator" bl_description = "Load an already-uploaded simulation, as selected in the dropdown of the 'Cloud Task' socket" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): space = context.space_data return ( space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and space.node_tree is not None and space.node_tree.bl_idname == "MaxwellSimTreeType" and is_td_web_authed() and hasattr(context, "node") and context.node.lock_tree ) def execute(self, context): node = context.node node.load_uploaded_task() # Load Simulation to Compare ## Load Local Sim local_sim = node._compute_input("FDTD Sim") ## Load Cloud Sim task_id = node.compute_output("Cloud Task") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: _path_tmp = Path( _path_tmp.rename( + ".json") path_tmp = Path( + ".json") cloud_sim = _td_web.api.webapi.load_simulation(task_id, path=str(path_tmp)) Path(path_tmp).unlink() ## Compare if local_sim != cloud_sim: node.release_uploaded_task() msg = "Loaded simulation doesn't match input simulation" raise ValueError(msg) return {'FINISHED'} class RunUploadedTidy3DSim(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "blender_maxwell.run_uploaded_tidy_3d_sim" bl_label = "Run Uploaded Tidy3D Sim" bl_description = "Run the currently uploaded (and loaded) simulation" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): space = context.space_data return ( space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and space.node_tree is not None and space.node_tree.bl_idname == "MaxwellSimTreeType" and is_td_web_authed() and hasattr(context, "node") and context.node.lock_tree and context.node.uploaded_task_id and task_status(context.node.uploaded_task_id) == "draft" ) def execute(self, context): node = context.node node.run_uploaded_task() bpy.ops.blender_maxwell.tidy_3d_task_status_modal_operator() return {'FINISHED'} class ReleaseTidy3DExportOperator(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "blender_maxwell.release_tidy_3d_export_operator" bl_label = "Release Tidy3D Export Operator" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): space = context.space_data return ( space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and space.node_tree is not None and space.node_tree.bl_idname == "MaxwellSimTreeType" and is_td_web_authed() and hasattr(context, "node") and context.node.lock_tree and context.node.uploaded_task_id ) def execute(self, context): node = context.node node.release_uploaded_task() return {'FINISHED'} #################### # - Web Exporter Node #################### class Tidy3DWebExporterNode(base.MaxwellSimNode): node_type = ct.NodeType.Tidy3DWebExporter bl_label = "Tidy3DWebExporter" input_sockets = { "FDTD Sim": sockets.MaxwellFDTDSimSocketDef(), "Cloud Task": sockets.Tidy3DCloudTaskSocketDef( task_exists=False, ), } output_sockets = { "Cloud Task": sockets.Tidy3DCloudTaskSocketDef( task_exists=True, ), } lock_tree: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Whether to lock the attached tree", description="Whether or not to lock the attached tree", default=False, update=(lambda self, context: self.sync_lock_tree(context)), ) uploaded_task_id: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Uploaded Task ID", description="The uploaded task ID", default="", ) #################### # - Sync Methods #################### def sync_lock_tree(self, context): node_tree = self.id_data if self.lock_tree: self.trigger_action("enable_lock") self.locked = False for bl_socket in self.inputs: if == "FDTD Sim": continue bl_socket.locked = False else: self.trigger_action("disable_lock") #################### # - Output Socket Callbacks #################### def web_upload(self): if not (sim := self._compute_input("FDTD Sim")): raise ValueError("Must attach simulation") if not (new_task_dict := self._compute_input("Cloud Task")): raise ValueError("No valid cloud task defined") td_web = g_td_web(None) ## Presume already auth'ed self.uploaded_task_id = td_web.api.webapi.upload( sim, **new_task_dict, verbose=True, ) self.inputs["Cloud Task"].sync_task_loaded(self.uploaded_task_id) def load_uploaded_task(self): self.inputs["Cloud Task"].sync_task_loaded(None) self.uploaded_task_id = self._compute_input("Cloud Task") self.trigger_action("value_changed") def run_uploaded_task(self): td_web = g_td_web(None) ## Presume already auth'ed td_web.api.webapi.start(self.uploaded_task_id) self.trigger_action("value_changed") def release_uploaded_task(self): self.uploaded_task_id = "" self.inputs["Cloud Task"].sync_task_released(specify_new_task=True) self.trigger_action("value_changed") #################### # - UI #################### def draw_operators(self, context, layout): is_authed = is_td_web_authed() has_uploaded_task_id = bool(self.uploaded_task_id) # Row: Run Simulation row = layout.row(align=True) if has_uploaded_task_id: row.enabled = False row.operator( Tidy3DWebUploadOperator.bl_idname, text="Upload Sim", ) tree_lock_icon = "LOCKED" if self.lock_tree else "UNLOCKED" row.prop(self, "lock_tree", toggle=True, icon=tree_lock_icon, text="") # Row: Run Simulation row = layout.row(align=True) if is_authed and has_uploaded_task_id: run_sim_text = f"Run Sim (~{estimated_task_cost(self.uploaded_task_id):.3f} credits)" else: run_sim_text = f"Run Sim" row.operator( RunUploadedTidy3DSim.bl_idname, text=run_sim_text, ) if has_uploaded_task_id: tree_lock_icon = "LOOP_BACK" row.operator( ReleaseTidy3DExportOperator.bl_idname, icon="LOOP_BACK", text="", ) else: row.operator( Tidy3DLoadUploadedOperator.bl_idname, icon="TRIA_UP_BAR", text="", ) # Row: Simulation Progress if is_authed and has_uploaded_task_id: progress = { "draft": (0.0, "Waiting to Run..."), "initialized": (0.0, "Initializing..."), "queued": (0.0, "Queued..."), "preprocessing": (0.05, "Pre-processing..."), "running": (0.2, "Running..."), "postprocessing": (0.85, "Post-processing..."), "success": (1.0, f"Success (={billed_task_cost(self.uploaded_task_id)} credits)"), "error": (1.0, f"Error (={billed_task_cost(self.uploaded_task_id)} credits)"), }[task_status(self.uploaded_task_id)] layout.separator() row = layout.row(align=True) row.progress( factor=progress[0], type="BAR", text=progress[1], ) #################### # - Output Methods #################### @base.computes_output_socket( "Cloud Task", input_sockets={"Cloud Task"}, ) def compute_cloud_task(self, input_sockets: dict) -> str | None: if self.uploaded_task_id: return self.uploaded_task_id return None #################### # - Update #################### @base.on_value_changed(socket_name="FDTD Sim") def on_value_changed__fdtd_sim(self): estimated_task_cost.cache_clear() task_status.cache_clear() billed_task_cost.cache_clear() @base.on_value_changed(socket_name="Cloud Task") def on_value_changed__cloud_task(self): estimated_task_cost.cache_clear() task_status.cache_clear() billed_task_cost.cache_clear() #################### # - Blender Registration #################### BL_REGISTER = [ Tidy3DWebUploadOperator, Tidy3DTaskStatusModalOperator, RunUploadedTidy3DSim, Tidy3DLoadUploadedOperator, ReleaseTidy3DExportOperator, Tidy3DWebExporterNode, ] BL_NODES = { ct.NodeType.Tidy3DWebExporter: ( ct.NodeCategory.MAXWELLSIM_OUTPUTS_EXPORTERS ) }