import tomllib from pathlib import Path import bpy from . import operators_nodeps, preferences, registration from .utils import pydeps from .utils import logger as _logger log = _logger.get() PATH_ADDON_ROOT = Path(__file__).resolve().parent with (PATH_ADDON_ROOT / 'pyproject.toml').open('rb') as f: PROJ_SPEC = tomllib.load(f) #################### # - Addon Information #################### # The following parameters are replaced when packing the addon ZIP ## - description ## - version bl_info = { 'name': 'Maxwell PDE Sim and Viz', 'blender': (4, 1, 0), 'category': 'Node', 'description': 'Placeholder', 'author': 'Sofus Albert Høgsbro Rose', 'version': (0, 0, 0), 'wiki_url': '', 'tracker_url': '', } ## bl_info MUST readable via. ast.parse ## See scripts/ for active replacements ## The mechanism is a 'dumb' - output of 'ruff fmt' MUST be basis for replacing def ADDON_PREFS(): return bpy.context.preferences.addons[ PROJ_SPEC['project']['name'] ].preferences #################### # - Load and Register Addon #################### BL_REGISTER__BEFORE_DEPS = [ *operators_nodeps.BL_REGISTER, *preferences.BL_REGISTER, ] def BL_REGISTER__AFTER_DEPS(path_deps: Path): with pydeps.importable_addon_deps(path_deps): from . import node_trees, operators return [ *operators.BL_REGISTER, *node_trees.BL_REGISTER, ] def BL_KEYMAP_ITEM_DEFS(path_deps: Path): with pydeps.importable_addon_deps(path_deps): from . import operators return [ *operators.BL_KMI_REGISTER, ] #################### # - Registration #################### def register(): # Register Barebones Addon for Dependency Installation registration.register_classes(BL_REGISTER__BEFORE_DEPS) # Retrieve PyDeps Path from Addon Preferences addon_prefs = ADDON_PREFS() path_pydeps = addon_prefs.path_addon_pydeps # If Dependencies are Satisfied, Register Everything if pydeps.check_pydeps(path_pydeps): registration.register_classes(BL_REGISTER__AFTER_DEPS()) registration.register_keymap_items(BL_KEYMAP_ITEM_DEFS()) else: # Delay Registration registration.delay_registration( registration.EVENT__DEPS_SATISFIED, classes_cb=BL_REGISTER__AFTER_DEPS, keymap_item_defs_cb=BL_KEYMAP_ITEM_DEFS, ) # TODO: A popup before the addon fully loads or something like that? ## TODO: Communicate that deps must be installed and all that? def unregister(): registration.unregister_classes() registration.unregister_keymap_items()