import tidy3d as td import numpy as np import sympy as sp import sympy.physics.units as spu import bpy import bmesh from ... import contracts from ... import sockets from .. import base class ObjectStructureNode(base.MaxwellSimTreeNode): node_type = contracts.NodeType.ObjectStructure bl_label = "Object Structure" #bl_icon = ... #################### # - Sockets #################### input_sockets = { "medium": sockets.MaxwellMediumSocketDef( label="Medium", ), "object": sockets.BlenderObjectSocketDef( label="Object", ), } output_sockets = { "structure": sockets.MaxwellStructureSocketDef( label="Structure", ), } #################### # - Output Socket Computation #################### @base.computes_output_socket("structure") def compute_structure(self: contracts.NodeTypeProtocol) -> td.Structure: # Extract the Blender Object bl_object = self.compute_input("object") # Ensure Updated Geometry bpy.context.view_layer.update() # Triangulate Object Mesh bmesh_mesh = bmesh_mesh.from_mesh( bmesh.ops.triangulate(bmesh_mesh, faces=bmesh_mesh.faces) mesh ="TriangulatedMesh") bmesh_mesh.to_mesh(mesh) # Extract Vertices and Faces vertices = np.array([ for vert in mesh.vertices]) faces = np.array([ [vert for vert in poly.vertices] for poly in mesh.polygons ]) # Remove Temporary Mesh print(vertices) return td.Structure( geometry=td.TriangleMesh.from_vertices_faces(vertices, faces), medium=self.compute_input("medium") ) #################### # - Blender Registration #################### BL_REGISTER = [ ObjectStructureNode, ] BL_NODES = { contracts.NodeType.ObjectStructure: ( contracts.NodeCategory.MAXWELLSIM_STRUCTURES ) }