import tidy3d as td import numpy as np import sympy as sp import sympy.physics.units as spu import bpy import bmesh from ... import contracts from ... import sockets from .. import base GEONODES_MODIFIER_NAME = "BLMaxwell_GeoNodes" class GeoNodesStructureNode(base.MaxwellSimTreeNode): node_type = contracts.NodeType.GeoNodesStructure bl_label = "GeoNodes Structure" #bl_icon = ... #################### # - Sockets #################### input_sockets = { "medium": sockets.MaxwellMediumSocketDef( label="Medium", ), "object": sockets.BlenderObjectSocketDef( label="Object", ), "geo_nodes": sockets.BlenderGeoNodesSocketDef( label="GeoNodes", ), } output_sockets = { "structure": sockets.MaxwellStructureSocketDef( label="Structure", ), } #################### # - Output Socket Computation #################### @base.computes_output_socket("structure") def compute_simulation(self: contracts.NodeTypeProtocol) -> td.TriangleMesh: # Extract the Blender Object bl_object = self.compute_input("object") # Ensure Updated Geometry bpy.context.view_layer.update() # Triangulate Object Mesh bmesh_mesh = bmesh_mesh.from_mesh( bmesh.ops.triangulate(bmesh_mesh, faces=bmesh_mesh.faces) mesh ="TriangulatedMesh") bmesh_mesh.to_mesh(mesh) # Extract Vertices and Faces vertices = np.array([ for vert in mesh.vertices]) faces = np.array([ [vert for vert in poly.vertices] for poly in mesh.polygons ]) # Remove Temporary Mesh return td.Structure( geometry=td.TriangleMesh.from_vertices_faces(vertices, faces), medium=self.compute_input("medium") ) #################### # - Update Function #################### def update_cb(self) -> None: bl_object = self.compute_input("object") if bl_object is None: return geo_nodes = self.compute_input("geo_nodes") if geo_nodes is None: return bl_modifier = bl_object.modifiers.get(GEONODES_MODIFIER_NAME) if bl_modifier is None: return # Set GeoNodes Modifier Attributes for idx, interface_item in enumerate( geo_nodes.interface.items_tree.values() ): if idx == 0: continue ## Always-on "Geometry" Input (from Object) bl_socket = self.inputs[ ] if bl_socket.is_linked: linked_bl_socket = bl_socket.links[0].from_socket linked_bl_node = bl_socket.links[0].from_node val = linked_bl_node.compute_output( linked_bl_node.g_output_socket_name( ) ) ## What a bunch of spaghetti else: val = self.inputs[ ].default_value # Conservatively Set Differing Values if bl_modifier[interface_item.identifier] != val: bl_modifier[interface_item.identifier] = val # Update DepGraph def update_sockets_from_geonodes(self) -> None: # Remove All "Loose" Sockets socket_labels = { socket_def.label for socket_def in self.input_sockets.values() } | { socket_def.label for socket_set_name, socket_set in self.input_socket_sets.items() for socket_name, socket_def in socket_set.items() } bl_sockets_to_remove = { bl_socket for bl_socket_name, bl_socket in self.inputs.items() if bl_socket_name not in socket_labels } for bl_socket in bl_sockets_to_remove: self.inputs.remove(bl_socket) # Query for Blender Object / Geo Nodes bl_object = self.compute_input("object") if bl_object is None: return ## TODO: Make object? Gray out geonodes if object not defined? geo_nodes = self.compute_input("geo_nodes") if geo_nodes is None: return # Add Non-Static Sockets from GeoNodes for bl_socket_name, bl_socket in geo_nodes.interface.items_tree.items(): # For now, don't allow Geometry inputs. if bl_socket.socket_type == "NodeSocketGeometry": continue contracts.BLNodeSocket_to_SocketType[bl_socket.socket_type], bl_socket_name, ) # Create New GeoNodes Modifier if GEONODES_MODIFIER_NAME not in bl_object.modifiers: modifier = name=GEONODES_MODIFIER_NAME, type="NODES", ) modifier.node_group = geo_nodes self.update() #################### # - Blender Registration #################### BL_REGISTER = [ GeoNodesStructureNode, ] BL_NODES = { contracts.NodeType.GeoNodesStructure: ( contracts.NodeCategory.MAXWELLSIM_STRUCTURES ) }