import typing as typ import typing_extensions as pytypes_ext import bpy import pydantic as pyd from .. import contracts from .. import sockets #################### # - Decorator: Output Socket Computation #################### @typ.runtime_checkable class ComputeOutputSocketFunc(typ.Protocol[contracts.SocketReturnType]): """Protocol describing a function that computes the value of an output socket. """ def __call__( _self, self: contracts.NodeTypeProtocol, ) -> contracts.SocketReturnType: """Describes the function signature of all functions that compute the value of an output socket. Args: node: A node in the tree, passed via the 'self' attribute of the node. Returns: The value of the output socket, as the relevant type. """ ... class PydanticProtocolMeta(type(pyd.BaseModel), type(typ.Protocol)): pass class FuncOutputSocket( pyd.BaseModel, typ.Generic[contracts.SocketReturnType], ComputeOutputSocketFunc[contracts.SocketReturnType], metaclass=PydanticProtocolMeta, ): """Defines a function (-like object) that defines an attachment from an output socket name, to the original method that computes the value of an output socket. Conforms to the protocol `ComputeOutputSocketFunc`. Validation is provided by subtyping `pydantic.BaseModel`. Attributes: output_socket_func: The original method computing the value of an output socket. output_socket_name: The SocketName of the output socket for which this function should be called to compute. """ output_socket_func: typ.Callable[ [contracts.NodeTypeProtocol], contracts.SocketReturnType, ] output_socket_name: contracts.SocketName def __call__( self, node: contracts.NodeTypeProtocol ) -> contracts.SocketReturnType: """Computes the value of an output socket. Args: node: A node in the tree, passed via the 'self' attribute of the node. Returns: The value of the output socket, as the relevant type. """ return self.output_socket_func(node) # Define Factory Function & Decorator def computes_output_socket( output_socket_name: contracts.SocketName, ) -> typ.Callable[ [ComputeOutputSocketFunc[contracts.SocketReturnType]], FuncOutputSocket[contracts.SocketReturnType], ]: """Given a socket name, defines a function-that-makes-a-function (aka. decorator) which has the name of the socket attached. Must be used as a decorator, ex. `@compute_output_socket("name")`. Args: output_socket_name: The name of the output socket to attach the decorated method to. Returns: The decorator, which takes the output-socket-computing method and returns a new output-socket-computing method, now annotated and discoverable by the `MaxwellSimTreeNode`. """ def decorator( output_socket_func: ComputeOutputSocketFunc[contracts.SocketReturnType] ) -> FuncOutputSocket[contracts.SocketReturnType]: return FuncOutputSocket( output_socket_func=output_socket_func, output_socket_name=output_socket_name, ) return decorator #################### # - Node Callbacks #################### def sync_selected_preset(node) -> None: """Whenever a preset is set in a NodeTypeProtocol, this function should be called to overwrite the `default_value`s of the input sockets with the actual preset values. Args: node: The node for which input socket `default_value`s should be set to the values defined within the currently selected preset. """ if hasattr(node, "preset") and hasattr(node, "presets"): if node.preset is None: msg = f"Node {node} has no preset EnumProperty" raise ValueError(msg) if node.presets is None: msg = f"Node {node} has preset EnumProperty, but no defined presets." raise ValueError(msg) # Set Input Sockets to Preset Values preset_def = node.presets[node.preset] for input_socket_name, value in preset_def.values.items(): node.s_input_value(input_socket_name, value) #################### # - Node Superclass Definition #################### class MaxwellSimTreeNode(bpy.types.Node): """A base type for nodes that greatly simplifies the implementation of reliable, powerful nodes. Should be used together with `contracts.NodeTypeProtocol`. """ def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: typ.Any): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) ## Yucky superclass setup. # Set bl_idname cls.bl_idname = cls.node_type.value # Declare Node Property: 'preset' EnumProperty if hasattr(cls, "input_socket_sets") or hasattr(cls, "output_socket_sets"): socket_set_keys = [ input_socket_set_key for input_socket_set_key in cls.input_socket_sets.keys() ] socket_set_keys += [ output_socket_set_key for output_socket_set_key in cls.output_socket_sets.keys() if output_socket_set_key not in socket_set_keys ] cls.__annotations__["socket_set"] = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="", description="Select a node socket configuration", items=[ ( socket_set_key, socket_set_key.capitalize(), socket_set_key.capitalize(), ) for socket_set_key in socket_set_keys ], default=socket_set_keys[0], update=(lambda self, context: self._update_socket()), ) cls.__annotations__["socket_set_previous"] = bpy.props.StringProperty( default=socket_set_keys[0] ) if not hasattr(cls, "input_socket_sets"): cls.input_socket_sets = {} if not hasattr(cls, "output_socket_sets"): cls.output_socket_sets = {} # Declare Node Property: 'preset' EnumProperty if hasattr(cls, "presets"): first_preset = list(cls.presets.keys())[0] cls.__annotations__["preset"] = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Presets", description="Select a preset", items=[ ( preset_name, preset_def.label, preset_def.description, ) for preset_name, preset_def in cls.presets.items() ], default=first_preset, ## 1st is Default update=(lambda self, context: sync_selected_preset(self)), ) else: cls.preset = None cls.presets = None #################### # - Blender Init / Constraints #################### def init(self, context: bpy.types.Context): """Declares input and output sockets as described by the `NodeTypeProtocol` specification, and initializes each as described by user-provided `SocketDefProtocol`s. """ # Initialize Input Sockets for socket_name, socket_def in self.input_sockets.items(): socket_def.socket_type.value, ## strenum.value => a real str socket_def.label, ) # Retrieve the Blender Socket (bpy.types.NodeSocket) ## We could use self.g_input_bl_socket()... ## ...but that would rely on implicit semi-initialized state. bl_socket = self.inputs[ self.input_sockets[socket_name].label ] # Initialize the Socket from the Socket Definition ## `bl_socket` knows whether it's an input or output socket... ## ...via its `.is_output` attribute. socket_def.init(bl_socket) # Initialize Output Sockets for socket_name, socket_def in self.output_sockets.items(): socket_def.socket_type.value, socket_def.label, ) bl_socket = self.outputs[ self.output_sockets[socket_name].label ] socket_def.init(bl_socket) # Initialize Dynamic Sockets if hasattr(self, "socket_set"): if self.socket_set in self.input_socket_sets: for socket_name, socket_def in self.input_socket_sets[self.socket_set].items(): socket_def.socket_type.value, socket_def.label, ) bl_socket = self.inputs[socket_def.label] socket_def.init(bl_socket) if self.socket_set in self.output_socket_sets: for socket_name, socket_def in self.output_socket_sets[self.socket_set].items(): socket_def.socket_type.value, socket_def.label, ) bl_socket = self.outputs[socket_def.label] socket_def.init(bl_socket) # Sync Default Preset to Input Socket Values if self.preset is not None: sync_selected_preset(self) @classmethod def poll(cls, ntree: bpy.types.NodeTree) -> bool: """This class method controls whether a node can be instantiated in a given node tree. In our case, we restrict node instantiation to within a MaxwellSimTree. Args: ntree: The node tree within which the user is currently working. Returns: Whether or not the user should be able to instantiate the node. """ return ntree.bl_idname == contracts.TreeType.MaxwellSim.value def update(self) -> None: """Called when some node properties (ex. links) change, and/or by custom code.""" if hasattr(self, "update_cb"): self.update_cb() for bl_socket in self.outputs: if bl_socket.is_linked: for node_link in bl_socket.links: linked_node = node_link.to_node linked_node.update() def _update_socket(self): if not hasattr(self, "socket_set"): raise ValueError("no socket") if self.socket_set == self.socket_set_previous: return # Delete Old Sockets if self.socket_set_previous in self.input_socket_sets: for socket_name, socket_def in self.input_socket_sets[self.socket_set_previous].items(): bl_socket = self.inputs[socket_def.label] self.inputs.remove(bl_socket) if self.socket_set_previous in self.output_socket_sets: for socket_name, socket_def in self.output_socket_sets[self.socket_set_previous].items(): bl_socket = self.outputs[socket_def.label] self.outputs.remove(bl_socket) # Add New Sockets if self.socket_set in self.input_socket_sets: for socket_name, socket_def in self.input_socket_sets[self.socket_set].items(): socket_def.socket_type.value, socket_def.label, ) bl_socket = self.inputs[socket_def.label] socket_def.init(bl_socket) if self.socket_set in self.output_socket_sets: for socket_name, socket_def in self.output_socket_sets[self.socket_set].items(): socket_def.socket_type.value, socket_def.label, ) bl_socket = self.outputs[socket_def.label] socket_def.init(bl_socket) # Update "Previous" self.socket_set_previous = self.socket_set #################### # - UI Methods #################### def draw_buttons( self, context: bpy.types.Context, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, ) -> None: """This method draws the UI of the node itself. Specifically, it is used to expose the Presets dropdown. """ if self.preset is not None: layout.prop(self, "preset", text="") if hasattr(self, "socket_set"): layout.prop(self, "socket_set", text="") if hasattr(self, "draw_operators"): self.draw_operators(context, layout) #################### # - Socket Getters #################### def g_input_bl_socket( self, input_socket_name: contracts.SocketName, ) -> bpy.types.NodeSocket: """Returns the `bpy.types.NodeSocket` of an input socket by name. Args: input_socket_name: The name of the input socket, as defined in `self.input_sockets`. Returns: Blender's own node socket object. """ if input_socket_name in self.input_sockets: # Check Nicely that it Exists if input_socket_name not in self.input_sockets: msg = f"Input socket with name {input_socket_name} does not exist" raise ValueError(msg) return self.inputs[self.input_sockets[input_socket_name].label] elif hasattr(self, "socket_set"): # You're on your own, chump return self.inputs[next( socket_def.label for socket_set, socket_dict in self.input_socket_sets.items() for socket_name, socket_def in socket_dict.items() if socket_name == input_socket_name )] def g_output_bl_socket( self, output_socket_name: contracts.SocketName, ) -> bpy.types.NodeSocket: """Returns the `bpy.types.NodeSocket` of an output socket by name. Args: output_socket_name: The name of the output socket, as defined in `self.output_sockets`. Returns: Blender's own node socket object. """ if output_socket_name in self.output_sockets: # (Guard) Socket Exists if output_socket_name not in self.output_sockets: msg = f"Input socket with name {output_socket_name} does not exist" raise ValueError(msg) return self.outputs[self.output_sockets[output_socket_name].label] elif hasattr(self, "socket_set"): return self.outputs[next( socket_def.label for socket_set, socket_dict in self.input_socket_sets.items() for socket_name, socket_def in socket_dict.items() if socket_name == output_socket_name )] def g_output_socket_name( self, output_bl_socket_name: contracts.BLSocketName, ) -> contracts.SocketName: if hasattr(self, "socket_set"): return next( socket_name for socket_set, socket_dict in self.output_socket_sets.items() for socket_name, socket_def in socket_dict.items() if socket_def.label == output_bl_socket_name ) else: return next( output_socket_name for output_socket_name in self.output_sockets.keys() if self.output_sockets[ output_socket_name ].label == output_bl_socket_name ) #################### # - Socket Setters #################### def s_input_value( self, input_socket_name: contracts.SocketName, value: typ.Any, ) -> None: """Sets the value of an input socket, if the value is compatible with the socket. Args: input_socket_name: The name of the input socket. value: The value to set, which must be compatible with the socket. Raises: ValueError: If the value is incompatible with the socket, for example due to incompatible types, then a ValueError will be raised. """ bl_socket = self.g_input_bl_socket(input_socket_name) # Set the Value bl_socket.default_value = value #################### # - Socket Computation #################### def compute_input( self, input_socket_name: contracts.SocketName, ) -> typ.Any: """Computes the value of an input socket, by its name. Will automatically compute the output socket value of any linked nodes. Args: input_socket_name: The name of the input socket, as defined in `self.input_sockets`. """ bl_socket = self.g_input_bl_socket(input_socket_name) # Linked: Compute Output of Linked Socket if bl_socket.is_linked: linked_node = bl_socket.links[0].from_node # Compute the Linked Socket Name linked_bl_socket_name: contracts.BLSocketName = bl_socket.links[0] linked_socket_name = linked_node.g_output_socket_name( linked_bl_socket_name ) # Compute the Linked Socket Value linked_socket_value = linked_node.compute_output( linked_socket_name ) # (Guard) Check the Compatibility of the Linked Socket Value if not bl_socket.is_compatible(linked_socket_value): msg = f"Tried setting socket ({input_socket_name}) to incompatible value ({linked_socket_value}) of type {type(linked_socket_value)}" raise ValueError(msg) return linked_socket_value # Unlinked: Simply Retrieve Socket Value return bl_socket.default_value def compute_output( self, output_socket_name: contracts.SocketName, ) -> typ.Any: """Computes the value of an output socket name, from its socket name. Searches for methods decorated with `@computes_output_socket("name")`, which describe the computation that occurs to actually compute the value of an output socket from ex. input sockets and node properties. Args: output_socket_name: The name declaring the output socket, for which this method computes the output. Returns: The value of the output socket, as computed by the dedicated method registered using the `@computes_output_socket` decorator. """ # Lookup the Function that Computes the Output Socket ## The decorator ALWAYS produces a FuncOutputSocket. ## Thus, we merely need to find a FuncOutputSocket output_socket_func = next( method.output_socket_func for attr_name in dir(self) ## Lookup self.* if isinstance( method := getattr(self, attr_name), FuncOutputSocket, ) if method.output_socket_name == output_socket_name ) return output_socket_func(self)