import typing as typ import bpy import sympy as sp import sympy.physics.units as spu import pydantic as pyd sp.printing.str.StrPrinter._default_settings['abbrev'] = True ## When we str() a unit expression, use abbrevied units. from .. import base from ... import contracts UNITS = { "PM_SQ":**2, "A_SQ": spu.angstrom**2, "NM_SQ": spu.nm**2, "UM_SQ":**2, "MM_SQ":**2, "CM_SQ":**2, "M_SQ": spu.m**2, } DEFAULT_UNIT = "UM_SQ" class PhysicalAreaBLSocket(base.BLSocket): socket_type = contracts.SocketType.PhysicalArea socket_color = (0.8, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) bl_label = "Physical Area" compatible_types = { sp.Expr: { lambda v: v.is_real, lambda v: len(v.free_symbols) == 0, lambda v: any( contracts.is_exactly_expressed_as_unit(v, unit) for unit in UNITS.values() ) }, } #################### # - Properties #################### raw_value: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Unitless Area", description="Represents the unitless part of the area", default=0.0, precision=6, ) unit: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Unit", description="Choose between area units", items=[ (unit_name, str(unit_value), str(unit_value)) for unit_name, unit_value in UNITS.items() ], default=DEFAULT_UNIT, update=lambda self, context: self._update_unit(), ) unit_previous: bpy.props.StringProperty(default=DEFAULT_UNIT) #################### # - Socket UI #################### def draw_label_row(self, label_col_row: bpy.types.UILayout, text: str) -> None: """Draw the value of the area, including a toggle for specifying the active unit. """ label_col_row.label(text=text) #label_col_row.prop(self, "raw_value", text="") label_col_row.prop(self, "unit", text="") def draw_value(self, col: bpy.types.UILayout) -> None: col_row = col.row(align=True) col_row.prop(self, "raw_value", text="") #col_row.prop(self, "unit", text="") #################### # - Computation of Default Value #################### @property def default_value(self) -> sp.Expr: """Return the area as a sympy expression, which is a pure real number perfectly expressed as the active unit. Returns: The area as a sympy expression (with units). """ return self.raw_value * UNITS[self.unit] @default_value.setter def default_value(self, value: typ.Any) -> None: """Set the area from a sympy expression, including any required unit conversions to normalize the input value to the selected units. """ # (Guard) Value Compatibility if not self.is_compatible(value): msg = f"Tried setting socket ({self}) to incompatible value ({value}) of type {type(value)}" raise ValueError(msg) self.raw_value = spu.convert_to( value, UNITS[self.unit] ) / UNITS[self.unit] #################### # - Internal Update Methods #################### def _update_unit(self): old_unit = UNITS[self.unit_previous] new_unit = UNITS[self.unit] self.raw_value = spu.convert_to( self.raw_value * old_unit, new_unit, ) / new_unit self.unit_previous = self.unit #################### # - Socket Configuration #################### class PhysicalAreaSocketDef(pyd.BaseModel): socket_type: contracts.SocketType = contracts.SocketType.PhysicalArea label: str default_unit: typ.Literal[ "PM_SQ", "A_SQ", "NM_SQ", "UM_SQ", "MM_SQ", "CM_SQ", "M_SQ", ] def init(self, bl_socket: PhysicalAreaBLSocket) -> None: bl_socket.unit = self.default_unit #################### # - Blender Registration #################### BL_REGISTER = [ PhysicalAreaBLSocket, ]