fix: Crashes on enum changes
@ -2,13 +2,10 @@ import io
import typing as typ
import bpy
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.axis as mpl_ax
import numpy as np
from blender_maxwell.utils import logger
from blender_maxwell.utils import image_ops, logger
from .. import contracts as ct
from . import base
@ -18,64 +15,6 @@ log = logger.get(__name__)
# Colormap
_MPL_CM ='viridis', 512)
VIRIDIS_COLORMAP = jnp.array([_MPL_CM(i)[:3] for i in range(512)])
# - Image Functions
def apply_colormap(normalized_data, colormap):
# Linear interpolation between colormap points
n_colors = colormap.shape[0]
indices = normalized_data * (n_colors - 1)
lower_idx = jnp.floor(indices).astype(jnp.int32)
upper_idx = jnp.ceil(indices).astype(jnp.int32)
alpha = indices - lower_idx
lower_colors = jax.vmap(lambda i: colormap[i])(lower_idx)
upper_colors = jax.vmap(lambda i: colormap[i])(upper_idx)
return (1 - alpha)[..., None] * lower_colors + alpha[..., None] * upper_colors
def rgba_image_from_2d_map__viridis(map_2d):
amplitude = jnp.abs(map_2d)
amplitude_normalized = (amplitude - amplitude.min()) / (
amplitude.max() - amplitude.min()
rgb_array = apply_colormap(amplitude_normalized, VIRIDIS_COLORMAP)
alpha_channel = jnp.ones_like(amplitude_normalized)
return jnp.dstack((rgb_array, alpha_channel))
def rgba_image_from_2d_map__grayscale(map_2d):
amplitude = jnp.abs(map_2d)
amplitude_normalized = (amplitude - amplitude.min()) / (
amplitude.max() - amplitude.min()
rgb_array = jnp.stack([amplitude_normalized] * 3, axis=-1)
alpha_channel = jnp.ones_like(amplitude_normalized)
return jnp.dstack((rgb_array, alpha_channel))
def rgba_image_from_2d_map(map_2d, colormap: str | None = None):
"""RGBA Image from a map of 2D coordinates to values.
map_2d: Shape (width, height, value).
Image as a JAX array of shape (height, width, 4)
if colormap == 'VIRIDIS':
return rgba_image_from_2d_map__viridis(map_2d)
if colormap == 'GRAYSCALE':
return rgba_image_from_2d_map__grayscale(map_2d)
# - Managed BL Image
@ -235,7 +174,7 @@ class ManagedBLImage(base.ManagedObj):
self, map_2d, colormap: str | None = 'VIRIDIS', bl_select: bool = False
lambda _: rgba_image_from_2d_map(map_2d, colormap=colormap),
lambda _: image_ops.rgba_image_from_2d_map(map_2d, colormap=colormap),
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class FilterMathNode(base.MaxwellSimNode):
self.dim_names = []
self.dim_lens = {}
# Reset String Searcher
# Reset Enum
self.dim = bl_cache.Signal.ResetEnumItems
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import enum
import typing as typ
import bpy
from blender_maxwell.utils import logger
from blender_maxwell.utils import bl_cache, image_ops, logger
from ... import contracts as ct
from ... import managed_objs, sockets
@ -12,7 +13,12 @@ log = logger.get(__name__)
class VizNode(base.MaxwellSimNode):
"""Node for visualizing simulation data, by querying its monitors."""
"""Node for visualizing simulation data, by querying its monitors.
colormap: Colormap to apply to 0..1 output.
node_type = ct.NodeType.Viz
bl_label = 'Viz'
@ -34,31 +40,25 @@ class VizNode(base.MaxwellSimNode):
## - Properties
colormap: bpy.props.EnumProperty(
description='Colormap to apply to grayscale output',
('VIRIDIS', 'Viridis', 'Good default colormap'),
('GRAYSCALE', 'Grayscale', 'Barebones'),
update=lambda self, context: self.on_prop_changed('colormap', context),
colormap: image_ops.Colormap = bl_cache.BLField(
image_ops.Colormap.Viridis, prop_ui=True
## - UI
def draw_props(self, _: bpy.types.Context, col: bpy.types.UILayout):
col.prop(self, 'colormap')
col.prop(self, self.blfields['colormap'], text='')
## - Plotting
input_socket_kinds={'Data': ct.FlowKind.Array},
input_sockets_optional={'Data': True},
def on_show_plot(
@ -67,11 +67,12 @@ class VizNode(base.MaxwellSimNode):
input_sockets: dict,
props: dict,
if input_sockets['Data'] is not None:
@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ class BLField:
AttrType.to_name(value), ## TODO: From AttrType.__doc__
i if not self._enum_many else 2**i,
for i, value in enumerate(list(AttrType))
@ -824,42 +824,53 @@ class BLField:
def __set__(self, bl_instance: BLInstance | None, value: typ.Any) -> None:
if value == Signal.ResetEnumItems:
# Set Enum to First Item
## Prevents the seemingly "missing" enum element bug.
## -> Caused by the old int still trying to hang on after.
## -> We can mitigate this by preemptively setting the enum.
## -> Infinite recursion if we don't check current value.
## -> May cause a hiccup (chains will trigger twice)
## To work, there **must** be a guaranteed-available string at 0,0.
first_old_value = self._safe_enum_cb(bl_instance, None)[0][0]
current_value = self._cached_bl_property.__get__(
bl_instance, bl_instance.__class__
if current_value != first_old_value:
self._cached_bl_property.__set__(bl_instance, first_old_value)
old_items = self._safe_enum_cb(bl_instance, None)
current_items = self._enum_cb(bl_instance, None)
# Pop the Cached Enum Items
## The next time Blender asks for the enum items, it'll update.
self._enum_cb_cache.pop(bl_instance.instance_id, None)
# Only Change if Changes Need Making
## <Proverb. 'Fun things to say in jail'. Ca 887BCE. >
if old_items != current_items:
# Set Enum to First Item
## Prevents the seemingly "missing" enum element bug.
## -> Caused by the old int still trying to hang on after.
## -> We can mitigate this by preemptively setting the enum.
## -> Infinite recursion if we don't check current value.
## -> May cause a hiccup (chains will trigger twice)
## To work, there **must** be a guaranteed-available string at 0,0.
first_old_value = old_items(bl_instance, None)[0][0]
current_value = self._cached_bl_property.__get__(
bl_instance, bl_instance.__class__
if current_value != first_old_value:
self._cached_bl_property.__set__(bl_instance, first_old_value)
# Invalidate the Getter Cache
## The next time the user runs __get__, they'll get the new value.
self._cached_bl_property.__set__(bl_instance, Signal.InvalidateCache)
# Pop the Cached Enum Items
## The next time Blender asks for the enum items, it'll update.
self._enum_cb_cache.pop(bl_instance.instance_id, None)
# Invalidate the Getter Cache
## The next time the user runs __get__, they'll get the new value.
self._cached_bl_property.__set__(bl_instance, Signal.InvalidateCache)
elif value == Signal.ResetStrSearch:
# Set String to ''
## Prevents the presence of an invalid value not in the new search.
## -> Infinite recursion if we don't check current value for ''.
## -> May cause a hiccup (chains will trigger twice)
current_value = self._cached_bl_property.__get__(
bl_instance, bl_instance.__class__
if current_value != '':
self._cached_bl_property.__set__(bl_instance, '')
old_items = self._safe_str_cb(bl_instance, None)
current_items = self._str_cb(bl_instance, None)
# Pop the Cached String Search Items
## The next time Blender does a str search, it'll update.
self._str_cb_cache.pop(bl_instance.instance_id, None)
# Only Change if Changes Need Making
if old_items != current_items:
# Set String to ''
## Prevents the presence of an invalid value not in the new search.
## -> Infinite recursion if we don't check current value for ''.
## -> May cause a hiccup (chains will trigger twice)
current_value = self._cached_bl_property.__get__(
bl_instance, bl_instance.__class__
if current_value != '':
self._cached_bl_property.__set__(bl_instance, '')
# Pop the Cached String Search Items
## The next time Blender does a str search, it'll update.
self._str_cb_cache.pop(bl_instance.instance_id, None)
self._cached_bl_property.__set__(bl_instance, value)
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
"""Useful image processing operations for use in the addon."""
import enum
import typing as typ
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jaxtyping as jtyp
import matplotlib
from blender_maxwell import contracts as ct
from blender_maxwell.utils import logger
log = logger.get(__name__)
# - Constants
_MPL_CM ='viridis', 512)
VIRIDIS_COLORMAP: jtyp.Float32[jtyp.Array, '512 3'] = jnp.array(
[_MPL_CM(i)[:3] for i in range(512)]
class Colormap(enum.StrEnum):
"""Available colormaps.
Viridis: Good general-purpose colormap.
Grayscale: Simple black and white mapping.
Viridis =
Grayscale =
def to_name(value: typ.Self) -> str:
return {
Colormap.Viridis: 'Viridis',
Colormap.Grayscale: 'Grayscale',
def to_icon(value: typ.Self) -> ct.BLIcon:
return ''
# - Colormap: (X,Y,1 -> Value) -> (X,Y,4 -> Value)
def apply_colormap(
normalized_data: jtyp.Float32[jtyp.Array, 'width height 4'],
colormap: jtyp.Float32[jtyp.Array, '512 3'],
# Linear interpolation between colormap points
n_colors = colormap.shape[0]
indices = normalized_data * (n_colors - 1)
lower_idx = jnp.floor(indices).astype(jnp.int32)
upper_idx = jnp.ceil(indices).astype(jnp.int32)
alpha = indices - lower_idx
lower_colors = jax.vmap(lambda i: colormap[i])(lower_idx)
upper_colors = jax.vmap(lambda i: colormap[i])(upper_idx)
return (1 - alpha)[..., None] * lower_colors + alpha[..., None] * upper_colors
def rgba_image_from_2d_map__viridis(map_2d: jtyp.Float32[jtyp.Array, 'width height 4']):
amplitude = jnp.abs(map_2d)
amplitude_normalized = (amplitude - amplitude.min()) / (
amplitude.max() - amplitude.min()
rgb_array = apply_colormap(amplitude_normalized, VIRIDIS_COLORMAP)
alpha_channel = jnp.ones_like(amplitude_normalized)
return jnp.dstack((rgb_array, alpha_channel))
def rgba_image_from_2d_map__grayscale(
map_2d: jtyp.Float32[jtyp.Array, 'width height 4'],
amplitude = jnp.abs(map_2d)
amplitude_normalized = (amplitude - amplitude.min()) / (
amplitude.max() - amplitude.min()
rgb_array = jnp.stack([amplitude_normalized] * 3, axis=-1)
alpha_channel = jnp.ones_like(amplitude_normalized)
return jnp.dstack((rgb_array, alpha_channel))
def rgba_image_from_2d_map(
map_2d: jtyp.Float32[jtyp.Array, 'width height 4'], colormap: str | None = None
"""RGBA Image from a map of 2D coordinates to values.
map_2d: The 2D value map.
Image as a JAX array of shape (height, width, 4)
if colormap == Colormap.Viridis:
return rgba_image_from_2d_map__viridis(map_2d)
if colormap == Colormap.Grayscale:
return rgba_image_from_2d_map__grayscale(map_2d)
return rgba_image_from_2d_map__grayscale(map_2d)
Reference in New Issue