
43 lines
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import multiprocessing as mp
import types
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
from .Transform import Transform
from .lib import olOpt as olo
class Func(Transform) :
def __init__(self, func) :
self.func = func
#Func Methods
def __gamma(q, cpu, f, spSeq) :
q.put( (cpu, f(spSeq)) )
def sample(self, fSeq) :
fSeq = np.array(fSeq, dtype=np.float32) #Just some type assurances.
# Any float-returning C++ functions can be threaded with olo.gam(), but because of GIL, it won't work with Python functions.
if isinstance(self.func, types.BuiltinFunctionType) :
# \/ Just olo.gam, except fSeq is flattened to a 1D array, processed flat, then shaped back into a 3D array on the fly.
return olo.gam(fSeq.reshape(reduce(lambda a, b: a*b, fSeq.shape)), self.func).reshape(fSeq.shape) #OpenMP vectorized C++ motherfuckery!
else :
#We always have the slow af fallback.
fVec = np.vectorize(self.func)
out = []
q = mp.Queue()
splt = Transform.spSeq(fSeq, mp.cpu_count())
for cpu in range(mp.cpu_count()) :
p = mp.Process(target=Func.__gamma, args=(q, cpu, fVec, splt[cpu]))
for num in range(len(splt)) :
return np.concatenate([seq[1] for seq in sorted(out, key=lambda seq: seq[0])], axis=0) if len(fSeq) > 1 else self.func(fSeq[0])
#~ return fVec(fSeq) if len(fSeq) > 1 else self.func(fSeq[0])