69 lines
1.2 KiB
69 lines
1.2 KiB
return {
commit = "b773368f8aa6e84a68e979f0e335d23de71f405a",
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
keys = {
function() require('snacks').bufdelete() end,
desc = "Delete Current Buffer",
-- UX
--- <leader>u
function() require('snacks').dim() end,
desc = "[U]I [D]imming",
function() require('snacks').dim.disable() end,
desc = "Disable [U]I Dimming",
function() require('snacks').zen() end,
desc = "[U]I [Z]en Mode",
opts = {
-- Big Files: Disable LSPs for Very Big Files
bigfile = {},
-- Dashboard: Pretty Startup
dashboard = {},
-- Dim: Focus on the Active Scope
dim = {},
-- Indent: Indentation Guides
indent = {
animate = {
enabled = false,
-- Input: Better vim.ui.input
input = { enabled = true },
-- TODO: git (for the blame line)
-- TODO: gitbrowse
-- TODO: lazygit
-- Notifier: Prettier notifications
--notifier = { enabled = true },
-- Quickfile: Load files first (aka fast) when doing 'nvim file.txt'
quickfile = { enabled = true },
-- TODO: 'rename' w/nvim-tree integration
-- "Zen Mode"
zen = { enabled = true },