CONFIG_NAME global_hq # Comments start with #. See 'convmlv -h' for option documentation. ### <------------------ BASIC OPTIONS ------------------> #These are essentially defaults - adapt them to your system as per the documentation! OUTDIR ./raw_conv RES_PATH . MLV_DUMP ./mlv_dump RAW_DUMP ./raw2dng MLV_BP ./ CR_HDR ./cr2hdr SRANGE ./ BAL ./ PYTHON python3 ### <------------------ OUTPUT OPTIONS ------------------> #Set Image or Movie as the default output by uncommenting it. #IMAGE IMG_FMT 0 #MOVIE PROXY 0 PROXY_SCALE 50% ### <------------------ RAW OPTIONS ------------------> DEMO_MODE 3 ### <------------------ COLOR OPTIONS ------------------> WHITE 1 ### <------------------ FEATURE OPTIONS ------------------> #DARKFRAME ./df.darkframe