#!/bin/bash VERSION="2.1.0a1" #Version string. INPUT_ARGS=$(echo "$@") #The original input argument string. #~ The MIT License (MIT) #~ Copyright (c) 2016 Sofus Rose #~ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #~ of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #~ in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #~ to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #~ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #~ furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #~ #~ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all #~ copies or substantial portions of the Software. #~ #~ THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #~ IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #~ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #~ AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #~ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #~ OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE #~ SOFTWARE. if [ $# == 0 ]; then #No given arguments. echo -e "\033[0;31m\033[1mNo arguments given.\033[0m\n\tType 'convmlv -h/--help' to see help page, or 'convmlv -v/--version' for current version string." fi #BASIC FUNCTIONS readlinkF() { #readlink -f, but works on all platforms (including mac). target=$1 if [[ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu" ]]; then #Linux-specific constants. echo $(readlink -f "$target") elif [[ $OSTYPE == "darwin11" ]]; then #Mac-specific constants cd `dirname $target` target=`basename $target` # Iterate down a (possible) chain of symlinks while [ -L "$target" ]; do target=`readlink $target` cd `dirname $target` target=`basename $target` done # Compute the canonicalized name by finding the physical path # for the directory we're in and appending the target file. phys=`pwd -P` res=$phys/$target echo $res fi } setPaths() { #Repends on SRC_PATH, BIN_PATH, and PYTHON. Run this function if either is changed. MLV_DUMP="${BIN_PATH}/mlv_dump" #Path to mlv_dump location. RAW_DUMP="${BIN_PATH}/raw2dng" #Path to raw2dng location. CR_HDR="${BIN_PATH}/cr2hdr" #Path to cr2hdr location. MLV_BP="${BIN_PATH}/mlv2badpixels.sh" PYTHON_BAL="${SRC_PATH}/imgProcessing/balance.py" PYTHON_SRANGE="${SRC_PATH}/imgProcessing/sRange.py" BAL="${PYTHON} ${PYTHON_BAL}" SRANGE="${PYTHON} ${PYTHON_SRANGE}" COLOR_LUTS=("${SCRIPT_LOCATION}/color-core" "${SCRIPT_LOCATION}/color-ext") #One can add more with options, but these are the defaults. DCRAW="dcraw" } setDefaults() { #Set all the default global variables. Run during "parseAll". #DEPENDENCIES DEB_DEPS="imagemagick dcraw ffmpeg python3 python3-pip libimage-exiftool-perl libc6-i386" #Dependency package names (Debian). List with -K option. UBU_DEPS="imagemagick dcraw ffmpeg python3 python3-pip libimage-exiftool-perl libc6-i386" #Dependency package names (Ubuntu). List with -K option. FED_DEPS="ImageMagick dcraw ffmpeg python3 python-pip perl-Image-ExifTool glibc-devel.i686" #Dependency package names (Fedora). List with -K option. BREW_DEPS="imagemagick dcraw ffmpeg python3 exiftool" PIP_DEPS="numpy tifffile" #You don't need Pillow. That's just to make balance.py a bit more portable. MAN_DEPS="mlv_dump raw2dng cr2hdr mlv2badpixels.sh balance.py sRange.py color-core" if [[ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu" ]]; then PYTHON="python3" elif [[ $OSTYPE == "darwin11" ]]; then PYTHON="python3" else PYTHON="python" fi #PATHS SCRIPT_LOCATION=$(dirname "$(readlinkF "$0")") SRC_PATH="$SCRIPT_LOCATION/src" #Source components will always be looked for here. BIN_PATH="./binaries" GCONFIG="${HOME}/convmlv.conf" LCONFIG="" #No local config by default. setPaths #Set all the paths using the current SRC_PATH and BIN_PATH. OUTDIR="./raw_conv" isOutGen=false #OUTPUT MOVIE=false RES_IN="" FPS=24 #Will be read from .MLV or .RAW. IMAGES=false IMG_FMT="exr" COMPRESS="" isCOMPRESS=true isJPG=false isH264=false KEEP_DNGS=false #FRAME RANGE FRAME_RANGE="" #UPDATED LATER WHEN FRAME # IS AVAILABLE. FRAME_START="1" FRAME_END="" RANGE_BASE="" isFR=true #RAW DEVELOPOMENT HIGHLIGHT_MODE="0" PROXY_SCALE="50%" DEMO_MODE="1" DEPTH="-W -6" DEPTH_OUT="-depth 16" WAVE_NOISE="" #Used to be NOISE_REDUC. Wavelet noise reduction. FOUR_COLOR="" CHROMA_SMOOTH="--no-cs" #COLOR MANAGEMENT GAMMA="1 1" #As far as dcraw is concerned, output is linear. SPACE="5" #dcraw only outputs Linear XYZ. LUTs convert onwards. COLOR_GAMMA="lin" #STANDARD marks it such that it will correspond to the gamut COLOR_GAMUT="srgb" COLOR_VF="" #Standard (~2.4) sRGB LUT by default: ${CORE_LUT}/lin_xyz--srgb_srgb.cube . This is used in VF_FILTERS colorDesc="" #FEATURES DUAL_ISO=false BADPIXELS="" BADPIXEL_PATH="" isBP=false DARKFRAME="" useDF=false DARK_PROC="" RES_DARK="" SETTINGS_OUTPUT=false MK_DARK=false DARK_OUT="" BLACK_LEVEL="" #White Balance WHITE="" GEN_WHITE=false CAMERA_WB=true WHITE_SPD=15 isScale=false SATPOINT="" #FFMPEG Filters FFMPEG_FILTERS=false #Whether or not FFMPEG filters are going to be used. V_FILTERS="" V_FILTERS_PROX="" FILTER_ARR=() TEMP_NOISE="" #Temporal noise reduction. tempDesc="" LUTS=() #lut3d LUT application. Supports multiple LUTs, in a chain; therefore it is an array. lutDesc="" DESHAKE="" #deshake video stabilisation. deshakeDesc="" HQ_NOISE="" #hqdn3d noise reduction. hqDesc="" REM_NOISE="" #removegrain noise reduction remDesc="" SHARP="" sharpDesc="" baseSet() { #All camera attributes are reset here. CAM_NAME="Unknown" FRAMES="Unknown" RES_IN="Unknown" ISO="Unknown" APERTURE="Unknown" LEN_FOCAL="Unknown" SHUTTER="Unknown" REC_DATE="Unknown" REC_TIME="Unknown" KELVIN="Unknown" } baseSet } setDefaults #Run once now, and whenever you wish to reset things. #DEFAULT PROGRAM - what it is we're actually doing right now. PROGRAM="develop" #Possible values: #~ help: Display help page! #~ version: Display version! #~ darkframe: Create darkframe! #~ settings: Show MLV settings! #~ develop: What we do best! #IMPORT MODULES GLOBALLY - into this namespace directly. source "$SRC_PATH/documentation/help.sh" source "$SRC_PATH/helpers/platform.sh" source "$SRC_PATH/programs/shotSettings.sh" source "$SRC_PATH/helpers/format.sh" source "$SRC_PATH/programs/califrame.sh" source "$SRC_PATH/helpers/utility.sh" source "$SRC_PATH/core/parsing.sh" source "$SRC_PATH/helpers/error.sh" source "$SRC_PATH/core/develop.sh" #OPTION PARSING FROM CONFIG AND CLI - same as at bottom of develop(). #Big parse/reparse, making sure global, local, command line options all override each other correctly. set -- $INPUT_ARGS #Reset the argument input for reparsing. setDefaults #Hard set/reset all the lovely globals. OPTIND=1 #Reset argument parsing. parseConf "$GCONFIG" false #Parse global config file. parseArgs "$@" #First, parse all cli args. We only need the -C flag, but that forces us to just parse everything. shift $((OPTIND-1)) #Shift past all of the options to the file arguments. parseConf "$LCONFIG" false #Parse local config file. set -- $INPUT_ARGS #Reset $@ for cli option reparsing. OPTIND=1 #To reset argument parsing, we must set OPTIND to 1. parseArgs "$@" #Reparse cli to overwrite local config options. shift $((OPTIND-1)) #Shift past all of the options to the file arguments. OPTIND=1 #Reset argument index. THREADS=$(getThreads) ARGNUM=$# FILE_ARGS="$@" IFS=' ' read -r -a FILE_ARGS_ARRAY <<< $FILE_ARGS #Need to make arguments an array, for iteration over paths purposes. #Choose which PROGRAM to run - from the multitude of things convmlv can do! case "$PROGRAM" in help) help ;; version) echo "$VERSION" ;; darkframe) mkDarkframe ;; settings) checkDeps #Check static dependencies. printFileSettings ;; develop) checkDeps #Check static dependencies. develop #Do the development step, using the globals that exist. ;; esac exit 0