#!/bin/bash #~ The MIT License (MIT) #~ Copyright (c) [year] [fullname] #~ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #~ of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #~ in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #~ to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #~ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #~ furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #~ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all #~ copies or substantial portions of the Software. #~ THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #~ IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #~ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #~ AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #~ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #~ OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE #~ SOFTWARE. #BASIC CONSTANTS DEPS="imagemagick dcraw ffmpeg python3 pip3 exiftool xxd" #Dependency package names (Debian). List with -K option. PIP_DEPS="numpy Pillow tifffile" #Technically, you don't need Pillow. I'm not really sure :). VERSION="1.7.1" #Version string. PYTHON="python3" THREADS=8 #NON-STANDARD FILE LOCATIONS MLV_DUMP="./mlv_dump" #Path to mlv_dump location. RAW_DUMP="./raw2dng" #Path to raw2dng location. CR_HDR="./cr2hdr" #Path to cr2hdr location. MLV_BP="./mlv2badpixels.sh" PYTHON_BAL="./balance.py" DARKFRAME="" BAL="${PYTHON} ${PYTHON_BAL}" #MODDABLE CONSTANTS OUTDIR="$(pwd)/raw_conv" isOutGen=false MOVIE=false FPS=24 #Will be read from .MLV. IMAGES=false IMG_FMT="exr" COMPRESS="" isCOMPRESS=false isJPG=false isH264=false KEEP_DNGS=false #ISO DUAL_ISO=false #DCraw HIGHLIGHT_MODE="0" PROXY_SCALE="75%" DEMO_MODE="1" GAMMA="1 1" DEPTH="-4" DEPTH_OUT="-depth 16" NOISE_REDUC="" BADPIXELS="" BADPIXEL_PATH="" isBP=false FOUR_COLOR="" #White Balance WHITE="" GEN_WHITE=true CAMERA_WB=false WHITE_SPD=15 #LUT LUT="" isLUT=false help () { #This is a little too much @ this point... echo -e "Usage:\n \033[1m./convmlv.sh\033[0m [OPTIONS] \033[2mmlv_files\033[0m\n" echo -e "INFO:\n A script allowing you to convert .MLV, .RAW, or a folder with a DNG sequence into a sequence/movie with optional proxies. Many useful options are exposed, including formats (EXR by default).\n" echo -e "DEPENDENCIES: *If you don't use a feature, you don't need the dependency. Don't use a feature without the dependency." echo -e " -mlv_dump: For DNG extraction from MLV. http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=7122.0" echo -e " -raw2dng: For DNG extraction from RAW. http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=5404.0" echo -e " -mlv2badpixels.sh: For bad pixel removal. https://bitbucket.org/daniel_fort/ml-focus-pixels/src" echo -e " -dcraw: For RAW development." echo -e " -ffmpeg: For video creation." echo -e " -ImageMagick: Used for making proxy sequence." echo -e " -Python 3 + libs: Used for auto white balance." echo -e " -exiftool + xxd: Used in mlv2badpixels.sh.\n" echo -e "VERSION: ${VERSION}\n" echo -e "OPTIONS, BASIC:" echo -e " -v version - Print out version string." echo -e " -o OUTDIR - The path in which files will be placed (no space btwn -o and path)." echo -e " -M MLV_DUMP - The path to mlv_dump (no space btwn -M and path). Default is './mlv_dump'." echo -e " -R RAW_DUMP - The path to raw2dng (no space btwn -M and path). Default is './raw2dng'." echo -e " -y PYTHON - The path or command used to invoke Python. Defaults to python3." echo -e " -B MLV_BP - The path to mlv2badpixels.sh (by dfort). Default is './mlv2badpixels.sh'." echo -e " -T[int] Max process threads, for multithreaded parts of the program. Defaults to 8.\n\n" echo -e "OPTIONS, OUTPUT:" echo -e " -i IMAGE - Specify to create an image sequence (EXR by default).\n" echo -e " -f[0:3] IMG_FMT - Create a sequence of format, instead of a TIFF sequence." echo -e " --> 0: EXR (default), 1: TIFF, 2: PNG, 3: Cineon (DPX).\n" #Future: More formats? echo -e " -c COMPRESS - Specify to automatically compress the image sequence." echo -e " --> TIFF: ZIP (best for 16-bit), PIZ for EXR (best for grainy images), PNG: lvl 9 (zlib deflate), DPX: RLE." echo -e " --> EXR's piz compression tends to be fastest + best.\n" echo -e " -m MOVIE - Specify to create a Prores4444 video.\n" echo -e " -p[0:3] PROXY - Specifies the proxy mode. 0 is default." echo -e " --> 0: No proxies. 1: H.264 proxy. 2: JPG proxy sequence. 3: Both." echo -e " --> Proxies won't be developed without the main output - ex. JPG proxies require -i.\n" echo -e " -s[0%:100%] PROXY_SCALE - the size, in %, of the proxy output." echo -e " --> Use -s% (no space). 50% is default.\n" echo -e " -k KEEP_DNGS - Specify if you want to keep the DNG files." echo -e " --> Besides testing, this makes the script a glorified mlv_dump...\n\n" echo -e "OPTIONS, RAW DEVELOPMENT:" echo -e " -u DUAL_ISO - Process file as dual ISO.\n" echo -e " -d[0:3] DEMO_MODE - DCraw demosaicing mode. Higher modes are slower. 1 is default." echo -e " --> Use -d (no space). 0: Bilinear. 1: VNG (default). 2: PPG. 3: AHD.\n" echo -e " -r FOUR_COLOR - Interpolate as four colors. Can often fix weirdness with VNG/AHD.\n" echo -e " -H[0:9] HIGHLIGHT_MODE - 2 looks the best, without major modifications. 0 is also a safe bet." echo -e " --> Use -H (no space). 0 clips. 1 allows colored highlights. 2 adjusts highlights to grey." echo -e " --> 3 through 9 do highlight reconstruction with a certain tone. See dcraw documentation.\n" echo -e " -b BADPIXELS - Fix focus pixels issue using dfort's script." echo -e " --> His file can be found at https://bitbucket.org/daniel_fort/ml-focus-pixels/src.\n" echo -e " -a BADPIXEL_PATH - Use, appending to the generated one, your own .badpixels file. REQUIRES -b." echo -e " --> Use -a (no space). How to: http://www.dl-c.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=686\n" echo -e " -n[int] NOISE_REDUC - This is the threshold of wavelet denoising - specify to use." echo -e " --> Use -n. Defaults to no denoising. 150 tends to be a good setting; 350 starts to look strange.\n" echo -e " -g[0:4] GAMMA - This is a modal gamma curve that is applied to the image. 0 is default." echo -e " --> Use -g (no space). 0: Linear. 1: 2.2 (Adobe RGB). 2: 1.8 (ProPhoto RGB). 3: sRGB. 4: BT.709.\n" echo -e " -S SHALLOW - Specifying this option will create an 8-bit output instead of a 16-bit output." echo -e " --> It'll kind of ruin the point of RAW, though....\n\n" echo -e "OPTIONS, COLOR:" echo -e " -w[0:3] WHITE - This is a modal white balance setting. Defaults to 0. 1 doesn't always work very well." echo -e " --> Use -w (no space)." echo -e " --> 0: Auto WB (Requires Python Deps). 1: Camera WB. 2: No Change.\n" echo -e " -F DARKFRAME - This is the path to the dark frame MLV." echo -e " --> This is a noise reduction technique: Record 5 sec w/lens cap on & same settings as footage." echo -e " --> Pass in that MLV file (must be MLV) as to get noise reduction on all passed MLV files.\n" echo -e " -A[int] WHITE_SPD - This is the amount of samples from which AWB will be calculated." echo -e " -->About this many frames, averaged over the course of the sequence, will be used to do AWB.\n" echo -e " -l LUT - This is a path to the 3D LUT. Specify the path to the LUT to use it." echo -e " --> Compatibility determined by ffmpeg (.cube is supported)." echo -e " --> LUT cannot be applied to EXR sequences." echo -e " --> Path to LUT (no space between -l and path).\n\n" echo -e "OPTIONS, DEPENDENCIES:" echo -e " -K Debian Package Deps - Lists dependecies. Works with apt-get on Debian; should be similar elsewhere." echo -e " --> No operations will be done." echo -e " --> Example: sudo apt-get install $ (./convmlv -K)\n" echo -e " -Y Python Deps - Lists Python dependencies. Works with pip." echo -e " --> No operations will be done. " echo -e " --> Example: sudo pip3 install $ (./convmlv -Y)\n" } mkdirS() { path=$1 if [ -d $path ]; then while true; do read -p "Overwrite ${path}? [y/n] " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) echo -e ""; rm -rf $path; mkdir -p $path >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; break ;; [Nn]* ) echo -e "\n\e[0;31m\e[1mDirectory ${path} won't be created.\e[0m\n"; exit 0 ;; * ) echo -e "\e[0;31m\e[1mPlease answer yes or no.\e[0m\n" ;; esac done else mkdir -p $path >/dev/null 2>/dev/null fi } parseArgs() { #Holy garbage if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c1-1` = "-" ]; then if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "H" ]; then HIGHLIGHT_MODE=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-3` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "s" ]; then PROXY_SCALE=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "u" ]; then DUAL_ISO=true let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "F" ]; then DARKFRAME=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "r" ]; then FOUR_COLOR="-f" let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "f" ]; then mode=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-3` case ${mode} in "0") IMG_FMT="exr" ;; "1") IMG_FMT="tiff" ;; "2") IMG_FMT="png" ;; "3") IMG_FMT="dpx" ;; esac let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "y" ]; then PYTHON=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` BAL="${PYTHON} balance.py" let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "v" ]; then echo -e "convmlv v${VERSION}" let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "m" ]; then MOVIE=true let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "c" ]; then isCOMPRESS=true let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "M" ]; then MLV_DUMP=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "R" ]; then RAW_DUMP=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "p" ]; then PROXY=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-3` case ${PROXY} in "0") isJPG=false; isH264=false ;; "1") isJPG=false; isH264=true ;; "2") isJPG=true; isH264=false ;; "3") isJPG=true; isH264=true ;; esac let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "i" ]; then IMAGES=true let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "o" ]; then OUTDIR=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "a" ]; then BADPIXEL_PATH=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "n" ]; then setting=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` NOISE_REDUC="-n ${setting}" let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "T" ]; then setting=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` THREADS=$setting let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "h" ]; then help exit 0 fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "d" ]; then DEMO_MODE=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-3` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "g" ]; then mode=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-3` case ${mode} in "0") GAMMA="1 1" ;; "1") GAMMA="2.2 0" ;; "2") GAMMA="1.8 0" ;; "3") GAMMA="2.4 12.9" ;; "4") GAMMA="2.222 4.5" ;; esac let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "S" ]; then DEPTH="" DEPTH_OUT="" let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "w" ]; then mode=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-3` case ${mode} in "0") CAMERA_WB=false; GEN_WHITE=true #Will generate white balance. ;; "1") CAMERA_WB=true; GEN_WHITE=false; ;; "2") WHITE="-r 1 1 1 1"; CAMERA_WB=true; GEN_WHITE=false ;; esac let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "K" ]; then echo $DEPS exit 0 fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "l" ]; then LUT_PATH=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` if [ ! -f $LUT_PATH ]; then echo "LUT not found!!!" echo $LUT_PATH exit 1 fi LUT="lut3d=${LUT_PATH}" isLUT=true let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "b" ]; then isBP=true let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "k" ]; then KEEP_DNGS=true let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "B" ]; then MLV_BP=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "A" ]; then WHITE_SPD=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "Y" ]; then echo $PIP_DEPS exit 0 fi continue fi } checkDeps() { if [ ! -f $ARG ] && [ ! -d $ARG ]; then echo -e "\e[0;31m\e[1mFile ${ARG} not found!\e[0m\n" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $DARKFRAME ] && [ $DARKFRAME != "" ]; then echo -e "\e[0;31m\e[1mDarkframe MLV ${DARKFRAME} not found!\e[0m\n" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $PYTHON_BAL ]; then echo -e "\e[0;31m\e[1mAWB ${PYTHON_BAL} not found! Execution will continue without AWB.\e[0m\n" fi if [ ! -f $MLV_DUMP ]; then echo -e "\e[0;31m\e[1m${MLV_DUMP} not found!\e[0m\n" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $RAW_DUMP ]; then echo -e "\e[0;31m\e[1m${RAW_DUMP} not found! Execution will continue without .RAW processing capability.\e[0m\n" fi if [ ! -f $MLV_BP ]; then echo -e "\e[0;31m\e[1m${MLV_BP} not found! Execution will continue without badpixel removal.\e[0m\n" fi if [ ! -f $CR_HDR ]; then echo -e "\e[0;31m\e[1m${CR_HDR} not found! Execution will continue without Dual ISO processing capability.\e[0m\n" fi } runSim() { # Command: cat $PIPE | cmd1 & cmdOrig | tee $PIPE | cmd2 # cat $PIPE | cmd1 - gives output of pipe live. Pipes it into cmd1. Nothing yet; just setup. # & - runs the next part in the background. # cmdOrig | tee $PIPE | cmd2 - cmdOrig pipes into the tee, which splits it back into the previous pipe, piping on to cmd2! # End Result: Output of cmdOrig is piped into cmd1 and cmd2, which execute, both printing to stdout. cmdOrig=$1 cmd1=$2 cmd2=$3 #~ echo $cmdOrig $cmd1 $cmd2 #~ echo $($cmdOrig) PIPE="${TMP}/pipe_vid" # $(date +%s%N | cut -b1-13)" mkfifo $PIPE 2>/dev/null cat $PIPE | $cmd1 & $cmdOrig | tee $PIPE | $cmd2 #The magic of simultaneous execution ^_^ #~ cat $PIPE | tr 'e' 'a' & echo 'hello' | tee $PIPE | tr 'e' 'o' #The magic of simultaneous execution ^_^ } if [ $# == 0 ]; then help echo -e "\e[0;31m\e[1mNo arguments, no joy!!!\e[0m\n" fi ARGNUM=$# for ARG in $*; do #Evaluate command line arguments. ARGNUM decrements to keep track of how many files there are to process. parseArgs # <-- Has a continue statement inside of it. #Check that main dependencies exist. checkDeps #List remaining files to process. remFiles=${@:`echo "$# - ($ARGNUM - 1)" | bc`:$#} remArr=$(echo $remFiles) list="" for item in $remArr; do if [ -z "${list}" ]; then list="${item}" else list="${list}, ${item}" fi done if [ $ARGNUM == 1 ]; then echo -e "\n\e[1m${ARGNUM} File Left to Process:\e[0m ${list}\n" else echo -e "\n\e[1m${ARGNUM} Files Left to Process:\e[0m ${list}\n" fi #PREPARATION #Basic Directory Structure. if [ $OUTDIR != $PWD ] && [ isOutGen == false ]; then mkdir -p $OUTDIR #NO RISKS. WE REMEMBER THE LUT.py. RIP OLD FRIEND. isOutGen=true fi BASE="$(basename "$ARG")" EXT="${BASE##*.}" TRUNC_ARG="${BASE%.*}" FILE="${OUTDIR}/${TRUNC_ARG}" TMP="${FILE}/tmp_${TRUNC_ARG}" mkdirS $FILE mkdirS $TMP #Create badpixels file, IF dual_iso isn't active. if [ $isBP == true ]; then echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Generating badpixels file...\n" bad_name="badpixels_${TRUNC_ARG}.txt" gen_bad="${TMP}/${bad_name}" if [ $EXT == "MLV" ] || [ $EXT == "mlv" ]; then $MLV_BP -o $gen_bad $ARG elif [ $EXT == "RAW" ] || [ $EXT == "raw" ]; then $MLV_BP -o $gen_bad $ARG fi #~ if [ $DUAL_ISO == true ]; then #Brute force grid in everything. Experiment. #~ echo "" > $gen_bad #~ echo $gen_bad #~ mapfile < $gen_bad #~ mFile=$(echo "${MAPFILE[@]}") #~ echo $file #~ exit #~ for line in $mFile; do #~ if ($(echo "${line}" | cut -c1-1) == "#"); then #~ continue #~ fi #~ xyd=(`echo ${line}`); #~ echo $line #~ echo hi #~ exit #~ #~ #3x3 badpixel fill in. #~ for x in {-1..1}; do #~ for y in {-2..2}; do #~ if [ x == 0 ] || [ y == 0 ]; then #~ continue #~ fi #~ echo "$(echo "${xyd[0]} + $x" | bc) $(echo "${xyd[1]} + $y" | bc) 0" > $gen_bad #~ done #~ done #~ done #~ fi if [ ! -z $BADPIXEL_PATH ]; then if [ -f "${TMP}/${bad_name}" ]; then mv "${TMP}/${bad_name}" "${TMP}/bp_gen" cp $BADPIXEL_PATH "${TMP}/bp_imp" { cat "${TMP}/bp_gen" && cat "${TMP}/bp_imp"; } > "${TMP}/${bad_name}" #Combine specified file with the generated file. else cp $BADPIXEL_PATH "${TMP}/${bad_name}" fi fi BADPIXELS="-P ${gen_bad}" fi #Darkframe Averaging if [ $DARKFRAME != "" ]; then echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Creating darkframe for subtraction...\n" avgFrame="${TMP}/darkframe.MLV" newArg="${TMP}/subtracted.MLV" $MLV_DUMP -o "${avgFrame}" -a $DARKFRAME >/dev/null 2>/dev/null $MLV_DUMP -o $newArg -s $avgFrame $ARG >/dev/null 2>/dev/null fi #Dump to DNG sequence, perhaps subtracting darkframe. if [ -d $ARG ]; then echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Using specified folder of RAW sequences...\n" #Use prespecified DNG sequence. find $ARG -iname "*.dng" | xargs -I {} cp {} $TMP #Copying DNGs to TMP. FPS=24 #Set FPS just in case. FRAMES=$(find ${TMP} -name "*.dng" | wc -l) else echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Dumping to DNG Sequence...\n" if [ $DARKFRAME != "" ]; then #Whether or not to use the newArg subtracted MLV. inputFile=$newArg rawStat="*Skipping Darkframe subtraction for RAW file ${TRUNC_ARG}." else inputFile=$ARG rawStat="\c" fi if [ $EXT == "MLV" ] || [ $EXT == "mlv" ]; then FPS=`${MLV_DUMP} -v -m ${inputFile} | grep FPS | awk 'FNR == 1 {print $3}'` $MLV_DUMP $inputFile -o "${TMP}/${TRUNC_ARG}_" --dng --no-cs >/dev/null 2>/dev/null elif [ $EXT == "RAW" ] || [ $EXT == "raw" ]; then echo -e $rawStat FPS=`$RAW_DUMP $inputFile "${TMP}/${TRUNC_ARG}_" | awk '/FPS/ { print $3; }'` #Run the dump while awking for the FPS. fi FRAMES=$(find ${TMP} -name "*.dng" | wc -l) fi #Dual ISO Conversion if [ $DUAL_ISO == true ]; then echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Combining Dual ISO...\n" #Original DNGs will be moved here. oldFiles="${TMP}/orig_dng" mkdirS $oldFiles #Prepare for parallelism. lPath="${TMP}/devel.lock" iPath="${TMP}/iCount" touch $iPath echo "" >> $iPath #Increment the count. 0 lines is uncountable inc_iso() { #7 args: {} $CR_HDR $TMP $FRAMES $oldFiles $lPath $iPath. {} is a path. Progress is thread safe. $2 $1 --no-cs >/dev/null 2>/dev/null #The LQ option, --mean23, is completely unusable in my opinion. name=$(basename "$1") mv "${3}/${name%.*}.dng" $5 #Move away original dngs. mv "${3}/${name%.*}.DNG" "${3}/${name%.*}.dng" #Rename *.DNG to *.dng. while true; do #This is the progress indicator. Don't use count to index the files; it won't correspond. if mkdir $6 2>/dev/null; then #Lock mechanism. If dir is made, true. If not, sleep. Suppress errors. count="$(wc -l < "${7}")" #Read the count from iPath. echo -e "\e[2K\rDual ISO Development: Frame ${count}/${4}\c" echo "" >> $7 #Increment the count by adding a line to iPath. rm -rf $6 break else sleep 0.05 fi done } export -f inc_iso #Must expose function to subprocess. find $TMP -name "*.dng" -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -I {} -P $THREADS -n 1 bash -c "inc_iso {} $CR_HDR $TMP $FRAMES $oldFiles $lPath $iPath" rm $iPath echo -e "\n" fi #Get White Balance correction factor. if [ $GEN_WHITE == true ]; then echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Generating WB...\n" #Calculate n, the distance between samples. if [ $WHITE_SPD -gt $FRAMES ]; then WHITE_SPD=$FRAMES fi n=`echo "${FRAMES} / ${WHITE_SPD}" | bc` toBal="${TMP}/toBal" mkdirS $toBal #Develop every nth file for averaging. i=0 t=0 trap "rm -rf ${FILE}; exit 1" INT for file in $TMP/*.dng; do if [ `echo "(${i}+1) % ${n}" | bc` -eq 0 ]; then dcraw -q 0 $BADPIXELS -r 1 1 1 1 -g $GAMMA -o 0 -T "${file}" name=$(basename "$file") mv "$TMP/${name%.*}.tiff" $toBal #TIFF MOVEMENT. We use TIFFs here because it's easy for dcraw and Python. let t++ fi echo -e "\e[2K\rWB Development: Sample ${t}/$(echo "${FRAMES} / $n" | bc) (Frame: $(echo "${i} + 1" | bc)/${FRAMES})\c" let i++ done echo "" #Calculate + store result into a form dcraw likes. echo -e "Calculating Auto White Balance..." BALANCE=`$BAL $toBal` WHITE="-r ${BALANCE} 1.000000" echo -e "Correction Factor (RGB): ${BALANCE} 1.0\n" elif [ $CAMERA_WB == true ]; then echo -e "Retrieving Camera White Balance..." trap "rm -rf ${FILE}; exit 1" INT for file in $TMP/*.dng; do #dcraw a single file verbosely, to get the camera multiplier with awk. BALANCE=`dcraw -T -w -v -c ${file} 2>&1 | awk '/multipliers/ { print $2, $3, $4 }'` break done WHITE="-r ${BALANCE} 1.0" echo -e "Correction Factor (RGB): ${BALANCE} 1.0\n" fi #Move .wav. SOUND_PATH="${TMP}/${TRUNC_ARG}_.wav" if [ ! -f $SOUND_PATH ]; then echo -e "*Not moving .wav, because it doesn't exist.\n" else echo -e "*Moving .wav.\n" cp $SOUND_PATH $FILE fi #DEFINE FUNCTIONS dcrawOpt() { find "${TMP}" -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.dng' -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 \ dcraw -c -q $DEMO_MODE $FOUR_COLOR $BADPIXELS $WHITE -H $HIGHLIGHT_MODE -g $GAMMA $NOISE_REDUC -o 0 $DEPTH } #Is prepared to pipe all the files in TMP outwards. mov_main() { ffmpeg -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -r $FPS -i pipe:0 \ -loglevel panic -stats $SOUND -vcodec prores_ks -n -r $FPS -profile:v 4444 -alpha_bits 0 -vendor ap4h $LUT $SOUND_ACTION "${VID}_hq.mov" } #-loglevel panic -stats mov_prox() { ffmpeg -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -r $FPS -i pipe:0 \ -loglevel panic -stats $SOUND -c:v libx264 -n -r $FPS -preset fast -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*${SCALE}:trunc(ih/2)*${SCALE}" -crf 23 $LUT -c:a mp3 "${VID}_lq.mp4" } #The option -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" fixes when x264 is unhappy about non-2 divisible dimensions. img_par() { #Takes 17 arguments: {} $DEMO_MODE $FOUR_COLOR $BADPIXELS $WHITE $HIGHLIGHT_MODE $GAMMA $NOISE_REDUC $DEPTH $SEQ $TRUNC_ARG $IMG_FMT $FRAMES $DEPTH_OUT $COMPRESS $isJPG $PROXY_SCALE $PROXY count=$(echo $(echo $1 | rev | cut -d "_" -f 1 | rev | cut -d "." -f 1 | grep "[0-9]") | bc) #Instead of count from file, count from name! if [ ${16} == true ]; then dcraw -c -q $2 $3 $4 $5 -H $6 -g $7 $8 -o 0 $9 $1 | \ tee >(convert ${14} - ${15} $(printf "${10}/${11}_%06d.${12}" ${count})) | \ convert - -quality 90 -resize ${17} $(printf "${18}/${11}_%06d.jpg" ${count}) echo -e "\e[2K\rDNG to ${12^^}/JPG: Frame ${count^^}/${13}\c" else dcraw -c -q $2 $3 $4 $5 -H $6 -g $7 $8 -o 0 $9 $1 | \ convert ${14} - ${15} $(printf "${10}/${11}_%06d.${12}" ${count}) echo -e "\e[2K\rDNG to ${12^^}: Frame ${count^^}/${13}\c" fi } export -f img_par SEQ="${FILE}/${IMG_FMT}_${TRUNC_ARG}" PROXY="${FILE}/proxy_${TRUNC_ARG}" #IMAGE PROCESSING if [ $IMAGES == true ] ; then echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Processing Image Sequence...\n" #Define Image Directories, Create SEQ directory mkdirS $SEQ if [ $isJPG == true ]; then mkdirS $PROXY fi #Define compression based on IMG_FMT if [ $isCOMPRESS == true ]; then if [ $IMG_FMT == "exr" ]; then COMPRESS="-compress piz" elif [ $IMG_FMT == "tiff" ]; then COMPRESS="-compress zip" elif [ $IMG_FMT == "png" ]; then COMPRESS="-quality 9" elif [ $IMG_FMT == "dpx" ]; then COMPRESS="-compress rle" fi #Compression modes are hardcoded. fi #Convert all the actual DNGs to IMG_FMT, in parallel. find "${TMP}" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.dng' -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -I {} -P $THREADS -n 1 \ bash -c "img_par {} '$DEMO_MODE' '$FOUR_COLOR' '$BADPIXELS' '$WHITE' '$HIGHLIGHT_MODE' '$GAMMA' '$NOISE_REDUC' '$DEPTH' \ '$SEQ' '$TRUNC_ARG' '$IMG_FMT' '$FRAMES' '$DEPTH_OUT' '$COMPRESS' '$isJPG' '$PROXY_SCALE' '$PROXY' \ " if [ $isJPG == true ]; then #Make it print "Frame $FRAMES / $FRAMES" as the last output :). echo -e "\e[2K\rDNG to ${IMG_FMT^^}/JPG: Frame ${FRAMES}/${FRAMES}\c" else echo -e "\e[2K\rDNG to ${IMG_FMT^^}: Frame ${FRAMES}/${FRAMES}\c" fi echo -e "\n" #Potentially apply a LUT. if [ $isLUT == true ]; then #Some way to package this into the development itself without piping hell? if [ $IMG_FMT == "exr" ]; then echo -e "*Cannot apply LUT to EXR sequences." else echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Applying LUT to ${FRAMES} ${IMG_FMT^^}s...\n" lutLoc="${TMP}/lut_conv" mkdirS $lutLoc find $SEQ -name "*.${IMG_FMT}" | xargs -I '{}' mv {} "${lutLoc}" #~ mv "${SEQ}/*.${IMG_FMT}" "${TMP}/lut_conv" #Move back into tmp so it can be processed back out. ffmpeg -f image2 -i "${lutLoc}/${TRUNC_ARG}_%06d.${IMG_FMT}" -loglevel panic -stats -vf $LUT "${SEQ}/${TRUNC_ARG}_%06d.${IMG_FMT}" #ffmpeg doesn't like tiffs. fi #~ exit fi fi #MOVIE PROCESSING VID="${FILE}/${TRUNC_ARG}" SCALE=`echo "($(echo "${PROXY_SCALE}" | sed 's/%//') / 100) * 2" | bc -l` #Get scale as factor for halved video, *2 for 50% SOUND="-i ${TMP}/${TRUNC_ARG}_.wav" SOUND_ACTION="-c:a mp3" if [ ! -f $SOUND_PATH ]; then SOUND="" SOUND_ACTION="" fi if [ $MOVIE == true ] && [ $IMAGES == false ]; then #LUT is automatically applied if argument was passed. if [ $isH264 == true ]; then echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Encoding to ProRes/H.264..." runSim dcrawOpt mov_main mov_prox else echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Encoding to ProRes..." dcrawOpt | mov_main fi elif [ $MOVIE == true ] && [ $IMAGES == true ]; then if [ $isH264 == true ]; then echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Encoding to ProRes/H.264..." runSim dcrawOpt mov_main mov_prox else echo -e "\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Encoding to ProRes..." dcrawOpt | mov_main fi fi echo -e "\n\e[1mCleaning Up.\e[0m\n" #Potentially move DNGs. if [ $KEEP_DNGS == true ]; then DNG="${FILE}/dng_${TRUNC_ARG}" mkdirS $DNG if [ $DUAL_ISO == true ]; then oldFiles="${TMP}/orig_dng" find $oldFiles -name "*.dng" | xargs -I '{}' mv {} $DNG #Preserve the original, unprocessed DNGs. else find $TMP -name "*.dng" | xargs -I '{}' mv {} $DNG fi fi #Delete tmp rm -rf $TMP let ARGNUM-- done exit 0 test() { bench() { first=`echo "$(date +%s%N | cut -b1-13) / 1000" | bc -l` $1 end=`echo "($(date +%s%N | cut -b1-13) / 1000 ) - ${first}" | bc -l` echo $end } #Just a test :). #Old Image Development i=0 #Very important variable. See functions called. trap "rm -rf ${FILE}; exit 1" INT for file in $TMP/*.dng; do if [ $isJPG == true ]; then runSim dcrawFile img_main img_prox echo -e "\e[2K\rDNG to ${IMG_FMT^^}/JPG (dcraw): Frame $(echo "${i} + 1" | bc)/${FRAMES}.\c" else dcrawFile $file | img_main echo -e "\e[2K\rDNG to ${IMG_FMT^^} (dcraw): Frame $(echo "${i} + 1" | bc)/${FRAMES}.\c" fi let i++ done img_main() { convert $DEPTH_OUT - $COMPRESS $(printf "${SEQ}/${TRUNC_ARG}_%06d.${IMG_FMT}" $i) #Make sure to do deep analysis later. #Requires some variable i outside the scope of the function. } img_prox() { convert - -quality 90 -resize $PROXY_SCALE $(printf "${PROXY}/${TRUNC_ARG}_%06d.jpg" $i) } #-quiet dcrawFile() { dcraw -c -q $DEMO_MODE $FOUR_COLOR $BADPIXELS $WHITE -H $HIGHLIGHT_MODE -g $GAMMA $NOISE_REDUC -o 0 $DEPTH $file #Requires some file outside the scope of the function. Pipes that file. } #Prepare for parallelism. lPath="${TMP}/devel.lock" iPath="${TMP}/iCount" touch $iPath echo "" >> $iPath #Increment the count. 0 lines is uncountable. #Use mkdir $lPath in an if as a lock. cat $PIPE | vidLQ & echo "text" | tee $PIPE | vidHQ # Old method. Surprised it worked... }