#!/bin/bash VERSION=$(echo "$(./convmlv.sh -v)" | sed -e 's/\./\_/g') TYPE=$1 if [[ -z "${TYPE// }" ]]; then TYPE="examples"; fi #HOW TO USE (Linux and Mac): # 1. Make sure everything is up to date. # 2. Put mlv2badpixels.sh, mlv_dump, raw2dng, and cr2hdr into the "binaries" folder in the repository. # 4. Run the script with "bare" or "examples" as argument. "examples" is default. # 3. A release tarball will automatically be created in "release" in the repository. ## It's reccommended that BINPATH is a folder in REP_PATH. REP_PATH="$(pwd)" BINPATH="${REP_PATH}/binaries" SRCPATH="${REP_PATH}/src" DOCPATH="${REP_PATH}/docs" RELEASE="${REP_PATH}/release" mkdir -p "$RELEASE" if [[ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu" ]]; then PLATFORM="linux" elif [[ $OSTYPE == "darwin11" ]]; then PLATFORM="mac" else echo "Platform not yet supported! Contact me at contact@sofusrose.com." fi TARBALL="$RELEASE/convmlv-${VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tar.gz" $DOCPATH/cleanDocs.sh > /dev/null $DOCPATH/buildDocs.sh > /dev/null cd $REP_PATH case $TYPE in examples) tar -czvf "$TARBALL" binaries/ src/ CHANGELOG 7D_badpixels.txt licence convmlv.sh \ color-core/ color-ext docs/MANPAGE docs/docs.pdf docs/workflow.txt configs/* ;; bare) tar -czvf "$TARBALL" binaries/ src/ CHANGELOG licence convmlv.sh \ color-core/ color-ext docs/MANPAGE docs/docs.pdf ;; esac gpg -b "$TARBALL" $DOCPATH/cleanDocs.sh > /dev/null gpg --verify "${TARBALL}.sig" "$TARBALL"