#!/bin/bash #BASIC CONSTANTS MLV_DUMP="./mlv_dump" #Path to MLV_DUMP location. DEPS="imagemagick dcraw ffmpeg" #Dependency package names (Debian). List with -K option. #MODDABLE CONSTANTS OUTDIR="$(pwd)" HIGHLIGHT_MODE="0" PROXY_SCALE="50%" DEMO_MODE="1" HQ_MOV=false LQ_PROXY=false DELETE_TIFF=false GAMMA="1 1" DEPTH="-4" WHITE="-r 1 1 1 1" LUT="" isLUT=false help () { echo -e "Usage:\n \033[1m./convmlv.sh\033[0m [OPTIONS] \033[2mmlv_files\033[0m\n" echo -e "Info:\n A script allowing you to convert .MLV files into TIFF + JPG (proxy) sequences and/or a Prores 4444 .mov, with an optional H.264 .mp4 preview. Many useful options such as gamma, highlight reconstruction, and bit depth are exposed.\n" echo -e "Dependencies:\n -mlv_dump: For MLV --> DNG.\n -dcraw: For DNG --> TIFF.\n -ffmpeg: For .mov/mp4 creation.\n" echo -e "OPTIONS:" echo -e " -o OUTDIR - The path in which files will be placed (no space btwn -o and path).\n" echo -e " -M MLV_DUMP - The path to mlv_dump (no space btwn -M and path). Default is './mlv_dump'.\n" echo -e " -H[0-9] HIGHLIGHT_MODE - 3 to 9 does degrees of highlight reconstruction, 1 and 2 don't. 0 is default." echo -e " --> Use -H (no space).\n" echo -e " -s[00-99]% PROXY_SCALE - the size, in %, of the proxy output." echo -e " --> Use -s% (no space). 50% is default.\n" echo -e " -m HQ_MOV - Use to create a Prores 4444 file.\n" echo -e " -p LQ_MOV - Use to create a low quality H.264 mp4 from the proxies.\n" echo -e " -D DELETE_TIFF - Use to delete not only TMP, but also the TIF and proxy sequences." echo -e " --> Useful if all you want are video files.\n" echo -e " -d DEMO_MODE - DCraw demosaicing mode. Higher modes are slower. 1 is default." echo -e " --> Use -d (no space). 0: Bilinear. 1: VNG (default). 2: PPG. 3: AHD.\n" echo -e " -K Package Deps - Lists dependecies. Works with apt-get." echo -e " --> No operations will be done. Also, you must provide mlv_dump.\n" echo -e " -g GAMMA - This is a modal gamma curve that is applied to the image. 0 is default." echo -e " --> Use -g (no space). 0: Linear. 1: 2.2 (Adobe RGB). 2: 1.8 (ProPhoto RGB). 3: sRGB. 4: BT.709.\n" echo -e " -P DEPTH - Specifying this option will create an 8-bit output instead of a 16-bit output." echo -e " --> It'll kind of ruin the point of RAW, though....\n" echo -e " -W WHITE - This is a modal white balance setting. Defaults to 2; 1 doesn't always work very well." echo -e " --> Use -W (no space). 0: Auto WB. 1: Camera WB (If retrievable). 2: No WB Processing.\n" echo -e " -l LUT - This is a path to the 3D LUT. Specify the path to the LUT to use it." echo -e " --> Compatibility determined by ffmpeg (.cube is supported)." echo -e " --> Path to LUT (no space between -l and path). Without specifying -l, no LUT will be applied." } if [ $# == 0 ]; then echo -e "\e[0;31m\e[1mNo arguments, no joy!!!\e[0m\n" help fi ARGNUM=$# trap "rm -rf ${TMP} ${NEW} ${PROXY}; exit 1" INT for ARG in $*; do #Evaluate command line arguments. ARGNUM decrements to keep track of how many files there are to process. if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c1-1` = "-" ]; then if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "H" ]; then HIGHLIGHT_MODE=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-3` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "s" ]; then if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-5` = "00" ]; then PROXY_SCALE="100%" else PROXY_SCALE=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-5` fi let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "m" ]; then HQ_MOV=true let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "M" ]; then MLV_DUMP=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "p" ]; then LQ_PROXY=true let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "D" ]; then DELETE_TIFF=true let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "o" ]; then OUTDIR=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "h" ]; then help let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "d" ]; then DEMO_MODE=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-3` let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "g" ]; then mode=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-3` case ${mode} in "0") GAMMA="1 1" ;; "1") GAMMA="2.2 0" ;; "2") GAMMA="1.8 0" ;; "3") GAMMA="2.4 12.9" ;; "4") GAMMA="2.222 4.5" ;; esac let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "P" ]; then DEPTH="" let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "W" ]; then mode=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-3` case ${mode} in "0") WHITE="-a" ;; "1") WHITE="-w" ;; "2") WHITE="-r 1 1 1 1" ;; esac let ARGNUM-- fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "K" ]; then echo $DEPS exit 0 fi if [ `echo ${ARG} | cut -c2-2` = "l" ]; then LUT=`echo ${ARG} | cut -c3-${#ARG}` if [ ! -f $LUT ]; then echo "LUT not found!!!" echo $LUT exit 1 fi isLUT=true let ARGNUM-- fi continue fi echo -e "\n\e[1mFiles Left to Process: \e[0m${ARGNUM}\n" #Create directory structure. mkdir -p $OUTDIR TRUNC_ARG=`echo ${ARG} | cut -f 1 -d "."` TMP="${OUTDIR}/tmp_${TRUNC_ARG}" NEW="${OUTDIR}/${TRUNC_ARG}" PROXY="${OUTDIR}/${TRUNC_ARG}_proxy" mkdir $TMP #Dump to DNG sequence using mlv_dump echo -e "\n\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Dumping to DNG Sequence...\n" $MLV_DUMP $ARG -o "${TMP}/${TRUNC_ARG}_" --dng --no-cs > /dev/null FRAMES=`expr $(ls -1U ${TMP} | wc -l) - 1` echo -e "\n\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Converting ${FRAMES} DNGs to TIFF...\n" trap "rm -rf ${TMP} ${NEW} ${PROXY}; exit 1" INT i=0 for file in $TMP/*.dng; do dcraw -q $DEMO_MODE $WHITE -H $HIGHLIGHT_MODE -g $GAMMA -o 0 $DEPTH -T "${file}" > /dev/null # -a gives auto white balance... Camera WB doesn't seem to be working properly :(. Other plausible default might be -r 1 1 1 1 . # output=$(printf "${TMP}/pngs/${TRUNC_ARG}_%05d" ${i}) # darktable-cli "${file}" "000000.dng.xmp" "${output}.png" --hq 1 --core --conf plugins/imageio/format/png/bpp echo -e "\e[2K\rDNG Development (dcraw): Frame ${i}/${FRAMES}.\c" let i++ done mkdir $TRUNC_ARG #Potentially apply a LUT. if [ $isLUT = true ]; then echo -e "\n\n\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Applying LUT to ${FRAMES} TIFFs...\n" trap "rm -rf ${TMP} ${NEW} ${PROXY}; exit 1" INT i=0 for tiff in $TMP/*.tiff; do output=$(printf "${TMP}/LUT_${TRUNC_ARG}_%06d" ${i}) ffmpeg -i $tiff -loglevel panic -vf lut3d="${LUT}" "${output}.tiff" rm $tiff echo -e "\e[2K\rApplying LUT (ffmpeg): Frame ${i}/${FRAMES}.\c" let i++ done fi echo -e "\n\n\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Processing ${FRAMES} TIFFs & Generating Proxies...\n" mkdir $PROXY #Move tiffs into place and generate proxies. trap "rm -rf ${TMP} ${NEW} ${PROXY}; exit" INT i=0 for tiff in $TMP/*.tiff; do output=$(printf "${PROXY}/${TRUNC_ARG}_%06d" ${i}) convert -quiet $tiff -resize $PROXY_SCALE "${output}.jpg" > /dev/null #PROXY GENERATION mv $tiff $NEW #TIFF MOVEMENT echo -e "\e[2K\rProxy Generation (IM): Frame ${i}/${FRAMES}.\c" let i++ done #Move .wav. mv "${TMP}/${TRUNC_ARG}_.wav" $OUTDIR #Movie creation, for editing: echo -e "\n\n\e[1m${TRUNC_ARG}:\e[0m Processing video options...\n" # --> Potentially create High Quality Prores 4444: if [ $HQ_MOV = true ]; then ffmpeg -f image2 -i "${NEW}/${TRUNC_ARG}_%06d.tiff" -i "${OUTDIR}/${TRUNC_ARG}_.wav" -loglevel panic -stats -vcodec prores_ks -pix_fmt yuva444p10le -profile:v 4444 -c:a copy "${OUTDIR}/${TRUNC_ARG}_hq.mov" fi # --> Potentially create proxy H.264: Highly unsuited for any color work; just a preview. if [ $LQ_PROXY = true ]; then ffmpeg -f image2 -i "${PROXY}/${TRUNC_ARG}_%06d.jpg" -i "${OUTDIR}/${TRUNC_ARG}_.wav" -loglevel panic -stats -c:v libx264 -preset fast -crf 23 -c:a mp3 "${OUTDIR}/${TRUNC_ARG}_lq.mp4" fi echo -e "\n\e[1mDeleting files.\e[0m\n" #Potentially delete TIFFs and JPGs. if [ $DELETE_TIFF = true ]; then rm -rf $NEW fi #Delete tmp rm -rf $TMP let ARGNUM-- done exit 0