import contextlib import tempfile import typing as typ import zipfile from pathlib import Path import info _PROJ_VERSION_STR = str( tuple(int(el) for el in info.PROJ_SPEC['project']['version'].split('.')) ) _PROJ_DESC_STR = info.PROJ_SPEC['project']['description'] BL_INFO_REPLACEMENTS = { "'version': (0, 0, 0),": f"'version': {_PROJ_VERSION_STR},", "'description': 'Placeholder',": f"'description': '{_PROJ_DESC_STR}',", } @contextlib.contextmanager def zipped_addon( path_addon_pkg: Path, path_addon_zip: Path, path_pyproject_toml: Path, path_requirements_lock: Path, replace_if_exists: bool = False, ) -> typ.Iterator[Path]: """Context manager exposing a folder as a (temporary) zip file. The .zip file is deleted afterwards. """ # Delete Existing ZIP (maybe) if path_addon_zip.is_file(): if replace_if_exists: msg = 'File already exists where ZIP would be made' raise ValueError(msg) path_addon_zip.unlink() # Create New ZIP file of the addon directory with zipfile.ZipFile(path_addon_zip, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as f_zip: # Install Addon Files @ /* for file_to_zip in path_addon_pkg.rglob('*'): # Dynamically Alter 'bl_info' in ## This is the only way to propagate ex. version information if str(file_to_zip.relative_to(path_addon_pkg)) == '': with ('r') as f_init, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as f_tmp, ): initpy = for to_replace, replacement in BL_INFO_REPLACEMENTS.items(): initpy = initpy.replace(to_replace, replacement) f_tmp.write(initpy) # Write to ZIP f_zip.writestr( str(file_to_zip.relative_to(path_addon_pkg.parent)), initpy, ) # Write File to Zip else: f_zip.write( file_to_zip, file_to_zip.relative_to(path_addon_pkg.parent) ) # Install pyproject.toml @ /pyproject.toml of Addon f_zip.write( path_pyproject_toml, str( ( Path( / Path( ) .with_suffix('') .with_suffix('.toml') ), ) # Install requirements.lock @ /requirements.txt of Addon f_zip.write( path_requirements_lock, str( (Path( / Path( .with_suffix('') .with_suffix('.txt') ), ) # Delete the ZIP try: yield path_addon_zip finally: path_addon_zip.unlink()