fix: Bugs related to geonodes, end-of-chain unit conversion

Sofus Albert Høgsbro Rose 2024-04-02 16:40:02 +02:00
parent e080d16893
commit 505a12fa25
Signed by: so-rose
GPG Key ID: AD901CB0F3701434
17 changed files with 890 additions and 1142 deletions

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@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
"""Provides for the linking and/or appending of geometry nodes trees from vendored libraries included in Blender maxwell."""
import enum
import typing as typ
from pathlib import Path
import bpy
import typing_extensions as typx
from .. import info
from ..utils import logger
log = logger.get(__name__)
BLOperatorStatus: typ.TypeAlias = set[
# - GeoNodes Specification
class GeoNodes(enum.StrEnum):
"""Defines available GeoNodes groups vendored as part of Blender Maxwell.
The value of this StrEnum is both the name of the .blend file containing the GeoNodes group, and of the GeoNodes group itself.
PrimitiveBox = 'box'
PrimitiveRing = 'ring'
PrimitiveSphere = 'sphere'
# GeoNodes Path Mapping
GN_PRIMITIVES_PATH = info.PATH_ASSETS / 'geonodes' / 'primitives'
GN_PARENT_PATHS: dict[GeoNodes, Path] = {
GeoNodes.PrimitiveBox: GN_PRIMITIVES_PATH,
GeoNodes.PrimitiveRing: GN_PRIMITIVES_PATH,
GeoNodes.PrimitiveSphere: GN_PRIMITIVES_PATH,
# - Import GeoNodes (Link/Append)
ImportMethod: typ.TypeAlias = typx.Literal['append', 'link']
def import_geonodes(
geonodes: GeoNodes,
import_method: ImportMethod,
force_import: bool = False,
) -> bpy.types.GeometryNodeGroup:
"""Given a pre-defined GeoNodes group packaged with Blender Maxwell.
The procedure is as follows:
- Link it to the current .blend file.
- Retrieve the node group and return it.
if geonodes in and not force_import:
'Found Existing GeoNodes Tree (name=%s)',
filename = geonodes
filepath = str(
GN_PARENT_PATHS[geonodes] / (geonodes + '.blend') / 'NodeTree' / geonodes
directory = filepath.removesuffix(geonodes)
'% GeoNodes Tree (filename=%s, directory=%s, filepath=%s)',
"Linking" if import_method == 'link' else "Appending"
link=import_method == 'link',
# - GeoNodes Asset Shelf
# class GeoNodesAssetShelf(bpy.types.AssetShelf):
# bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
# bl_idname = 'blender_maxwell.asset_shelf__geonodes'
# bl_options = {'NO_ASSET_DRAG'}
# @classmethod
# def poll(cls, context):
# return (
# (space := context.get('space_data'))
# and (node_tree := space.get('node_tree'))
# and (node_tree.bl_idname == 'MaxwellSimTreeType')
# )
# @classmethod
# def asset_poll(cls, asset: bpy.types.AssetRepresentation):
# return asset.id_type == 'NODETREE'
# - GeoNodes Asset Shelf Panel for MaxwellSimTree
class NodeAssetPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = 'blender_maxwell.panel__node_asset_panel'
bl_label = 'Node GeoNodes Asset Panel'
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_category = 'Assets'
# @classmethod
# def poll(cls, context):
# return (
# (space := context.get('space_data')) is not None
# and (node_tree := space.get('node_tree')) is not None
# and (node_tree.bl_idname == 'MaxwellSimTreeType')
# )
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
workspace = context.workspace
wm = context.window_manager
# list_id must be unique otherwise behaviour gets weird when the template_asset_view is shown twice
# (drag operator stops working in AssetPanelDrag, clickable area of all Assets in AssetPanelNoDrag gets
# reduced to below the Asset name and clickable area of Current File Assets in AssetPanelDrag gets
# reduced as if it didn't have a drag operator)
_activate_op_props, _drag_op_props = layout.template_asset_view(
# - Append GeoNodes Operator
def get_view_location(region, coords, ui_scale):
x, y = region.view2d.region_to_view(*coords)
return x / ui_scale, y / ui_scale
class AppendGeoNodes(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Operator allowing the user to append a vendored GeoNodes tree for use in a simulation."""
bl_idname = 'blender_maxwell.blends__import_geo_nodes'
bl_label = 'Import GeoNode Tree'
bl_description = 'Append a geometry node tree from the Blender Maxwell plugin, either via linking or appending'
bl_options = frozenset({'REGISTER'})
# - Properties
_asset: bpy.types.AssetRepresentation | None = None
_start_drag_x: bpy.props.IntProperty()
_start_drag_y: bpy.props.IntProperty()
# - UI
def draw(self, _: bpy.types.Context) -> None:
"""Draws the UI of the operator."""
layout = self.layout
col = layout.column()
col.prop(self, 'geonodes_to_append', expand=True)
# - Execution
def poll(cls, context: bpy.types.Context) -> bool:
"""Defines when the operator can be run.
Whether the operator can be run.
return context.asset is not None
def invoke(self, context, event):
self._start_drag_x = event.mouse_x
self._start_drag_y = event.mouse_y
return self.execute(context)
def execute(self, context: bpy.types.Context) -> BLOperatorStatus:
"""Initializes the while-dragging modal handler, which executes custom logic when the mouse button is released.
Runs in response to drag_handler of a `UILayout.template_asset_view`.
asset: bpy.types.AssetRepresentation = context.asset'Dragging Asset: %s',
# Store Asset for Modal & Drag Start
self._asset = context.asset
# Register Modal Operator & Tag Area for Redraw
# Set Modal Cursor
# Return Status of Running Modal
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def modal(
self, context: bpy.types.Context, event: bpy.types.Event
) -> BLOperatorStatus:
"""When LMB is released, creates a GeoNodes Structure node.
Runs in response to events in the node editor while dragging an asset from the side panel.
if (asset := self._asset) is None:
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
if event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE' and event.value == 'RELEASE':'Released Dragged Asset: %s',
area = context.area
editor_region = next(
region for region in area.regions.values() if region.type == 'WINDOW'
# Check if Mouse Coordinates are:
## - INSIDE of Node Editor
## - INSIDE of Node Editor's WINDOW Region
if (
(event.mouse_x >= area.x and event.mouse_x < area.x + area.width)
and (event.mouse_y >= area.y and event.mouse_y < area.y + area.height)
) and (
event.mouse_x >= editor_region.x
and event.mouse_x < editor_region.x + editor_region.width
and (
event.mouse_y >= editor_region.y
and event.mouse_y < editor_region.y + editor_region.height
'Asset "%s" Released in Main Window of Node Editor',
space = context.space_data
node_tree = space.node_tree
ui_scale = context.preferences.system.ui_scale
node_location = get_view_location(
event.mouse_x - editor_region.x,
event.mouse_y - editor_region.y,
# Create GeoNodes Structure Node
'Creating GeoNodes Structure Node at (%d, %d)',
structure_node ='GeoNodesStructureNodeType') = True
structure_node.location.x = node_location[0]
structure_node.location.y = node_location[1]
# Import the GeoNodes Structure
geonodes = import_geonodes(, 'append')
# Create the GeoNodes Node
# Create a GeoNodes Structure w/Designated GeoNodes Group @ Mouse Position
return {'FINISHED'}
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
# - Blender Registration
# def initialize_asset_libraries(_: bpy.types.Scene):
## TODO: Move to top-level registration.
asset_libraries = bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.asset_libraries
if (
asset_library_idx := asset_libraries.find('Blender Maxwell')
) != -1 and asset_libraries['Blender Maxwell'].path != str(info.PATH_ASSETS):
if 'Blender Maxwell' not in asset_libraries:
asset_library = asset_libraries[-1] ## Since the operator adds to the end = 'Blender Maxwell'
asset_library.path = str(info.PATH_ASSETS)
bpy.types.WindowManager.active_asset_list = bpy.props.CollectionProperty(
bpy.types.WindowManager.active_asset_index = bpy.props.IntProperty()
## TODO: Do something differently
# GeoNodesAssetShelf,
# {
# '_': [
# AppendGeoNodes.bl_idname,
# ],
# 'ctrl': False,
# 'shift': False,
# 'alt': False,
# }

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,28 +1,35 @@
"""Tools for translating between BLMaxwell sockets and pure Blender sockets.
SOCKET_DEFS: Maps BLMaxwell SocketType objects to their corresponding SocketDef.
BL_SOCKET_3D_TYPE_PREFIXES: Blender socket prefixes which indicate that the Blender socket has three values.
BL_SOCKET_4D_TYPE_PREFIXES: Blender socket prefixes which indicate that the Blender socket has four values.
import functools
import typing as typ
import bpy
import sympy as sp
import sympy.physics.units as spu
import typing_extensions as typx
from ...utils import extra_sympy_units as spux
from ...utils import logger as _logger
from . import contracts as ct
from . import sockets as sck
from .contracts import SocketType as ST
from .contracts import SocketType as ST # noqa: N817
log = _logger.get(__name__)
# TODO: Caching?
# TODO: Move the manual labor stuff to contracts
BLSocketType = str ## A Blender-Defined Socket Type
BLSocketSize = int
DescType = str
Unit = typ.Any ## Type of a valid unit
BLSocketType: typ.TypeAlias = str ## A Blender-Defined Socket Type
BLSocketValue: typ.TypeAlias = typ.Any ## A Blender Socket Value
BLSocketSize: typ.TypeAlias = int
DescType: typ.TypeAlias = str
Unit: typ.TypeAlias = typ.Any ## Type of a valid unit
# - Socket to SocketDef
## TODO: It's only smelly because of the way we bubble up SocketDefs
socket_type: getattr(
@ -31,7 +38,6 @@ SOCKET_DEFS = {
for socket_type in ST
if hasattr(sck, socket_type.value.removesuffix('SocketType') + 'SocketDef')
## TODO: Bit of a hack. Is it robust enough?
for socket_type in ST:
if not hasattr(
@ -53,9 +59,11 @@ BL_SOCKET_4D_TYPE_PREFIXES = {
def size_from_bl_interface_socket(
bl_interface_socket: bpy.types.NodeTreeInterfaceSocket,
) -> typx.Literal[1, 2, 3, 4]:
def _size_from_bl_socket(
description: str,
bl_socket_type: BLSocketType,
"""Parses the `size`, aka. number of elements, contained within the `default_value` of a Blender interface socket.
Since there are no 2D sockets in Blender, the user can specify "2D" in the Blender socket's description to "promise" that only the first two values will be used.
@ -65,15 +73,15 @@ def size_from_bl_interface_socket(
- For 3D sockets, a hard-coded list of Blender node socket types is used.
- Else, it is a 1D socket type.
if bl_interface_socket.description.startswith('2D'):
if description.startswith('2D'):
return 2
if any(
for bl_socket_3d_type_prefix in BL_SOCKET_3D_TYPE_PREFIXES
return 3
if any(
for bl_socket_4d_type_prefix in BL_SOCKET_4D_TYPE_PREFIXES
return 4
@ -84,176 +92,171 @@ def size_from_bl_interface_socket(
# - BL Socket Type / Unit Parser
def parse_bl_interface_socket(
bl_interface_socket: bpy.types.NodeTreeInterfaceSocket,
) -> tuple[ST, sp.Expr | None]:
"""Parse a Blender interface socket by parsing its description, falling back to any direct type links.
def _socket_type_from_bl_socket(
description: str,
bl_socket_type: BLSocketType,
) -> ST:
"""Parse a Blender socket for a matching BLMaxwell socket type, relying on both the Blender socket type and user-generated hints in the description.
bl_interface_socket: An interface socket associated with the global input to a node tree.
description: The description from Blender socket, aka. `bl_socket.description`.
bl_socket_type: The Blender socket type, aka. `bl_socket.socket_type`.
The type of a corresponding MaxwellSimSocket, as well as a unit (if a particular unit was requested by the Blender interface socket).
The type of a MaxwellSimSocket that corresponds to the Blender socket.
size = size_from_bl_interface_socket(bl_interface_socket)
size = _size_from_bl_socket(description, bl_socket_type)
# Determine Direct Socket Type
# Determine Socket Type Directly
## The naive mapping from BL socket -> Maxwell socket may be good enough.
if (
direct_socket_type := ct.BL_SOCKET_DIRECT_TYPE_MAP.get(
(bl_interface_socket.socket_type, size)
direct_socket_type := ct.BL_SOCKET_DIRECT_TYPE_MAP.get((bl_socket_type, size))
) is None:
msg = "Blender interface socket has no mapping among 'MaxwellSimSocket's."
raise ValueError(msg)
# (Maybe) Return Direct Socket Type
## When there's no description, that's it; return.
if not ct.BL_SOCKET_DESCR_ANNOT_STRING in bl_interface_socket.description:
return (direct_socket_type, None)
# (No Description) Return Direct Socket Type
if ct.BL_SOCKET_DESCR_ANNOT_STRING not in description:
return direct_socket_type
# Parse Description for Socket Type
tokens = (
if (_tokens := bl_interface_socket.description.split(' '))[0] != '2D'
else _tokens[1:]
) ## Don't include the "2D" token, if defined.
## The "2D" token is special; don't include it if it's there.
tokens = _tokens if (_tokens := description.split(' '))[0] != '2D' else _tokens[1:]
if (
socket_type := ct.BL_SOCKET_DESCR_TYPE_MAP.get(
(tokens[0], bl_interface_socket.socket_type, size)
(tokens[0], bl_socket_type, size)
) is None:
return (
) ## Description doesn't map to anything
msg = f'Socket description "{(tokens[0], bl_socket_type, size)}" doesn\'t map to a socket type + unit'
raise ValueError(msg)
# Determine Socket Unit (to use instead of "unit system")
## This is entirely OPTIONAL
socket_unit = None
if socket_type in ct.SOCKET_UNITS:
## Case: Unit is User-Defined
if len(tokens) > 1 and '(' in tokens[1] and ')' in tokens[1]:
# Compute (<unit_str>) as Unit Token
unit_token = tokens[1].removeprefix('(').removesuffix(')')
# Compare Unit Token to Valid Sympy-Printed Units
socket_unit = (
if (
_socket_unit := [
for unit in ct.SOCKET_UNITS[socket_type][
if str(unit) == unit_token
else ct.SOCKET_UNITS[socket_type]['values'][
## TODO: Enforce abbreviated sympy printing here, not globally
return (socket_type, socket_unit)
return socket_type
# - BL Socket Interface Definition
def socket_def_from_bl_interface_socket(
def _socket_def_from_bl_socket(
description: str,
bl_socket_type: BLSocketType,
) -> ST:
return SOCKET_DEFS[_socket_type_from_bl_socket(description, bl_socket_type)]
def socket_def_from_bl_socket(
bl_interface_socket: bpy.types.NodeTreeInterfaceSocket,
) -> ct.schemas.SocketDef:
"""Computes an appropriate (no-arg) SocketDef from the given `bl_interface_socket`, by parsing it."""
return SOCKET_DEFS[parse_bl_interface_socket(bl_interface_socket)[0]]
return _socket_def_from_bl_socket(
bl_interface_socket.description, bl_interface_socket.socket_type
# - Extract Default Interface Socket Value
def value_from_bl(
def _read_bl_socket_default_value(
description: str,
bl_socket_type: BLSocketType,
bl_socket_value: BLSocketValue,
unit_system: dict | None = None,
) -> typ.Any:
# Parse the BL Socket Type and Value
## The 'lambda' delays construction until size is determined.
socket_type = _socket_type_from_bl_socket(description, bl_socket_type)
parsed_socket_value = {
1: lambda: bl_socket_value,
2: lambda: sp.Matrix(tuple(bl_socket_value)[:2]),
3: lambda: sp.Matrix(tuple(bl_socket_value)),
4: lambda: sp.Matrix(tuple(bl_socket_value)),
}[_size_from_bl_socket(description, bl_socket_type)]()
# Add Unit-System Unit to Parsed
## Use the matching socket type to lookup the unit in the unit system.
if unit_system is not None:
if (unit := unit_system.get(socket_type)) is None:
msg = f'Unit system does not provide a unit for {socket_type}'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
if unit not in (valid_units := ct.SOCKET_UNITS[socket_type]['values'].values()):
msg = f'Unit system provided a unit "{unit}" that is invalid for socket type "{socket_type}" (valid units: {valid_units})'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
return parsed_socket_value * unit
return parsed_socket_value
def read_bl_socket_default_value(
bl_interface_socket: bpy.types.NodeTreeInterfaceSocket,
unit_system: dict | None = None,
) -> typ.Any:
"""Reads the value of any Blender socket, and writes its `default_value` to the `value` of any `MaxwellSimSocket`.
- If the size of the Blender socket is >1, then `value` is written to as a `sympy.Matrix`.
- If a unit system is given, then the Blender socket is matched to a `MaxwellSimSocket`, which is used to lookup an appropriate unit in the given `unit_system`.
"""Reads the `default_value` of a Blender socket, guaranteeing a well-formed value consistent with the passed unit system.
bl_interface_socket: The Blender interface socket to analyze for description, socket type, and default value.
unit_system: The mapping from BLMaxwell SocketType to corresponding unit, used to apply the appropriate unit to the output.
The parsed, well-formed version of `bl_socket.default_value`, of the appropriate form and unit.
## TODO: Consider sympy.S()'ing the default_value
parsed_bl_socket_value = {
1: lambda: bl_interface_socket.default_value,
2: lambda: sp.Matrix(tuple(bl_interface_socket.default_value)[:2]),
3: lambda: sp.Matrix(tuple(bl_interface_socket.default_value)),
4: lambda: sp.Matrix(tuple(bl_interface_socket.default_value)),
## The 'lambda' delays construction until size is determined
socket_type, unit = parse_bl_interface_socket(bl_interface_socket)
# Add Unit to Parsed (if relevant)
if unit is not None:
parsed_bl_socket_value *= unit
elif unit_system is not None:
parsed_bl_socket_value *= unit_system[socket_type]
return parsed_bl_socket_value
return _read_bl_socket_default_value(
# - Convert to Blender-Compatible Value
def make_scalar_bl_compat(scalar: typ.Any) -> typ.Any:
"""Blender doesn't accept ex. Sympy numbers as values.
Therefore, we need to do some conforming.
Currently hard-coded; this is probably best.
if isinstance(scalar, sp.Integer):
return int(scalar)
elif isinstance(scalar, sp.Float):
return float(scalar)
elif isinstance(scalar, sp.Rational):
return float(scalar)
elif isinstance(scalar, sp.Expr):
return float(scalar.n())
## TODO: More?
return scalar
def value_to_bl(
bl_interface_socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket,
def _writable_bl_socket_value(
description: str,
bl_socket_type: BLSocketType,
value: typ.Any,
unit_system: dict | None = None,
) -> typ.Any:
socket_type, unit = parse_bl_interface_socket(bl_interface_socket)
socket_type = _socket_type_from_bl_socket(description, bl_socket_type)
# Set Socket
if unit is not None:
bl_socket_value = spu.convert_to(value, unit) / unit
elif unit_system is not None and socket_type in unit_system:
bl_socket_value = (
spu.convert_to(value, unit_system[socket_type])
/ unit_system[socket_type]
# Retrieve Unit-System Unit
if unit_system is not None:
if (unit := unit_system.get(socket_type)) is None:
msg = f'Unit system does not provide a unit for {socket_type}'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
_bl_socket_value = spux.scale_to_unit(value, unit)
bl_socket_value = value
_bl_socket_value = value
return {
1: lambda: make_scalar_bl_compat(bl_socket_value),
2: lambda: tuple(
## Don't touch (unused) 3rd bl_socket coordinate
3: lambda: tuple(
[make_scalar_bl_compat(el) for el in bl_socket_value]
4: lambda: tuple(
[make_scalar_bl_compat(el) for el in bl_socket_value]
## The 'lambda' delays construction until size is determined
# Compute Blender Socket Value
bl_socket_value = spux.sympy_to_python(_bl_socket_value)
if _size_from_bl_socket(description, bl_socket_type) == 2: # noqa: PLR2004
bl_socket_value = bl_socket_value[:2]
return bl_socket_value
def writable_bl_socket_value(
bl_interface_socket: bpy.types.NodeTreeInterfaceSocket,
value: typ.Any,
unit_system: dict | None = None,
) -> typ.Any:
"""Processes a value to be ready-to-write to a Blender socket.
bl_interface_socket: The Blender interface socket to analyze
value: The value to prepare for writing to the given Blender socket.
unit_system: The mapping from BLMaxwell SocketType to corresponding unit, used to scale the value to the the appropriate unit.
A value corresponding to the input, which is guaranteed to be compatible with the Blender socket (incl. via a GeoNodes modifier), as well as correctly scaled with respect to the given unit system.
return _writable_bl_socket_value(

View File

@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ from .socket_units import SOCKET_UNITS
from .socket_colors import SOCKET_COLORS
from .socket_shapes import SOCKET_SHAPES
from .unit_systems import UNITS_BLENDER, UNITS_TIDY3D
from .socket_from_bl_desc import BL_SOCKET_DESCR_TYPE_MAP
from .socket_from_bl_direct import BL_SOCKET_DIRECT_TYPE_MAP
@ -73,6 +75,8 @@ __all__ = [

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import sympy.physics.units as spu
from ....utils import extra_sympy_units as spux
from .socket_types import SocketType as ST
from ....utils import extra_sympy_units as spux
from .socket_types import SocketType as ST # noqa: N817
ST.PhysicalTime: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
import typing as typ
import sympy.physics.units as spu
from ....utils import extra_sympy_units as spux
from ....utils.pydantic_sympy import SympyExpr
from .socket_types import SocketType as ST # noqa: N817
from .socket_units import SOCKET_UNITS
def _socket_units(socket_type):
return SOCKET_UNITS[socket_type]['values']
UnitSystem: typ.TypeAlias = dict[ST, SympyExpr]
# - Unit Systems
UNITS_BLENDER: UnitSystem = {
socket_type: _socket_units(socket_type)[socket_unit_prop]
for socket_type, socket_unit_prop in {
ST.PhysicalTime: spu.picosecond,
ST.PhysicalAngle: spu.radian,
ST.PhysicalLength: spu.micrometer,
ST.PhysicalArea: spu.micrometer**2,
ST.PhysicalVolume: spu.micrometer**3,
ST.PhysicalPoint2D: spu.micrometer,
ST.PhysicalPoint3D: spu.micrometer,
ST.PhysicalSize2D: spu.micrometer,
ST.PhysicalSize3D: spu.micrometer,
ST.PhysicalMass: spu.microgram,
ST.PhysicalSpeed: / spu.second,
ST.PhysicalAccelScalar: / spu.second**2,
ST.PhysicalForceScalar: spu.micronewton,
ST.PhysicalAccel3D: / spu.second**2,
ST.PhysicalForce3D: spu.micronewton,
ST.PhysicalFreq: spu.terahertz,
ST.PhysicalPol: spu.radian,
} ## TODO: Load (dynamically?) from addon preferences
UNITS_TIDY3D: UnitSystem = {
socket_type: _socket_units(socket_type)[socket_unit_prop]
for socket_type, socket_unit_prop in {
ST.PhysicalTime: spu.picosecond,
ST.PhysicalAngle: spu.radian,
ST.PhysicalLength: spu.micrometer,
ST.PhysicalArea: spu.micrometer**2,
ST.PhysicalVolume: spu.micrometer**3,
ST.PhysicalPoint2D: spu.micrometer,
ST.PhysicalPoint3D: spu.micrometer,
ST.PhysicalSize2D: spu.micrometer,
ST.PhysicalSize3D: spu.micrometer,
ST.PhysicalMass: spu.microgram,
ST.PhysicalSpeed: / spu.second,
ST.PhysicalAccelScalar: / spu.second**2,
ST.PhysicalForceScalar: spu.micronewton,
ST.PhysicalAccel3D: / spu.second**2,
ST.PhysicalForce3D: spu.micronewton,
ST.PhysicalFreq: spu.terahertz,
ST.PhysicalPol: spu.radian,

View File

@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
from .managed_bl_empty import ManagedBLEmpty
from .managed_bl_image import ManagedBLImage
#from .managed_bl_collection import ManagedBLCollection
#from .managed_bl_object import ManagedBLObject
from .managed_bl_mesh import ManagedBLMesh
from .managed_bl_empty import ManagedBLEmpty
#from .managed_bl_volume import ManagedBLVolume
from .managed_bl_modifier import ManagedBLModifier
__all__ = [

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import contextlib
import bmesh
import bpy
import numpy as np
import typing_extensions as typx
from ....utils import logger
from .. import contracts as ct
@ -98,21 +97,29 @@ class ManagedBLMesh(ct.schemas.ManagedObj):
If it's already included, do nothing.
bl_object = self.bl_object()
if not in preview_collection().objects:
if (
bl_object :=
) is not None and not in preview_collection().objects:'Moving "%s" to Preview Collection',
msg = 'Managed BLMesh does not exist'
raise ValueError(msg)
def hide_preview(self) -> None:
"""Removes the managed Blender object from the preview collection.
If it's already removed, do nothing.
bl_object = self.bl_object()
if not in preview_collection().objects:
if (
bl_object :=
) is not None and in preview_collection().objects:'Removing "%s" from Preview Collection',
msg = 'Managed BLMesh does not exist'
raise ValueError(msg)
def bl_select(self) -> None:
"""Selects the managed Blender object, causing it to be ex. outlined in the 3D viewport."""
if (bl_object := is not None:
@ -125,7 +132,7 @@ class ManagedBLMesh(ct.schemas.ManagedObj):
# - BLMesh Management
def bl_object(self):
def bl_object(self, location: tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0)):
"""Returns the managed blender object."""
# Create Object w/Appropriate Data Block
if not (bl_object :=
@ -141,6 +148,10 @@ class ManagedBLMesh(ct.schemas.ManagedObj):
for i, coord in enumerate(location):
if bl_object.location[i] != coord:
bl_object.location[i] = coord
return bl_object

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import typing as typ
import bpy
import typing_extensions as typx
from ....utils import analyze_geonodes
from ....utils import logger
from ....utils import analyze_geonodes, logger
from .. import bl_socket_map
from .. import contracts as ct
log = logger.get(__name__)
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ NodeTreeInterfaceID: typ.TypeAlias = str
class ModifierAttrsNODES(typ.TypedDict):
node_group: bpy.types.GeometryNodeTree
unit_system: bpy.types.GeometryNodeTree
inputs: dict[NodeTreeInterfaceID, typ.Any]
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ MODIFIER_NAMES = {
# - Read/Write Modifier Attributes
# - Read Modifier Information
def read_modifier(bl_modifier: bpy.types.Modifier) -> ModifierAttrs:
if bl_modifier.type == 'NODES':
@ -44,6 +46,66 @@ def read_modifier(bl_modifier: bpy.types.Modifier) -> ModifierAttrs:
raise NotImplementedError
# - Write Modifier Information
def write_modifier_geonodes(
bl_modifier: bpy.types.Modifier,
modifier_attrs: ModifierAttrsNODES,
) -> bool:
# Alter GeoNodes Group
if bl_modifier.node_group != modifier_attrs['node_group']:
'Changing GeoNodes Modifier NodeTree from "%s" to "%s"',
bl_modifier.node_group = modifier_attrs['node_group']
modifier_altered = True
# Alter GeoNodes Modifier Inputs
## First we retrieve the interface items by-Socket Name
geonodes_interface = analyze_geonodes.interface(
bl_modifier.node_group, direct='INPUT'
for (
) in modifier_attrs['inputs'].items():
# Compute Writable BL Socket Value
## Analyzes the socket and unitsys to prep a ready-to-write value.
## Writte directly to the modifier dict.
bl_socket_value = bl_socket_map.writable_bl_socket_value(
# Compute Interface ID from Socket Name
## We can't index the modifier by socket name; only by Interface ID.
## Still, we require that socket names are unique.
iface_id = geonodes_interface[socket_name].identifier
# IF List-Like: Alter Differing Elements
if isinstance(bl_socket_value, tuple):
for i, bl_socket_subvalue in enumerate(bl_socket_value):
if bl_modifier[iface_id][i] != bl_socket_subvalue:
bl_modifier[iface_id][i] = bl_socket_subvalue
# IF int/float Mismatch: Assign Float-Cast of Integer
## Blender is strict; only floats can set float vals.
## We are less strict; if the user passes an int, that's okay.
elif isinstance(bl_socket_value, int) and isinstance(
bl_modifier[iface_id] = float(bl_socket_value)
modifier_altered = True
bl_modifier[iface_id] = bl_socket_value
modifier_altered = True
def write_modifier(
bl_modifier: bpy.types.Modifier,
modifier_attrs: ModifierAttrs,
@ -55,55 +117,7 @@ def write_modifier(
modifier_altered = False
if bl_modifier.type == 'NODES':
# Alter GeoNodes Group
if bl_modifier.node_group != modifier_attrs['node_group']:
'Changing GeoNodes Modifier NodeTree from "%s" to "%s"',
bl_modifier.node_group = modifier_attrs['node_group']
modifier_altered = True
# Alter GeoNodes Input (Interface) Socket Values
## The modifier's dict-like setter actually sets NodeTree interface vals
## By setting the interface value, this particular NodeTree will change
geonodes_interface = analyze_geonodes.interface(
bl_modifier.node_group, direct='INPUT'
for (
) in modifier_attrs['inputs'].items():
iface_id = geonodes_interface[socket_name].identifier
# Alter Interface Value
if bl_modifier[iface_id] != raw_value:
# Determine IDPropertyArray Equality
## The equality above doesn't work for IDPropertyArrays.
## BUT, IDPropertyArrays must have a 'to_list' method.
## To do the comparison, we tuple-ify the IDPropertyArray.
## raw_value is always a tuple if it's listy.
if (
hasattr(bl_modifier[iface_id], 'to_list')
and tuple(bl_modifier[iface_id].to_list()) == raw_value
# Determine int/float Mismatch
## Blender is strict; only floats can set float vals.
## We are less strict; if the user passes an int, that's okay.
if isinstance(
) and isinstance(raw_value, int):
value = float(raw_value)
bl_modifier[iface_id] = value
modifier_altered = True
## TODO: Altering existing values is much better for performance.
## - GC churn is real!
## - Especially since this is in a hot path
modifier_altered = write_modifier_geonodes(bl_modifier, modifier_attrs)
elif bl_modifier.type == 'ARRAY':
raise NotImplementedError
@ -144,8 +158,7 @@ class ManagedBLModifier(ct.schemas.ManagedObj):
# - Deallocation
def free(self):'Freeing BLModifier w/Name "%s" (NOT IMPLEMENTED)',
## TODO: Implement
# - Modifiers
@ -161,6 +174,7 @@ class ManagedBLModifier(ct.schemas.ManagedObj):
- Modifier Type Names: <>
# Remove Mismatching Modifier
modifier_was_removed = False
if (
bl_modifier := bl_object.modifiers.get(
) and bl_modifier.type != modifier_type:
@ -172,9 +186,10 @@ class ManagedBLModifier(ct.schemas.ManagedObj):
modifier_was_removed = True
# Create Modifier
if not (bl_modifier := bl_object.modifiers.get(
if bl_modifier is None or modifier_was_removed:
'Creating BLModifier "%s" on BLObject "%s" with modifier_type "%s"',,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import inspect
import json
import typing as typ
import uuid
@ -43,16 +42,18 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
# Sockets
_output_socket_methods: dict
input_sockets: dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef] = {}
output_sockets: dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef] = {}
input_socket_sets: dict[str, dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]] = {}
output_socket_sets: dict[str, dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]] = {}
input_sockets: typ.ClassVar[dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]] = {}
output_sockets: typ.ClassVar[dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]] = {}
input_socket_sets: typ.ClassVar[dict[str, dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]]] = {}
output_socket_sets: typ.ClassVar[dict[str, dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]]] = {}
# Presets
presets = {}
presets: typ.ClassVar = {}
# Managed Objects
managed_obj_defs: dict[ct.ManagedObjName, ct.schemas.ManagedObjDef] = {}
managed_obj_defs: typ.ClassVar[
dict[ct.ManagedObjName, ct.schemas.ManagedObjDef]
] = {}
# - Initialization
@ -82,6 +83,14 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
update=(lambda self, context: self.sync_sim_node_name(context)),
# Setup "Previewing" Property for Node
cls.__annotations__['preview_active'] = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name='Preview Active',
description='Whether the preview (if any) is currently active',
update=lambda self, context: self.sync_prop('preview_active', context),
# Setup Locked Property for Node
cls.__annotations__['locked'] = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name='Locked State',
@ -96,34 +105,30 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
# Setup Callback Methods
cls._output_socket_methods = {
method._index_by: method
(method.extra_data['output_socket_name'], method.extra_data['kind']): method
for attr_name in dir(cls)
if hasattr(method := getattr(cls, attr_name), '_callback_type')
and method._callback_type == 'computes_output_socket'
if hasattr(method := getattr(cls, attr_name), 'action_type')
and method.action_type == 'computes_output_socket'
and hasattr(method, 'extra_data')
and method.extra_data
cls._on_value_changed_methods = {
for attr_name in dir(cls)
if hasattr(method := getattr(cls, attr_name), '_callback_type')
and method._callback_type == 'on_value_changed'
cls._on_show_preview = {
for attr_name in dir(cls)
if hasattr(method := getattr(cls, attr_name), '_callback_type')
and method._callback_type == 'on_show_preview'
if hasattr(method := getattr(cls, attr_name), 'action_type')
and method.action_type == 'on_value_changed'
cls._on_show_plot = {
for attr_name in dir(cls)
if hasattr(method := getattr(cls, attr_name), '_callback_type')
and method._callback_type == 'on_show_plot'
if hasattr(method := getattr(cls, attr_name), 'action_type')
and method.action_type == 'on_show_plot'
cls._on_init = {
for attr_name in dir(cls)
if hasattr(method := getattr(cls, attr_name), '_callback_type')
and method._callback_type == 'on_init'
if hasattr(method := getattr(cls, attr_name), 'action_type')
and method.action_type == 'on_init'
# Setup Socket Set Dropdown
@ -135,7 +140,7 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
_input_socket_set_names := list(cls.input_socket_sets.keys())
) + [
for output_socket_set_name in cls.output_socket_sets.keys()
for output_socket_set_name in cls.output_socket_sets
if output_socket_set_name not in _input_socket_set_names
socket_set_ids = [
@ -160,9 +165,7 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
update=lambda self, context: self.sync_active_socket_set(
update=lambda self, context: self.sync_active_socket_set(context),
# Setup Preset Dropdown
@ -181,8 +184,8 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
for preset_name, preset_def in cls.presets.items()
update=lambda self, context: (self.sync_active_preset()()),
update=lambda self, _: (self.sync_active_preset()()),
@ -192,7 +195,7 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
self.sync_prop('active_socket_set', context)
def sync_sim_node_name(self, context):
def sync_sim_node_name(self, _):
if (mobjs := CACHE[self.instance_id].get('managed_objs')) is None:
@ -212,7 +215,6 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
def managed_objs(self):
global CACHE
if not CACHE.get(self.instance_id):
CACHE[self.instance_id] = {}
@ -229,9 +231,7 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
# Fill w/Managed Objects by Name Socket
for mobj_id, mobj_def in self.managed_obj_defs.items():
name = mobj_def.name_prefix + self.sim_node_name
CACHE[self.instance_id]['managed_objs'][mobj_id] =
CACHE[self.instance_id]['managed_objs'][mobj_id] =
return CACHE[self.instance_id]['managed_objs']
@ -253,9 +253,7 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
# Retrieve Active Socket Set Sockets
socket_sets = (
if direc == 'input'
else self.output_socket_sets
self.input_socket_sets if direc == 'input' else self.output_socket_sets
active_socket_set_sockets = socket_sets.get(self.active_socket_set)
@ -265,24 +263,13 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
return active_socket_set_sockets
def active_sockets(self, direc: typx.Literal['input', 'output']):
static_sockets = (
self.input_sockets if direc == 'input' else self.output_sockets
socket_sets = (
if direc == 'input'
else self.output_socket_sets
static_sockets = self.input_sockets if direc == 'input' else self.output_sockets
loose_sockets = (
if direc == 'input'
else self.loose_output_sockets
self.loose_input_sockets if direc == 'input' else self.loose_output_sockets
return (
| self.active_socket_set_sockets(direc=direc)
| loose_sockets
static_sockets | self.active_socket_set_sockets(direc=direc) | loose_sockets
@ -302,12 +289,8 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
## Internal Serialization/Deserialization Methods (yuck)
def _ser_loose_sockets(
self, deser: dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]
) -> str:
if not all(
isinstance(model, pyd.BaseModel) for model in deser.values()
def _ser_loose_sockets(self, deser: dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]) -> str:
if not all(isinstance(model, pyd.BaseModel) for model in deser.values()):
msg = 'Trying to deserialize loose sockets with invalid SocketDefs (they must be `pydantic` BaseModels).'
raise ValueError(msg)
@ -325,9 +308,7 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
) ## Big reliance on order-preservation of dicts here.)
def _deser_loose_sockets(
self, ser: str
) -> dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]:
def _deser_loose_sockets(self, ser: str) -> dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef]:
semi_deser = json.loads(ser)
return {
socket_name: getattr(sockets, socket_def_name)(**model_kwargs)
@ -354,6 +335,11 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
value: dict[str, ct.schemas.SocketDef],
) -> None:
'Setting Loose Input Sockets on "%s" to "%s"',
if not value:
self.ser_loose_input_sockets = _DEFAULT_LOOSE_SOCKET_SER
@ -448,9 +434,7 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
# - Preset Management
def sync_active_preset(self) -> None:
"""Applies the active preset by overwriting the value of
preset-defined input sockets.
"""Applies the active preset by overwriting the value of preset-defined input sockets."""
if not (preset_def := self.presets.get(self.active_preset)):
msg = f'Tried to apply active preset, but the active preset ({self.active_preset}) is not in presets ({self.presets})'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
@ -507,7 +491,7 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
## TODO: Side panel buttons for fanciness.
def draw_plot_settings(self, context, layout):
def draw_plot_settings(self, _: bpy.types.Context, layout: bpy.types.UILayout):
if self.locked:
layout.enabled = False
@ -522,17 +506,15 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
"""Computes the data of an input socket, by socket name and data flow kind, by asking the socket nicely via `bl_socket.compute_data`.
input_socket_name: The name of the input socket, as defined in
kind: The data flow kind to compute retrieve.
input_socket_name: The name of the input socket, as defined in `self.input_sockets`.
kind: The kind of data flow to compute.
if not (bl_socket := self.inputs.get(input_socket_name)):
return None
# msg = f"Input socket name {input_socket_name} is not an active input sockets."
# raise ValueError(msg)
if bl_socket := self.inputs.get(input_socket_name):
return bl_socket.compute_data(kind=kind)
msg = f'Input socket "{input_socket_name}" on "{self.bl_idname}" is not an active input socket'
raise ValueError(msg)
def compute_output(
output_socket_name: ct.SocketName,
@ -544,27 +526,25 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
This method is run to produce the value.
output_socket_name: The name declaring the output socket,
for which this method computes the output.
output_socket_name: The name declaring the output socket, for which this method computes the output.
kind: The DataFlowKind to use when computing the output socket value.
The value of the output socket, as computed by the dedicated method
registered using the `@computes_output_socket` decorator.
if not (
output_socket_method := self._output_socket_methods.get(
if output_socket_method := self._output_socket_methods.get(
(output_socket_name, kind)
return output_socket_method(self)
msg = f'No output method for ({output_socket_name}, {str(kind.value)}'
raise ValueError(msg)
return output_socket_method(self)
# - Action Chain
def sync_prop(self, prop_name: str, context: bpy.types.Context):
def sync_prop(self, prop_name: str, _: bpy.types.Context):
"""Called when a property has been updated."""
if not hasattr(self, prop_name):
msg = f'Property {prop_name} not defined on socket {self}'
@ -598,17 +578,12 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
if (
and socket_name
in method._extra_data.get('changed_sockets')
or (
and prop_name
in method._extra_data.get('changed_props')
and socket_name in method.extra_data['changed_sockets']
or (prop_name and prop_name in method.extra_data['changed_props'])
or (
and method._extra_data['changed_loose_input']
and method.extra_data['changed_loose_input']
and socket_name in self.loose_input_sockets
@ -635,8 +610,11 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
elif action == 'show_preview':
# Run User Callbacks
for method in self._on_show_preview:
## "On Show Preview" callbacks are 'on_value_changed' callbacks...
## ...which simply hook into the 'preview_active' property.
## By (maybe) altering 'preview_active', callbacks run as needed.
if not self.preview_active:
self.preview_active = True
## Propagate via Input Sockets
for bl_socket in self.active_bl_sockets('input'):
@ -648,7 +626,7 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
## ...because they can stop propagation, they should go first.
for method in self._on_show_plot:
if method._extra_data['stop_propagation']:
if method.extra_data['stop_propagation']:
## Propagate via Input Sockets
@ -669,8 +647,6 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
def init(self, context: bpy.types.Context):
"""Run (by Blender) on node creation."""
global CACHE
# Initialize Cache and Instance ID
self.instance_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
CACHE[self.instance_id] = {}
@ -695,7 +671,6 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
def free(self) -> None:
"""Run (by Blender) when deleting the node."""
global CACHE
if not CACHE.get(self.instance_id):
CACHE[self.instance_id] = {}
node_tree = self.id_data
@ -725,306 +700,3 @@ class MaxwellSimNode(bpy.types.Node):
# Finally: Free Instance Cache
if self.instance_id in CACHE:
del CACHE[self.instance_id]
def chain_event_decorator(
callback_type: typ.Literal[
index_by: typ.Any | None = None,
extra_data: dict[str, typ.Any] | None = None,
kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value,
input_sockets: set[str] = set(), ## For now, presume
output_sockets: set[str] = set(), ## For now, presume
loose_input_sockets: bool = False,
loose_output_sockets: bool = False,
props: set[str] = set(),
managed_objs: set[str] = set(),
req_params: set[str] = set(),
def decorator(method: typ.Callable) -> typ.Callable:
# Check Function Signature Validity
func_sig = set(inspect.signature(method).parameters.keys())
## Too Little
if func_sig != req_params and func_sig.issubset(req_params):
msg = f'Decorated method {method.__name__} is missing arguments {req_params - func_sig}'
## Too Much
if func_sig != req_params and func_sig.issuperset(req_params):
msg = f'Decorated method {method.__name__} has superfluous arguments {func_sig - req_params}'
raise ValueError(msg)
## Just Right :)
# TODO: Check Function Annotation Validity
# - w/pydantic and/or socket capabilities
def decorated(node: MaxwellSimNode):
# Assemble Keyword Arguments
method_kw_args = {}
## Add Input Sockets
if input_sockets:
_input_sockets = {
input_socket_name: node._compute_input(
input_socket_name, kind
for input_socket_name in input_sockets
method_kw_args |= dict(input_sockets=_input_sockets)
## Add Output Sockets
if output_sockets:
_output_sockets = {
output_socket_name: node.compute_output(
output_socket_name, kind
for output_socket_name in output_sockets
method_kw_args |= dict(output_sockets=_output_sockets)
## Add Loose Sockets
if loose_input_sockets:
_loose_input_sockets = {
input_socket_name: node._compute_input(
input_socket_name, kind
for input_socket_name in node.loose_input_sockets
method_kw_args |= dict(
if loose_output_sockets:
_loose_output_sockets = {
output_socket_name: node.compute_output(
output_socket_name, kind
for output_socket_name in node.loose_output_sockets
method_kw_args |= dict(
## Add Props
if props:
_props = {
prop_name: getattr(node, prop_name) for prop_name in props
method_kw_args |= dict(props=_props)
## Add Managed Object
if managed_objs:
_managed_objs = {
managed_obj_name: node.managed_objs[managed_obj_name]
for managed_obj_name in managed_objs
method_kw_args |= dict(managed_objs=_managed_objs)
# Call Method
return method(
# Set Attributes for Discovery
decorated._callback_type = callback_type
if index_by:
decorated._index_by = index_by
if extra_data:
decorated._extra_data = extra_data
return decorated
return decorator
# - Decorator: Output Socket
def computes_output_socket(
output_socket_name: ct.SocketName,
kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value,
input_sockets: set[str] = set(),
props: set[str] = set(),
managed_objs: set[str] = set(),
cacheable: bool = True,
"""Given a socket name, defines a function-that-makes-a-function (aka.
decorator) which has the name of the socket attached.
Must be used as a decorator, ex. `@compute_output_socket("name")`.
output_socket_name: The name of the output socket to attach the
decorated method to.
input_sockets: The values of these input sockets will be computed
using `_compute_input`, then passed to the decorated function
as `input_sockets: list[Any]`. If the input socket doesn't exist (ex. is contained in an inactive loose socket or socket set), then None is returned.
managed_objs: These managed objects will be passed to the
function as `managed_objs: list[Any]`.
kind: Requests for this `output_socket_name, DataFlowKind` pair will
be returned by the decorated function.
cacheable: The output of th
be returned by the decorated function.
The decorator, which takes the output-socket-computing method
and returns a new output-socket-computing method, now annotated
and discoverable by the `MaxwellSimTreeNode`.
req_params = (
| ({'input_sockets'} if input_sockets else set())
| ({'props'} if props else set())
| ({'managed_objs'} if managed_objs else set())
return chain_event_decorator(
index_by=(output_socket_name, kind),
# - Decorator: On Show Preview
def on_value_changed(
socket_name: set[ct.SocketName] | ct.SocketName | None = None,
prop_name: set[str] | str | None = None,
any_loose_input_socket: bool = False,
kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value,
input_sockets: set[str] = set(),
props: set[str] = set(),
managed_objs: set[str] = set(),
if (
int(socket_name is not None),
int(prop_name is not None),
> 1
msg = 'Define only one of socket_name, prop_name or any_loose_input_socket'
raise ValueError(msg)
req_params = (
| ({'input_sockets'} if input_sockets else set())
| ({'loose_input_sockets'} if any_loose_input_socket else set())
| ({'props'} if props else set())
| ({'managed_objs'} if managed_objs else set())
return chain_event_decorator(
'changed_sockets': (
socket_name if isinstance(socket_name, set) else {socket_name}
'changed_props': (
prop_name if isinstance(prop_name, set) else {prop_name}
'changed_loose_input': any_loose_input_socket,
def on_show_preview(
kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value,
input_sockets: set[str] = set(), ## For now, presume only same kind
output_sockets: set[str] = set(), ## For now, presume only same kind
props: set[str] = set(),
managed_objs: set[str] = set(),
req_params = (
| ({'input_sockets'} if input_sockets else set())
| ({'output_sockets'} if output_sockets else set())
| ({'props'} if props else set())
| ({'managed_objs'} if managed_objs else set())
return chain_event_decorator(
def on_show_plot(
kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value,
input_sockets: set[str] = set(),
output_sockets: set[str] = set(),
props: set[str] = set(),
managed_objs: set[str] = set(),
stop_propagation: bool = False,
req_params = (
| ({'input_sockets'} if input_sockets else set())
| ({'output_sockets'} if output_sockets else set())
| ({'props'} if props else set())
| ({'managed_objs'} if managed_objs else set())
return chain_event_decorator(
'stop_propagation': stop_propagation,
def on_init(
kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value,
input_sockets: set[str] = set(),
output_sockets: set[str] = set(),
props: set[str] = set(),
managed_objs: set[str] = set(),
req_params = (
| ({'input_sockets'} if input_sockets else set())
| ({'output_sockets'} if output_sockets else set())
| ({'props'} if props else set())
| ({'managed_objs'} if managed_objs else set())
return chain_event_decorator(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
import enum
import inspect
import typing as typ
from types import MappingProxyType
from ....utils import sympy_extra_units as spux
from .. import contracts as ct
from .base import MaxwellSimNode
UnitSystemID = str
UnitSystem = dict[ct.SocketType, typ.Any]
class EventCallbackType(enum.StrEnum):
"""Names of actions that support callbacks."""
computes_output_socket =
on_value_changed =
on_show_plot =
on_init =
# - Event Callback Information
class EventCallbackData_ComputesOutputSocket(typ.TypedDict): # noqa: N801
"""Extra data used to select a method to compute output sockets."""
output_socket_name: ct.SocketName
kind: ct.DataFlowKind
class EventCallbackData_OnValueChanged(typ.TypedDict): # noqa: N801
"""Extra data used to select a method to compute output sockets."""
changed_sockets: set[ct.SocketName]
changed_props: set[str]
changed_loose_input: set[str]
class EventCallbackData_OnShowPlot(typ.TypedDict): # noqa: N801
"""Extra data in the callback, used when showing a plot."""
stop_propagation: bool
class EventCallbackData_OnInit(typ.TypedDict): # noqa: D101, N801
EventCallbackData: typ.TypeAlias = (
| EventCallbackData_OnValueChanged
| EventCallbackData_OnShowPlot
| EventCallbackData_OnInit
# - Event Decorator
ManagedObjName: typ.TypeAlias = str
PropName: typ.TypeAlias = str
def event_decorator(
action_type: EventCallbackType,
extra_data: EventCallbackData,
kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value,
props: set[PropName] = frozenset(),
managed_objs: set[ManagedObjName] = frozenset(),
input_sockets: set[ct.SocketName] = frozenset(),
output_sockets: set[ct.SocketName] = frozenset(),
all_loose_input_sockets: bool = False,
all_loose_output_sockets: bool = False,
unit_systems: dict[UnitSystemID, UnitSystem] = MappingProxyType({}),
scale_input_sockets: dict[ct.SocketName, UnitSystemID] = MappingProxyType({}),
scale_output_sockets: dict[ct.SocketName, UnitSystemID] = MappingProxyType({}),
"""Returns a decorator for a method of `MaxwellSimNode`, declaring it as able respond to events passing through a node.
action_type: A name describing which event the decorator should respond to.
Set to `return_method.action_type`
extra_data: A dictionary that provides the caller with additional per-`action_type` information.
This might include parameters to help select the most appropriate method(s) to respond to an event with, or actions to take after running the callback.
kind: The `ct.DataFlowKind` used to compute all input and output socket data for methods with.
Only affects data passed to the decorated method; namely `input_sockets`, `output_sockets`, and their loose variants.
props: Set of `props` to compute, then pass to the decorated method.
managed_objs: Set of `managed_objs` to retrieve, then pass to the decorated method.
input_sockets: Set of `input_sockets` to compute, then pass to the decorated method.
output_sockets: Set of `output_sockets` to compute, then pass to the decorated method.
all_loose_input_sockets: Whether to compute all loose input sockets and pass them to the decorated method.
Used when the names of the loose input sockets are unknown, but all of their values are needed.
all_loose_output_sockets: Whether to compute all loose output sockets and pass them to the decorated method.
Used when the names of the loose output sockets are unknown, but all of their values are needed.
A decorator, which can be applied to a method of `MaxwellSimNode`.
When a `MaxwellSimNode` subclass initializes, such a decorated method will be picked up on.
When the `action_type` action passes through the node, then `extra_data` is used to determine
req_params = (
| ({'props'} if props else set())
| ({'managed_objs'} if managed_objs else set())
| ({'input_sockets'} if input_sockets else set())
| ({'output_sockets'} if output_sockets else set())
| ({'loose_input_sockets'} if all_loose_input_sockets else set())
| ({'loose_output_sockets'} if all_loose_output_sockets else set())
| ({'unit_systems'} if unit_systems else set())
# TODO: Check that all Unit System IDs referenced are also defined in 'unit_systems'.
## TODO: More ex. introspective checks and such, to make it really hard to write invalid methods.
def decorator(method: typ.Callable) -> typ.Callable:
# Check Function Signature Validity
func_sig = set(inspect.signature(method).parameters.keys())
## Too Few Arguments
if func_sig != req_params and func_sig.issubset(req_params):
msg = f'Decorated method {method.__name__} is missing arguments {req_params - func_sig}'
## Too Many Arguments
if func_sig != req_params and func_sig.issuperset(req_params):
msg = f'Decorated method {method.__name__} has superfluous arguments {func_sig - req_params}'
raise ValueError(msg)
# TODO: Check Function Annotation Validity
## - socket capabilities
def decorated(node: MaxwellSimNode):
method_kw_args = {} ## Keyword Arguments for Decorated Method
# Compute Requested Props
if props:
_props = {prop_name: getattr(node, prop_name) for prop_name in props}
method_kw_args |= {'props': _props}
# Retrieve Requested Managed Objects
if managed_objs:
_managed_objs = {
managed_obj_name: node.managed_objs[managed_obj_name]
for managed_obj_name in managed_objs
method_kw_args |= {'managed_objs': _managed_objs}
# Requested Sockets
## Compute Requested Input Sockets
if input_sockets:
_input_sockets = {
input_socket_name: node._compute_input(input_socket_name, kind)
for input_socket_name in input_sockets
# Scale Specified Input Sockets to Unit System
## First, scale the input socket value to the given unit system
## Then, convert the symbol-less sympy scalar to a python type.
for input_socket_name, unit_system_id in scale_input_sockets.items():
unit_system = unit_systems[unit_system_id]
_input_sockets[input_socket_name] = spux.sympy_to_python(
method_kw_args |= {'input_sockets': _input_sockets}
## Compute Requested Output Sockets
if output_sockets:
_output_sockets = {
output_socket_name: node.compute_output(output_socket_name, kind)
for output_socket_name in output_sockets
# Scale Specified Output Sockets to Unit System
## First, scale the output socket value to the given unit system
## Then, convert the symbol-less sympy scalar to a python type.
for output_socket_name, unit_system_id in scale_output_sockets.items():
unit_system = unit_systems[unit_system_id]
_output_sockets[output_socket_name] = spux.sympy_to_python(
method_kw_args |= {'output_sockets': _output_sockets}
# Loose Sockets
## Compute All Loose Input Sockets
if all_loose_input_sockets:
_loose_input_sockets = {
input_socket_name: node._compute_input(input_socket_name, kind)
for input_socket_name in node.loose_input_sockets
method_kw_args |= {'loose_input_sockets': _loose_input_sockets}
## Compute All Loose Output Sockets
if all_loose_output_sockets:
_loose_output_sockets = {
output_socket_name: node.compute_output(output_socket_name, kind)
for output_socket_name in node.loose_output_sockets
method_kw_args |= {'loose_output_sockets': _loose_output_sockets}
# Call Method
return method(
# Set Decorated Attributes and Return
## Fix Introspection + Documentation
decorated.__name__ = method.__name__
decorated.__module__ = method.__module__
decorated.__qualname__ = method.__qualname__
decorated.__doc__ = method.__doc__
## Add Spice
decorated.action_type = action_type
decorated.extra_data = extra_data
return decorated
return decorator
# - Simplified Event Callbacks
def computes_output_socket(
output_socket_name: ct.SocketName,
kind: ct.DataFlowKind = ct.DataFlowKind.Value,
return event_decorator(
'output_socket_name': output_socket_name,
'kind': kind,
## TODO: Consider changing socket_name and prop_name to more obvious names.
def on_value_changed(
socket_name: set[ct.SocketName] | ct.SocketName | None = None,
prop_name: set[str] | str | None = None,
any_loose_input_socket: bool = False,
if (
int(socket_name is not None),
int(prop_name is not None),
> 1
msg = 'Define only one of socket_name, prop_name or any_loose_input_socket'
raise ValueError(msg)
return event_decorator(
'changed_sockets': (
socket_name if isinstance(socket_name, set) else {socket_name}
'changed_props': (prop_name if isinstance(prop_name, set) else {prop_name}),
'changed_loose_input': any_loose_input_socket,
def on_show_plot(
stop_propagation: bool = False,
return event_decorator(
'stop_propagation': stop_propagation,
def on_init(**kwargs):
return event_decorator(

View File

@ -2,11 +2,13 @@ import typing as typ
import tidy3d as td
from .....utils import analyze_geonodes
from .....utils import analyze_geonodes, logger
from ... import bl_socket_map, managed_objs, sockets
from ... import contracts as ct
from .. import base
log = logger.get(__name__)
class GeoNodesStructureNode(base.MaxwellSimNode):
node_type = ct.NodeType.GeoNodesStructure
@ -17,8 +19,8 @@ class GeoNodesStructureNode(base.MaxwellSimNode):
# - Sockets
input_sockets: typ.ClassVar = {
'Unit System': sockets.PhysicalUnitSystemSocketDef(),
'Medium': sockets.MaxwellMediumSocketDef(),
'Center': sockets.PhysicalPoint3DSocketDef(),
'GeoNodes': sockets.BlenderGeoNodesSocketDef(),
output_sockets: typ.ClassVar = {
@ -26,36 +28,38 @@ class GeoNodesStructureNode(base.MaxwellSimNode):
managed_obj_defs: typ.ClassVar = {
'geometry': ct.schemas.ManagedObjDef(
mk=lambda name: managed_objs.ManagedBLObject(name),
'mesh': ct.schemas.ManagedObjDef(
mk=lambda name: managed_objs.ManagedBLMesh(name),
'modifier': ct.schemas.ManagedObjDef(
mk=lambda name: managed_objs.ManagedBLModifier(name),
# - Output Socket Computation
# - Event Methods
def compute_structure(
def compute_output(
input_sockets: dict[str, typ.Any],
managed_objs: dict[str, ct.schemas.ManagedObj],
) -> td.Structure:
# Extract the Managed Blender Object
mobj = managed_objs['geometry']
# Simulate Input Value Change
## This ensures that the mesh has been re-computed.
# Extract Geometry as Arrays
geometry_as_arrays = mobj.mesh_as_arrays
# Return TriMesh Structure
## TODO: mesh_as_arrays might not take the Center into account.
## - Alternatively, Tidy3D might have a way to transform?
mesh_as_arrays = managed_objs['mesh'].mesh_as_arrays
return td.Structure(
@ -65,104 +69,87 @@ class GeoNodesStructureNode(base.MaxwellSimNode):
# Method Data
managed_objs={'mesh', 'modifier'},
# Unit System Scaling
unit_systems={'BlenderUnits': ct.UNITS_BLENDER},
def on_value_changed__geonodes(
def on_input_changed(
props: dict,
managed_objs: dict[str, ct.schemas.ManagedObj],
input_sockets: dict[str, typ.Any],
input_sockets: dict,
loose_input_sockets: dict,
unit_systems: dict,
) -> None:
"""Called whenever the GeoNodes socket is changed.
# No GeoNodes: Remove Modifier (if any)
if (geonodes := input_sockets['GeoNodes']) is None:
if (
in managed_objs['mesh'].bl_object().modifiers
'Removing Modifier "%s" from BLObject "%s"',
Refreshes the Loose Input Sockets, which map directly to the GeoNodes tree input sockets.
if not (geo_nodes := input_sockets['GeoNodes']):
# Reset Loose Input Sockets
self.loose_input_sockets = {}
# Analyze GeoNodes
## Extract Valid Inputs (via GeoNodes Tree "Interface")
geonodes_interface = analyze_geonodes.interface(geo_nodes, direc='INPUT')
# No Loose Input Sockets: Create from GeoNodes Interface
## TODO: Other reasons to trigger re-filling loose_input_sockets.
if not loose_input_sockets:
# Retrieve the GeoNodes Interface
geonodes_interface = analyze_geonodes.interface(
input_sockets['GeoNodes'], direc='INPUT'
# Set Loose Input Sockets
## Retrieve the appropriate SocketDef for the Blender Interface Socket
# Fill the Loose Input Sockets
'Initializing GeoNodes Structure Node "%s" from GeoNodes Group "%s"',
self.loose_input_sockets = {
socket_name: bl_socket_map.socket_def_from_bl_interface_socket(
)() ## === <SocketType>SocketDef(), but with dynamic SocketDef
for socket_name, bl_interface_socket in geonodes_interface.items()
socket_name: bl_socket_map.socket_def_from_bl_socket(iface_socket)()
for socket_name, iface_socket in geonodes_interface.items()
## Set Loose `socket.value` from Interface `default_value`
# Set Loose Input Sockets to Interface (Default) Values
## Changing socket.value invokes recursion of this function.
## The else: below ensures that only one push occurs.
## (well, one push per .value set, which simplifies to one push)
'Setting Loose Input Sockets of "%s" to GeoNodes Defaults',
for socket_name in self.loose_input_sockets:
socket = self.inputs[socket_name]
bl_interface_socket = geonodes_interface[socket_name]
socket.value = bl_socket_map.value_from_bl(bl_interface_socket)
## Implicitly triggers the loose-input `on_value_changed` for each.
input_sockets={'Unit System', 'GeoNodes'},
socket.value = bl_socket_map.read_bl_socket_default_value(
def on_value_changed__loose_inputs(
managed_objs: dict[str, ct.schemas.ManagedObj],
input_sockets: dict[str, typ.Any],
loose_input_sockets: dict[str, typ.Any],
"""Called whenever a Loose Input Socket is altered.
Synchronizes the change to the actual GeoNodes modifier, so that the change is immediately visible.
# Retrieve Data
unit_system = input_sockets['Unit System']
mobj = managed_objs['geometry']
if not (geo_nodes := input_sockets['GeoNodes']):
# Analyze GeoNodes Interface (input direction)
## This retrieves NodeTreeSocketInterface elements
geonodes_interface = analyze_geonodes.interface(geo_nodes, direc='INPUT')
## TODO: Check that Loose Sockets matches the Interface
## - If the user deletes an interface socket, bad things will happen.
## - We will try to set an identifier that doesn't exist!
## - Instead, this should update the loose input sockets.
## Push Values to the GeoNodes Modifier
bl_interface_socket.identifier: bl_socket_map.value_to_bl(
for socket_name, bl_interface_socket in (geonodes_interface.items())
# Push Loose Input Values to GeoNodes Modifier
'node_group': input_sockets['GeoNodes'],
'unit_system': unit_systems['BlenderUnits'],
'inputs': loose_input_sockets,
# - Event Methods
def on_show_preview(
managed_objs: dict[str, ct.schemas.ManagedObj],
"""Called whenever a Loose Input Socket is altered.
Synchronizes the change to the actual GeoNodes modifier, so that the change is immediately visible.
# Push Preview State
if props['preview_active']:

View File

@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
import typing as typ
import bpy
import sympy as sp
import sympy.physics.units as spu
import tidy3d as td
from ......utils import analyze_geonodes
from .... import contracts as ct
from .....assets.import_geonodes import import_geonodes
from .... import contracts as ct
from .... import managed_objs, sockets
from ... import base
@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ class BoxStructureNode(base.MaxwellSimNode):
# - Sockets
input_sockets = {
input_sockets: typ.ClassVar = {
'Medium': sockets.MaxwellMediumSocketDef(),
'Center': sockets.PhysicalPoint3DSocketDef(),
'Size': sockets.PhysicalSize3DSocketDef(
@ -36,78 +34,71 @@ class BoxStructureNode(base.MaxwellSimNode):
managed_obj_defs: typ.ClassVar = {
'mesh': ct.schemas.ManagedObjDef(
mk=lambda name: managed_objs.ManagedBLMesh(name),
'box': ct.schemas.ManagedObjDef(
'modifier': ct.schemas.ManagedObjDef(
mk=lambda name: managed_objs.ManagedBLModifier(name),
# - Output Socket Computation
# - Event Methods
input_sockets={'Medium', 'Center', 'Size'},
unit_systems={'Tidy3DUnits': ct.UNITS_TIDY3D},
'Center': 'Tidy3DUnits',
'Size': 'Tidy3DUnits',
def compute_structure(self, input_sockets: dict) -> td.Box:
medium = input_sockets['Medium']
center = as_unit_system(input_sockets['Center'], 'tidy3d')
size = as_unit_system(input_sockets['Size'], 'tidy3d')
#_center = input_sockets['Center']
#_size = input_sockets['Size']
#center = tuple(spu.convert_to(_center, /
#size = tuple(spu.convert_to(_size, /
def compute_output(self, input_sockets: dict, unit_systems: dict) -> td.Box:
return td.Structure(
# - Events
socket_name={'Center', 'Size'},
# Method Data
input_sockets={'Center', 'Size'},
managed_objs={'mesh', 'box'},
def on_value_changed__center_size(
input_sockets: dict,
managed_objs: dict[str, ct.schemas.ManagedObj],
center = as_unit_system(input_sockets['Center'], 'blender')
#center = tuple([float(el) for el in spu.convert_to(_center, /])
## TODO: Implement + aggressively memoize as_unit_system
## - This should also understand that ex. Blender likes tuples, Tidy3D might like something else.
size = as_unit_system(input_sockets['Size'], 'blender')
#size = tuple([float(el) for el in spu.convert_to(_size, /])
# Sync Attributes
managed_objs['mesh'].bl_object().location = center
managed_objs['box'].bl_modifier(managed_objs['mesh'].bl_object(), 'NODES', {
'node_group': import_geonodes(GEONODES_BOX, 'link'),
'inputs': {
'Size': size,
managed_objs={'mesh', 'modifier'},
# Unit System Scaling
unit_systems={'BlenderUnits': ct.UNITS_BLENDER},
'Center': 'BlenderUnits',
def on_show_preview(
def on_input_changed(
props: dict,
managed_objs: dict[str, ct.schemas.ManagedObj],
input_sockets: dict,
unit_systems: dict,
# Push Input Values to GeoNodes Modifier
'node_group': import_geonodes(GEONODES_BOX, 'link'),
'unit_system': unit_systems['BlenderUnits'],
'inputs': {
'Size': input_sockets['Size'],
# Push Preview State
if props['preview_active']:
def on_init(self):

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import functools
import bpy
import pydantic as pyd
import sympy as sp
import sympy.physics.units as spu
from .. import contracts as ct
@ -303,9 +302,7 @@ class MaxwellSimSocket(bpy.types.NodeSocket):
return self._compute_data(kind)
## Linked: Compute Output of Linked Sockets
linked_values = [
link.from_socket.compute_data(kind) for link in self.links
linked_values = [link.from_socket.compute_data(kind) for link in self.links]
## Return Single Value / List of Values
if len(linked_values) == 1:

View File

@ -263,8 +263,7 @@ class PhysicalUnitSystemBLSocket(base.MaxwellSimSocket):
def value(self) -> dict[ST, SympyExpr]:
return {
socket_type: SU(socket_type)[socket_unit_prop]
for socket_type, socket_unit_prop in [
socket_type: SU(socket_type)[socket_unit_prop] for socket_type, socket_unit_prop in [
(ST.PhysicalTime, self.unit_time),
(ST.PhysicalAngle, self.unit_angle),
(ST.PhysicalLength, self.unit_length),

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import bpy
import typing_extensions as typx
@ -6,10 +7,11 @@ INVALID_BL_SOCKET_TYPES = {
def interface(
geo_nodes, ## TODO: bpy type
geonodes: bpy.types.GeometryNodeTree, ## TODO: bpy type
direc: typx.Literal['INPUT', 'OUTPUT'],
"""Returns 'valid' GeoNodes interface sockets, meaning that:
"""Returns 'valid' GeoNodes interface sockets.
- The Blender socket type is not something invalid (ex. "Geometry").
- The socket has a default value.
- The socket's direction (input/output) matches the requested direction.
@ -17,13 +19,11 @@ def interface(
return {
interface_item_name: bl_interface_socket
for interface_item_name, bl_interface_socket in (
if all(
bl_interface_socket.socket_type not in INVALID_BL_SOCKET_TYPES,
hasattr(bl_interface_socket, 'default_value'),
bl_interface_socket.in_out == direc,
if (
bl_interface_socket.socket_type not in INVALID_BL_SOCKET_TYPES
and hasattr(bl_interface_socket, 'default_value')
and bl_interface_socket.in_out == direc

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import functools
import itertools
import typing as typ
from . import pydeps
@ -10,9 +12,10 @@ with pydeps.syspath_from_bpy_prefs():
# - Useful Methods
def uses_units(expression: sp.Expr) -> bool:
## TODO: An LFU cache could do better than an LRU.
"""Checks if an expression uses any units (`Quantity`)."""
for arg in sp.preorder_traversal(expression):
if isinstance(arg, spu.Quantity):
return True
@ -20,9 +23,10 @@ def uses_units(expression: sp.Expr) -> bool:
# Function to return a set containing all units used in the expression
def get_units(expression: sp.Expr):
## TODO: An LFU cache could do better than an LRU.
"""Gets all the units of an expression (as `Quantity`)."""
return {
for arg in sp.preorder_traversal(expression)
@ -79,29 +83,59 @@ ALL_UNIT_SYMBOLS = {
unit.abbrev: unit
for unit in spu.__dict__.values()
if isinstance(unit, spu.Quantity)
} | {
unit.abbrev: unit
for unit in globals().values()
if isinstance(unit, spu.Quantity)
} | {unit.abbrev: unit for unit in globals().values() if isinstance(unit, spu.Quantity)}
def parse_abbrev_symbols_to_units(expr: sp.Basic) -> sp.Basic:
print('IN ABBREV', expr)
return expr.subs(ALL_UNIT_SYMBOLS)
# def has_units(expr: sp.Expr):
# return any(
# symbol in ALL_UNIT_SYMBOLS
# for symbol in expr.atoms(sp.Symbol)
# )
# def is_exactly_expressed_as_unit(expr: sp.Expr, unit) -> bool:
# #try:
# converted_expr = expr / unit
# return (
# converted_expr.is_number
# and not converted_expr.has(spu.Quantity)
# )
# - Units <-> Scalars
def scale_to_unit(expr: sp.Expr, unit: sp.Quantity) -> typ.Any:
## TODO: An LFU cache could do better than an LRU.
unitless_expr = spu.convert_to(expr, unit) / unit
if not uses_units(unitless_expr):
return unitless_expr
msg = f'Expression "{expr}" was scaled to the unit "{unit}" with the expectation that the result would be unitless, but the result "{unitless_expr}" has units "{get_units(unitless_expr)}"'
raise ValueError(msg)
# - Sympy <-> Scalars
def sympy_to_python(scalar: sp.Basic) -> int | float | complex | tuple | list:
"""Convert a scalar sympy expression to the directly corresponding Python type.
scalar: A sympy expression that has no symbols, but is expressed as a Sympy type.
For expressions that are equivalent to a scalar (ex. "(2a + a)/a"), you must simplify the expression with ex. `sp.simplify()` before passing to this parameter.
A pure Python type that directly corresponds to the input scalar expression.
## TODO: If there are symbols, we could simplify.
## - Someone has to do it somewhere, might as well be here.
## - ...Since we have all the information we need.
if isinstance(scalar, sp.MatrixBase):
list_2d = [[sympy_to_python(el) for el in row] for row in scalar.tolist()]
# Detect Row / Column Vector
## When it's "actually" a 1D structure, flatten and return as tuple.
if 1 in scalar.shape:
return tuple(itertools.from_iterable(list_2d))
return list_2d
if scalar.is_integer:
return int(scalar)
if scalar.is_rational or scalar.is_real:
return float(scalar)
if scalar.is_complex:
return complex(scalar)
msg = f'Cannot convert sympy scalar expression "{scalar}" to a Python type. Check the assumptions on the expr (current expr assumptions: "{scalar._assumptions}")' # noqa: SLF001
raise ValueError(msg)