- [ ] Implement dropdown to choose which monitor in the SimulationData should be visualized (based on which are available in the SimulationData), and implement visualization based on every kind of monitor-adjascent output data type (<https://docs.flexcompute.com/projects/tidy3d/en/latest/api/output_data.html>)
- [?] When GeoNodes themselves declare panels, implement a grid-like tab system to select which sockets should be exposed in the node at a given point in time.
- **TODO**: "Modal" solver monitoring (seems to be some kind of spatial+frequency feature, which an EM field can be decomposed into using a specially configured solver, which can be used to look for very particular kinds of effects by constraining investigations of a solver result to filter out everything that isn't these particular modes aka. features. Kind of a fourier-based redimensionalization, almost).
- [?] Toggleable option to sync the simulation time duration to the scene end time (how to handle FPS vs time-step? Should we adjust the FPS such that there is one time step per frame, while keeping the definition of "second" aligned to a unit system?)
- [ ] Implement switcher for API-key-having config filconfig file vs. direct entry of API key. It should be auto-filled with the config file when such a thing exists.
[ ] Rethink the meaning of color and shapes in node sockets, including whether dynamic functionality is needed when it comes to socket shape (ex. it might be nice to know whether a socket is array-like or uses units).
[ ] Rethink the meaning of color and shapes in node sockets, including whether dynamic functionality is needed when it comes to socket shape.
- Remember, the managed object is "dumb". It's the node's responsibility to react to any relevant `on_value_change`, and forward all state needed by the modifier to the managed obj. It's only the managed obj's responsibility to not update any modifier value that wouldn't change anything.
[ ] Implement loading the xarray-defined voxels into OpenVDB, saving it, and loading it as a managed BL object with the volume setting.
[ ] Implement basic jax-driven volume voxel processing, especially cube based slicing.
[ ] Implement jax-driven linear interpolation of volume voxels to an image texture, whose pixels are sized according to the dimensions of another managed plane object (perhaps a uniquely described Managed BL object itself).
[ ] Dedicated `draw_preview`-type draw functions for plot customizations.
- [ ] For now, previewing isn't something I think should be part of the node
[ ] Custom `@cache`/`@lru_cache`/`@cached_property` which caches by instance ID (possibly based on `beartype` or `pydantic`).
[ ] When presets are used, if a preset is selected and the user alters a preset setting, then dynamically switch the preset indicator back to "Custom" to indicate that there is no active preset
[ ] It seems that `node.inputs` and `node.outputs` allows the use of a `move` method, which may allow reordering sockets dynamically, which we should expose to the user as user-configurable ordering rules (maybe resolved with a constraint solver).
[ ] A feature `use_array` which allows a socket to declare that it can be both a single value and array-like (possibly constrained to a given shape). This should also allow the SocketDef to request that the input socket be initialised as a multi-input socket, once Blender updates to support those.
- [ ] Implement a shape-selector, with a dropdown for dimensionality and an appropriate `IntegerVectorProperty` for each kind of shape (supporting also straight-up inf), which is declared to the node that supports array-likeness so it can decide how exactly to expose properties in the array-like context of things.
[ ] Make `to_socket`s no-consent to new links from `from_socket`s of differing type (we'll see if this controls the typing story enough for now, and how much we'll need capabilities in the long run)
- [?] Alternatively, reject non matching link types, and red-mark non matching capabilities?
## Many Nodes
[ ] Implement LazyValue stuff, including LazyParamValue on a new class of constant-like input nodes that really just emit ex. sympy variables.
[?] Require a Unit System for nodes that construct Tidy3D objects
- [ ] ModeSpec, for use by ModeSource, ModeMonitor, ModeSolverMonitor. Data includes ModeSolverData, ModeData, ScalarModeFieldDataArray, ModeAmpsDataArray, ModeIndexDataArray, ModeSolver.
## Development Tooling
[ ] Implement `rye` support
[ ] Setup neovim to be an ideal editor
## Version Churn
[ ] Implement real StrEnum sockets, since they appear in py3.11
[ ] Think about implementing new panels where appropriate (<https://developer.blender.org/docs/release_notes/4.1/python_api/>)
[ ] Think about using the new bl4.1 file handler API to enable drag and drop creation of appropriate nodes (for importing files without hassle).
[ ] Keep an eye on our manual `__annotations__` hacking; python 3.13 is apparently fucking with it.
[ ] Plan for multi-input sockets <https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/commit/14106150797a6ce35e006ffde18e78ea7ae67598> (for now, just use the "Combine" node and have seperate socket types for both).
[ ] Keep an eye out for volume geonodes in 4.2 (July 16, 2024), which will better allow for more complicated volume processing (we might still want/need the jax based stuff after, but let's keep it minimal just in case)
## Packaging
[ ] Allow specifying custom dir for keeping pip dependencies, so we can unify prod and dev (currently we hard-code a dev dependency path).
[ ] Refactor top-level `__init__.py` to check dependencies first. If not everything is available, it should only register a minimal addon; specifically, a message telling the user that the addon requires additional dependencies (list which), and the button to install them. When the installation is done, re-check deps and register the rest of the addon.
[ ] Use a Modal and multiline-text-like construction to print `pip install` as we install dependencies, so that the user has an idea that something is happening.