Title: InSb bulk Mode: bulk **** lattice vectors ********************* INSERTCELL * atomic number cartesian or internal coordinates INSERTATOMS *** GENERAL OPTIONS *********************** Density of states:F ,Band structure:F Treat non-MT potential in second variation:F Force calculation:F Geometry optimization:F Screened exchange:F Frequency calculation:F Spin-Orbit coupling:F ,self-consistent:F, option:default %%%P matrix calculation:F, Longitudinal form:F, MCD:F P matrix calculation:F, Longitudinal form:F L matrix calculation:F, option:default ******************************************* star-function cut-off: 8.0 jspins=1 nwin=1 plane-wave cut off: 3.60 SPA = 15 In rmt=2.50 ncore=12 lmt=8 Sb rmt=2.60 ncore=14 lmt=8 0 0 0.2 0 *** SPECIAL K-POINTS ********************** Include time-reversal symmetry:T Division along axis (each window new line) KPPRA = 8000 Tedrahedron method:T gauss=T 0.0010 *** MIXING OPTIONS *********************** (B)royden or (S)traight mixing for density:B Maximum number of iterations: 40 Mixing parameter: .1 Convergency: 0.05 **** OPTIONS FOR SPIN-POLARIZED CASE **** spin-options:default **** ADVANCED SETTINGS ****************** advanced setup:default