1.50: constituent strain allow any structure names allow new structures to be added at all times 1.66: unit cell in 'symmetric' form, ready for ab-initio codes constituent strain fitting code temperature-dependent ECI in Monte Carlo code manual in tex/html reciprocal space Monte-Carlo (BETA) easy-to-configure job control scripts 2.03: vibrational and electronic entropy included. 2.50: mixed canonical/grandcanonical multicomponent monte carlo 2.53: reciprocal space multicomponent monte carlo (for electrostatics) 2.54: automated patching system for c++ language qwirks 2.70: tensorial/generalized cluster expansion (gce utility) 2.71: fixed bug in multisublattice structure enumeration routine (only affects cases where a pure translation maps one sublattice onto another: omits some structures with lattice vector equal to one of the unit cell lattice vectors cluster expansions not affected, but perhaps missed ground states or SQS, but unlikely)