
416 lines
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2023-08-31 20:30:18 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
#use List::MoreUtils qw / pairwise/;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;
my $conf = {"cleanup" => 0, "oute"=> "energy", "name" => "XYZ"};
my $RUN_PREFIX = ""; #"mpirun --host node10,node11 -np 8";
my $siesta = "siesta";
my $PSEUDODIR = "/home/gkolesov/run/Pseudo/GGA";
my @argv_orig = @ARGV;
"c|cleanup!" => \$conf->{cleanup},
"v|verbose!" => \$conf->{verbose},
"n|dry!" => \$conf->{dry},
"o|oute=s" => \$conf->{oute},
"x|name=s" => \$conf->{name},
"e|cmd=s" => \$siesta,
"p|ppdir=s" => \$PSEUDODIR,
"r|runprefix=s" => \$RUN_PREFIX,
"h|help!" => \&print_usage_and_die,
my $remotecmd = pop @argv_orig;
print STDERR "ARGV: @ARGV\n";
$remotecmd = "@ARGV" if @ARGV>1;
#$remotecmd = "node" unless defined $remotecmd;
exit( mysystem("$remotecmd runstruct_siesta @argv_orig") );
my $anumber = atom_number_table();
my ($lvec,$atoms) = parse_strout("str.out");
my $ddd =1;
# make_fdf("/tmp/y", $lvec, $atoms);
my $E=run_siesta($lvec,$atoms);
open(my $fw, '>', 'error') || die "Can not open file for writing: $!";
close $fw;
print "E = $E\n" if $conf->{verbose};
open(my $fw, '>', $conf->{oute}) || die "Can not open file: $!";
print $fw $E;
close $fw;
sub make_fdf{
my ($fname,$lvec,$atoms) = @_;
my %h=();
my $k = 1;
foreach my $a (@$atoms){
$h{$a->{type}} = $k++ unless defined $h{$a->{type}};
my $acnt = scalar keys %h;
open(my $fw, '>', $fname) || die "Can not open file for writing: $!";
print $fw siesta_head();
print $fw "SystemLabel $conf->{name}\n";
print $fw "LatticeConstant 1.0 Ang\n";
print $fw "Number_of_species $acnt\n";
print $fw "NumberOfAtoms ",scalar @$atoms,"\n\n";
print $fw "%block Chemical_Species_label\n";
foreach my $t (sort {$h{$a} <=> $h{$b}} keys %h){
printf $fw " %-2d %-3d %s\n", $h{$t}, $anumber->{$t}, $t;
print $fw "%endblock Chemical_Species_label\n\n";
print $fw "%block LatticeVectors\n";
foreach my $v (@$lvec){
printf $fw " % -3.8f % -3.8f % -3.8f\n", @$v;
print $fw "%endblock LatticeVectors\n\n";
print $fw "%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies\n";
foreach my $a (@$atoms){
printf $fw " % -3.8f % -3.8f % -3.8f %d\n", @{$a->{coord}},
print $fw "%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies\n";
close $fw;
sub get_energy{
my ($siestaout) = @_;
open(my $fh, $siestaout) || die "Can not open file: $!";
my $readtot = 0;
my $energy = 99999.;
$energy = $1;
$readtot=1 if /^siesta:\s*Final\s+energy/;
close $fh;
return $energy;
sub run_siesta{
my ($lvec,$atoms) = @_;
my $tdir = "siesta.$conf->{name}"; #tempdir(DIR => "./", CLEANUP => $conf->{cleanup});
mkdir $tdir || die "Can not mkdir $tdir : $!";
chdir $tdir || die "Can not chdir into dir : $!";
my $fname = "$conf->{name}.fdf";
my $siestaout = "siesta.out";
make_fdf($fname, $lvec, $atoms);
my %atype = map {$_->{type} => 1} @$atoms;
foreach my $a (keys %atype){
if(-e "$PSEUDODIR/$a.psf"){
copy("$PSEUDODIR/$a.psf", "$a.psf");
die "No pseudopotential for element $a is found.\n";
my $cmd = "$RUN_PREFIX $siesta < $fname > $siestaout";
my $E = get_energy($siestaout);
chdir "../" || die "Can not chdir ../ : $!";
system("/bin/rm -rf $tdir");
return $E;
sub mysystem{
if($conf->{dry} || $conf->{verbose}){
print STDOUT "@_\n";
return system("/bin/true",3) if $conf->{dry} && $conf->{verbose};
return 0 if $conf->{dry};
return system(@_);
sub parse_strout{
my ($file) = @_;
open(my $fh, $file) || die "Can not open file: $!";
my @cvec = map {$_=<$fh>; [split] } (0..2);
my @lvec = map {$_=<$fh>; [split] } (0..2);
my @clvec = map {cvec2cart($_,\@cvec)} @lvec;
my @atoms = ();
my @t = split /[\s,]+/;
my $a = pop @t;
my $v = cvec2cart(\@t,\@cvec);
push @atoms, {type => $a, coord => $v};
close $fh;
return (\@clvec,\@atoms);
sub cvec2cart{
my ($v,$cvec) = @_;
local $^W = 0;
#my @t=pairwise { [map {$a *$_} @$b] } @$v,@$cvec;
my @t = ();
for(my $i=0; $i<@$v; $i++){
my $a = $v->[$i];
my $b = $cvec->[$i];
push @t, [map {$a * $_} @$b];
my @l = ();
for(my $i=0; $i<3; $i++){
do { $l[$i]+=$_->[$i] } foreach @t;
return \@l;
sub atom_number_table{
my %t = (
"H" => 1 ,
"He" => 2 ,
"Li" => 3 ,
"Be" => 4 ,
"B" => 5 ,
"C" => 6 ,
"N" => 7 ,
"O" => 8 ,
"F" => 9 ,
"Ne" => 10 ,
"Na" => 11 ,
"Mg" => 12 ,
"Al" => 13 ,
"Si" => 14 ,
"P" => 15 ,
"S" => 16 ,
"Cl" => 17 ,
"Ar" => 18 ,
"K" => 19 ,
"Ca" => 20 ,
"Sc" => 21 ,
"Ti" => 22 ,
"V" => 23 ,
"Cr" => 24 ,
"Mn" => 25 ,
"Fe" => 26 ,
"Co" => 27 ,
"Ni" => 28 ,
"Cu" => 29 ,
"Zn" => 30 ,
"Ga" => 31 ,
"Ge" => 32 ,
"As" => 33 ,
"Se" => 34 ,
"Br" => 35 ,
"Kr" => 36 ,
"Rb" => 37 ,
"Sr" => 38 ,
"Y" => 39 ,
"Zr" => 40 ,
"Nb" => 41 ,
"Mo" => 42 ,
"Tc" => 43 ,
"Ru" => 44 ,
"Rh" => 45 ,
"Pd" => 46 ,
"Ag" => 47 ,
"Cd" => 48 ,
"In" => 49 ,
"Sn" => 50 ,
"Sb" => 51 ,
"Te" => 52 ,
"I" => 53 ,
"Xe" => 54 ,
"Cs" => 55 ,
"Ba" => 56 ,
"La" => 57 ,
"Ce" => 58 ,
"Pr" => 59 ,
"Nd" => 60 ,
"Pm" => 61 ,
"Sm" => 62 ,
"Eu" => 63 ,
"Gd" => 64 ,
"Tb" => 65 ,
"Dy" => 66 ,
"Ho" => 67 ,
"Er" => 68 ,
"Tm" => 69 ,
"Yb" => 70 ,
"Lu" => 71 ,
"Hf" => 72 ,
"Ta" => 73 ,
"W" => 74 ,
"Re" => 75 ,
"Os" => 76 ,
"Ir" => 77 ,
"Pt" => 78 ,
"Au" => 79 ,
"Hg" => 80 ,
"Tl" => 81 ,
"Pb" => 82 ,
"Bi" => 83 ,
"Po" => 84 ,
"At" => 85 ,
"Rn" => 86 ,
"Fr" => 87 ,
"Ra" => 88 ,
"Ac" => 89 ,
"Th" => 90 ,
"Pa" => 91 ,
"U" => 92 ,
"Np" => 93 ,
"Pu" => 94 ,
"Am" => 95 ,
"Cm" => 96 ,
"Bk" => 97 ,
"Cf" => 98 ,
"Es" => 99 ,
"Fm" => 100,
"Md" => 101,
"No" => 102,
"Lr" => 103,
"Rf" => 104,
"Db" => 105,
"Sg" => 106,
"Bh" => 107,
"Hs" => 108,
"Mt" => 109,
"Ds" => 110,
"Rg" => 111,
"Cn" => 112,
"Uut" => 113,
"Fl" => 114,
"Uup" => 115,
"Lv" => 116,
"Uus" => 117,
"Uuo" => 118
return \%t;
sub siesta_head{
foreach my $head ("siesta.wrap", "../siesta.wrap","../../siesta.wrap"){
if(-f $head){
open(my $fh, $head) || die "Can not open $head: $!";
local $/ = undef;
my $t = <$fh>;
close $fh;
return $t;
return <<SHEAD;
DM.MixingWeight 0.01
DM.Tolerance 0.001
DM.NumberPulay 5
# DM.Require.Energy.Convergence .true.
# DM.Energy.Tolerance 0.01
PAO.BasisSize dz
SolutionMethod diagon
AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
MaxSCFIterations 1000
SpinPolarized False
MeshCutoff 4081.709348 eV
LatticeConstant 1.0 Ang
%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
5 0 0 0.5
0 5 0 0.5
0 0 5 0.5
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
MD.TypeOfRun CG # Type of dynamics:
MD.VariableCell .false.
#MD.NumCGsteps 50
#MD.NumCGsteps 1
WriteKbands .false.
WriteBands .false.
UseSaveData True
DM.UseSaveDM True
sub print_usage_and_die{
$0 [OPTION] [remotecmd host]
-v, --verbose
-n, --dry Dry mode. Doesn't actually do anything, just
says what it would do
-c, --cleanup Remove siesta working directory (default=false)
-o, --oute File to write energy value into (default=energy)
-x, --name Siesta system name label and file prefix (default=XYZ)
-e, --cmd Siesta executable name (default=siesta)
-p, --ppdir Pseudopotential directory; can be set also with
environment variables PSEUDODIR or SIESTA_PSEUDO
-r, --runprefix siesta run prefix, e.g. "mpirun -np 4"
-h, --help print this message
Grigori Kolesov
pollmach runstruct_siesta -e siesta.static -p ~/run/Pseudo/GGA
If siesta.wrap file exists in the current directory or in ../ , or in
../../ the script will use it as a siesta input fdf file (and will add the
geometry and atomic specie setup), otherwise the default at the bottom of
this script will be used.
Note that the siesta.wrap file should not contain LatticeConstant and
SystemLabel fields which are also setup by the script.
If the ~/.machines.rc file is set up and contains something like
ssh node1 sar -u 1 1 | getvalue "Average: all" + node -s node1
the script should be able to run siesta via "node" script / ssh.