diff --git a/.dockerignore b/.dockerignore
index 5192e3b..2edfb47 100644
--- a/.dockerignore
+++ b/.dockerignore
@@ -32,5 +32,6 @@ Thumbs.db
# Local Developer Notes
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1521c8b..650294f 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index e5a7021..be70c3a 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -16,4 +16,6 @@ ENV SERVER_PORT 8787
+USER 5020
LABEL maintainer="s174509@dtu.dk"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b1bbdef..48107da 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,128 @@
-- [ ] Don't use commit ID when tagging dev containers / check clean git tree before allowing a commit ID tag.
-- [ ] `pre-commit install` as part of `run.sh`?
+# DTU Python Support
+This is the repository containing the "DTU Python Support" book.
+See it live: https://pysupport.timesigned.com.
+## Getting Started
+We've automated all the gnarly steps between beautiful `*.md` source files, and a real, running website.
+You'll need to have the following commands available:
+- `git`:
+- `python`: Newer than `3.9`.
+- `podman`:
+- `pre-commit`:
+- `echo "I am not afraid of the terminal!"`
+Once that's set, go ahead and grab (`clone`, in `git` terms) this repo:
+git clone https://git.sofus.io/so-rose/site-support.git
+cd site-support
+Now, you can view the book in your local browser:
+./run.py app
+## Now, navigate to http://localhost:8787 in your browser.
+## CTRL+C to exit.
+Run this whenever you want to preview any changes you made to `src/*.md` files!
+# Contributing
+Let's say you've made some cool changes, and you want to propose they go into the book.
+First of all, thank you!
+But, how do?
+At this point, you'll need to know a bit of `git`.
+Incidentally, the book contains a quick guide at [`src/basics/collaboration/git`](./src/basics/collaboration/git)!
+This git-powered puzzle game is also a surprisingly effective teacher:
+Armed with this knowledge, make a branch **within the repo folder**:
+git checkout -b
+git branch
+You're now on a new branch, which belongs only to you!
+Now, commit your changes. Remember to use [Conventional Commit](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) format for your commit message.
+For example:
+git add -A
+git status ## Always review your changes!
+git commit -m "feat: New page!"
+That's it! Give it a `git push`.
+All that's left is to start a [Pull Request](https://git.sofus.io/so-rose/site-support/pulls), and wait for someone on the team to examine your contribution.
+When several people collaborate, the workflow might end up looking something like this:
+ commit
+ commit tag: "v0.1.0"
+ branch bobs-cool-new-feature
+ branch jills-hotfix
+ checkout bobs-cool-new-feature
+ commit
+ commit
+ commit
+ checkout jills-hotfix
+ commit
+ commit
+ checkout main
+ merge jills-hotfix tag: "v0.1.1"
+ merge bobs-cool-new-feature tag: "v0.2.0"
+# Structure of the Book
+The book is structured to minimize technical wonk, and let you *focus on writing*.
+This is made possible due to `mdbook`, this project avoids a lot of the technical boiler
+## Easy Overview / ToC / Menu: `src/SUMMARY.md`
+The beating heart of the book is [`src/SUMMARY.md`](./src/SUMMARY.md).
+The headings, bullet nesting, and links result in the side-menu.
+## Written in Markdown: A Gentler Take on Text
+"Markdown" is text for humans. That's it!
+This **entire book** is written in **100% normal** "Markdown".
+The *only* filetype in `src/` is `*.md`.
+All `.md` files can be opened in *any text editor*.
+No, not Word; think Notepad, vim, VSCodium!
+But what does it look like? Ya know, `.md` files?
+It looks pretty normal, honestly.
+You can **bold**, *italic*, and even write `cool_l33t_code`!
+You'll need a [text editor of some kind](https://neovim.io/), of course.
+But you'll find that super quick; after all, you are:
+- Cool
+- Knowledgeable
+- Awesome
+With a little bit of extension magic, like the built-in MermaidJS, you can even impress your cat!
+ title Learning to Use site-support: A User Journey
+ section Utter Confusion
+ Find the Repo: 1: You, A Rus, A Kitten
+ Clone the Repo: 3: You, A Kitten
+ Notice it's all .md: 5: You
+ section Fun and Games
+ Discover ./run.py app: 7: You
+ Change stuff: 9: You
+# Conclusion
+You should have everything you need to get started.
+If anything is still confusing, don't hesitate to report an [Issue](https://git.sofus.io/so-rose/site-support/issues)!
diff --git a/run.py b/run.py
index a7a1fd4..47d4b53 100755
--- a/run.py
+++ b/run.py
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ CMD_DEPENDENCIES = [
IMAGE_NAME = "site-support"
-IMAGE_VERSION = ("0", "0", "1")
+IMAGE_VERSION = ("0", "1", "0")
REGISTRY_HOST = "git.sofus.io"
REGISTRY_USER = "so-rose"
-REGISTRY_PASSWORD = subprocess.check_output(
+REGISTRY_PASSWORD = lambda: subprocess.check_output(
['pass', 'services/home/git.sofus.io/container-registry-token']
@@ -52,18 +52,28 @@ REGISTRY_PASSWORD = subprocess.check_output(
# - Help Text
def action_help() -> None:
- print("""This script provides one-click development, CI, and deployment.
+ print(f"""This script provides one-click development, CI, and deployment,
+ to support the use of the {IMAGE_NAME} project.
echo -e "./run.py [OPTION] [EXTRAS]"
+ Program Information:
+ Version
+ => {".".join(IMAGE_VERSION)}
+ OCI Container
The following commands must be available:
- => The project is developed and run in podman containers.
+ => This project is developed and run in podman containers.
+ => https://podman.io/
=> This project uses git for versioning, and collaboration.
+ => https://git-scm.com/
=> Enforces that certain checks pass at each commit.
+ => https://pre-commit.com/
@@ -74,40 +84,41 @@ def action_help() -> None:
Options, Run Locally:
./run.py app
- => Will run the app on port 8787, for local development.
+ => Will run the app live on port 8787.
Options, Check:
./run.py check
=> Will run all checks, including static analysis and tests.
./run.py analyze-quality [OPTIONS]
- => Will run the static code-quality analysis suite.
- => OPTIONS will be passed directly to the tool (ruff).
+ => Not yet implemented...
+ => Potentially, could run ruff on Python snippets in the book.
./run.py analyze-types [OPTIONS]
- => Will run the static type checking suite.
- => OPTIONS will be passed directly to the tool (mypy).
+ => Not yet implemented...
+ => Potentially, could run mypy on Python snippets in the book.
./run.py analyze-security
=> Will run the static security analysis suite.
./run.py analyze-format [--overwrite] [OPTIONS]
- => Will run the code formatter in read-only omde.
- => '--overwrite' will cause the formater to reformat all files.
- => OPTIONS will be passed directly to the tool (tan).
+ => Not yet implemented...
+ => Potentially, could format Python snippets in the book.
./run.py test
+ => Not yet impelmented...
+ => Potentially, would test distro commands in an appropriate container.
+ => Potentially, would turn Python snippets into pytest units.
+ - See https://github.com/modal-labs/pytest-markdown-docs
=> Will run all Markdown Python snippets as tests.
Options, Build & Deploy:
./run.py build
- => Will build, tag and upload a docker image appropriately.
- ./run.py build-release
- => Will build, tag and upload a docker image appropriate for release.
+ => Will build a docker image, and tag it :dev.
Options, Housekeeping:
./run.py clean
+ => Not yet implemented...
=> Will delete all data caused by this project's presence on your system.
@@ -161,15 +172,13 @@ def action_publish() -> None:
"podman", "login", REGISTRY_HOST,
"--username", REGISTRY_USER,
- "--password", REGISTRY_PASSWORD,
+ "--password", REGISTRY_PASSWORD(),
- ## TODO: Ensure git tag matches.
# Tag & Publish Image @ :
"podman", "image", "push",
- f"{IMAGE_NAME}:dev",
+ f"{IMAGE_NAME}:{get_git_revision_hash()}",
@@ -182,7 +191,7 @@ def action_publish() -> None:
# Tag Image
"podman", "tag",
- f"{IMAGE_NAME}:dev",
+ f"{IMAGE_NAME}:{get_git_revision_hash()}",
@@ -206,6 +215,22 @@ def action_app() -> None:
+# - Actions - Analyze
+def action_analyze_security() -> None:
+ Path('.cache-trivy').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ subprocess.run([
+ "podman", "run", "--rm", "-it",
+ "--workdir", "/src",
+ "--volume", ".:/src",
+ "--volume", "./.cache-trivy:/root/.cache",
+ "ghcr.io/aquasecurity/trivy:latest",
+ "fs", "--quiet", "--scanners", "vuln,secret,config,license",
+ "--exit-code", "1", "./"
+ ])
@@ -215,7 +240,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Check Available Commands
if not cmd_exists(cmd) :
- print("One or more dependencies are not installed. Please see --help.")
+ print(f"{cmd} is not installed. Please see --help for instructions.")
with cd_script_dir():
@@ -227,6 +252,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
"app": action_app,
"dev": lambda: print("TBD"),
+ "analyze-security": action_analyze_security,
"help": action_help,
"-h": action_help,
"--help": action_help,
diff --git a/src/basics/collaboration/git.md b/src/basics/collaboration/git.md
index e69de29..9789688 100644
--- a/src/basics/collaboration/git.md
+++ b/src/basics/collaboration/git.md
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# For git noobsies
+Start by reading: http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/.
+This is also not meant to be an in depth introduction to git. It should, however, be enough to get you working. Also, it assumes you have a working git installation.
+To **configure** git:
+ 1. `git config --global user.name ` where `` is your git (or GitHub) username.
+ 2. `git config --global user.email ` where `` is your git (or GitHub) email.
+ 3. Confirm that the information is correct with `git config --global --list`.
+To **clone** (download) this repository:
+ 1. Move to the desired directory and write `git clone https://github.com/volesen/DiscreteMath.git ` where `` is the name of the directory to place it in.
+To **pull** (update your local repository) from origin:
+ 1. `git pull`.
+ 2. Done. If this fails, it's probably because you've changed or removed some files others have also changed or removed.
+To create a **branch**:
+ 1. Create an issue using the web GUI. From here on `` will refer to the id of the issue. For example 14.
+ 1. Create a new branch `git checkout -b ` where `` is `-issue`. This also moves your HEAD to the new branch.
+To **push** (upload) your changes to the current branch:
+ 1. Before anything else, make sure to pull the current branch with `git pull`. This helps in dealing with merge conflicts
+ 2. `git add .` to add all your changed, deleted and added files to the "staging area".
+ 3. `git commit -m ""` to create a "commit" with all your changes. This only changes things in your local repository. should be a short description of what your commit changes. [A great guide to writing good messages](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/).
+ 4. `git push` to push your newly created commit to the branch. This is the first time any changes are made outside of your computer. [branch](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging). If it is a new branch write `git push --set-upstream origin ` where `` is the name of the branch.
+ 5. Aaand your done.
+To **swap** branch (if you want to work at multiple branches simultaneously):
+ 1. `git checkout ` where `` is the name of the branch.
+To **delete** a branch:
+ 1. To delete a local branch write `git branch -d ` where `` is the name of the branch.
+ 1. To delete a remote branch (be careful!) write `git push origin --delete ` where is the name of the branch.
+To **move** or delete files without breaking git:
+ 1. To move a file that's tracked by git without breaking things, use `git mv `.
+ 2. To delete a file that's tracked by git, use `git rm `.
+In general it is better to commit as often as possible. Make sure what you have works and doesn't break anything else, and then commit that shit. Doesn't matter if it's a single line or a corrected punctuation mark in a comment. Commits are not precious. That way you never change too many files at a time or give others the time to do the same, reducing the need to merge files. It also makes it easier to write good commit messages :)
+### Rebasing and Why You Need It
+Imagine the following situation:
+ - You start a branch `feature` from some commit on `master`; let's call this commit 0a.
+ - You make 3 commits to feature: 1b, 2b, and 3b.
+ - Meanwhile, 5 new commits are made on master: 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a.
+ - It comes time to merge feature with master. But there's a problem:
+ You worked from 0a, thus you can't `git merge` with master, which is at 5a.
+ - What to do?
+Right now your feature branch looks like this: 0a -> 1b -> 2b -> 3b.
+You need it to look like this: 0a -> **1a -> 2a -> 3a -> 4a -> 5a** -> 1b -> 2b -> 3b.
+To make this reality, you can use the *magic of rebasing*!
+ 1. Checkout your branch: `git checkout feature`.
+ 2. Hit git log. It looks like 0a -> 1b -> 2b -> 3b.
+ 2. *Rebase* from master: `git rebase master`.
+ 4. Hit git log. It now looks like 0a -> **1a -> 2a -> 3a -> 4a -> 5a** -> 1b -> 2b -> 3b.
+ 5. You've *changed history*. Now, if you were to go `git checkout master` and `git merge feature`, everything will work!
+You'll notice a **problem**: Because of the changed history, you can no longer push to the remote branch. This can be fixed in two ways:
+ * If you're an asshole: `git push --force`. You'll overwrite the entire remote branch with your local one. **CAREFUL!**
+ * If you can live with a merge commit: `git pull feature`. You'll create a merge commit, combining the rebased and unrebased versions, after which `git push` will work flawlessly.
+Also, a PSA: Delete your branches when they're merged!