- Current Issues / Roadmap: <https://git.sofus.io/python-support/site-support/issues>
- Current Proposed Changes: <https://git.sofus.io/python-support/site-support/pulls>
You can find detailed detailed instructions on how to contribute at the [dedicated page of the book](./meta/contributing/README.md).
# License
This book is released under the [AGPL software license](https://www.tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-affero-general-public-license-v3-agpl-3-0).
In general (**NOTE: This is not legal advice, and is not legally binding**), the AGPL is designed to protect your freedom to ex. use, sell, modify, and distribute the contents of the book & associated source code, so long as you *also extend the same freedoms to anybody you distribute it/derivative works to*.
For the legally valid license terms, please refer to the full license text: <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html>.