# Containerized `mdbook` `mdbook` () is an easy way to generate beautiful book-like websites from simple Markdown text files. This repository compiles and packages a ready-to-use contianer running `mdbook`. ## Easy Book->Website `mdbook` repositories are very clean: Just a `src/` folder with a bunch of markdown text files. `docker-mdbook` makes it easy to turn that clean bundle of text files into a website deployable as a container. Here's a multi-stage Dockerfile example: ```Dockerfile #################### # - Stage: SSG #################### FROM git.sofus.io/python-support/docker-mdbook:0.1.0 AS base COPY . /src RUN mdbook build /src --dest-dir /dist #################### # - Stage: Serve Static Files #################### FROM ghcr.io/static-web-server/static-web-server:2 COPY --from=base /dist /app ENV SERVER_PORT 8787 ENV SERVER_ROOT /app ENV SERVER_LOG_LEVEL info USER 5020 ``` Put this `Dockerfile` in your book repository, then build & run with your favorite container tool: ```bash podman build . --tag mybook:dev podman run --rm -it -p 8787:8787 mybook:dev ## In your browser, go to localhost:8787 ``` The principle is the same for hot-reloading with ex. `mdbook serve`.