import zipfile import contextlib import shutil import sys from pathlib import Path import bpy import addon_utils PATH_ROOT = Path(__file__).resolve().parent #################### # - Defined Constants #################### ADDON_NAME = "blender_maxwell" PATH_BLEND = PATH_ROOT / "demo.blend" PATH_ADDON_DEPS = PATH_ROOT / ".cached-dependencies" #################### # - Computed Constants #################### PATH_ADDON = PATH_ROOT / ADDON_NAME PATH_ADDON_ZIP = PATH_ROOT / (ADDON_NAME + ".zip") #################### # - Utilities #################### @contextlib.contextmanager def zipped_directory(path_dir: Path, path_zip: Path): """Context manager that exposes a zipped version of a directory, then deletes the .zip file afterwards. """ # Delete Existing ZIP file (if exists) if path_zip.is_file(): path_zip.unlink() # Create a (new) ZIP file of the addon directory with zipfile.ZipFile(path_zip, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as f_zip: for file_to_zip in path_dir.rglob('*'): f_zip.write(file_to_zip, file_to_zip.relative_to(path_dir.parent)) # Delete the ZIP try: yield path_zip finally: path_zip.unlink() #################### # - main() #################### if __name__ == "__main__": # Check and uninstall the addon if it's enabled is_loaded_by_default, is_loaded_now = addon_utils.check(ADDON_NAME) if is_loaded_now: # Disable the Addon addon_utils.disable(ADDON_NAME, default_set=True, handle_error=None) # Completey Delete the Addon for mod in addon_utils.modules(): if mod.__name__ == ADDON_NAME: # Delete Addon from Blender Python Tree shutil.rmtree(Path(mod.__file__).parent) # Reset All Addons addon_utils.reset_all() # Save User Preferences & Break bpy.ops.wm.save_userpref() break # Quit Blender (hard-flush Python environment) ## - Python environments are not made to be partially flushed. ## - This is the only truly reliable way to avoid all bugs. ## - See bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() try: raise RuntimeError except: sys.exit(42) with zipped_directory(PATH_ADDON, PATH_ADDON_ZIP) as path_zipped: # Install the ZIPped Addon bpy.ops.preferences.addon_install(filepath=str(path_zipped)) # Enable the Addon addon_utils.enable( ADDON_NAME, default_set=True, persistent=True, handle_error=None, ) # Save User Preferences bpy.ops.wm.save_userpref() # Load the .blend bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath=str(PATH_BLEND)) # Ensure Addon-Specific Dependency Cache is Importable ## - In distribution, the addon keeps this folder in the Blender script tree. ## - For testing, we need to hack sys.path here. ## - This avoids having to install all deps with every reload. if str(PATH_ADDON_DEPS) not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, str(PATH_ADDON_DEPS)) # Modify any specific settings, if needed # Example: bpy.context.preferences.addons[addon_name].preferences.your_setting = "your_value"