init: Thesis repository.

Sofus Albert Høgsbro Rose 2024-01-29 14:33:17 +01:00
commit ac84d8fca2
Signed by: so-rose
GPG Key ID: AD901CB0F3701434
6 changed files with 489 additions and 0 deletions

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# Articles
## Wave Optics
Fourier Modal Method:
- <>
## Maxwell-Bloch
## Diffraction
## Chiroptical Properties
**Chiroptical Properties Overview**
- <>
- *Also PDF*.
Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
- <>
Absolute Configuration
- Spatial arrangement of atoms within a chiral molecular entity
- <>
Optical Rotary Dispersion
- Variation in the optical rotation of a substance with a change in the wavelength of light.
- <>
## Molecular Dynamics related to Varying Chiral Responses to EM Fields
Perspectives on external electric fields in molecular simulation: progress, prospects and challenges
- General overview of molecular simulation type stuff.
- Brings me to *English et al.* article.
- <>
Coupling of translational and rotational motion in chiral liquids in electromagnetic and circularly polarised electric fields
- <>
## General PDE Learning
Intro to Maxwell PDE Solutions
- Slides: <>
## FEM Tool Aggregators
Resume of This Guy:
- <>
Blog Post of This Guy:
- <>
Differentiable Solvers (fluid-focused):
- <>
Survey of Julia-Based PDE Solvers:
- <>
## Geometry Tools
- Nice abstraction on top of `gmsh`.
- PyPi: <>
## FEM Learning
Wikipedia: <>
Finite Element Encyclopedia
- Home: <>
- Nedelec: <>
Introduction to FEM for Maxwell
- <>
## FEM Solvers
- **NOT Open Source**. Pedatory license.
- General-purpose PDE solver.
- Limited Python Interface: <>
- **NO GPU**
- Extremely advanced Python muliphysics solver.
- Project: <>
- Sphere EM Scattering: <>
- Finite Elements for Maxwell Solvers: <>
- Maxwell Eigenvalue FEM Solver: <>
- JAX Integration for Autograd: <>
- Tutorial: <>
- Multiphysics Models in FEniCS: <>
- Gallery of FEM Solvers: <>
- The FEniCS Tutorial Volume 1: <>
- Domain-specific C++-like language
- Documentation: <>
- <>
- Project: <>
- Models: <>
- Python Interface: <>
- Docker: <>
- Doesn't seem to do much (if any) wave stuff.
- Repo: <>
- Paper: <>
- Sister Project for Additive Manufacturing: <>
- A crazy C++ library.
- <>
## Julia FEM Solvers
- <>
## FEM Fluid Solvers
## FEM Theory
Matrix-Free FEM Solver
- Paper: <>
## Topological Optimization
FreeFEM-based Topology Optimization
- Paper: <>

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